Doc Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 I care. it shows blatant disregard for the scientific method and rational thinking. "enormous success" does not equate to intelligence. now let's turn to Obama. what proof do you have? I've produced proof of his credentials. where is your proof that he has none? and once again, why does it matter if you are not willing to judge conservative candidates on their academic records? How do you suppose he became a top neurosurgeon without regard to scientific method and rational thinking? Did he just pray during surgery? And no, enormous success does not necessarily equate with intelligence. But it's fairly obvious that Carson is highly intelligent. To claim otherwise is laughable.
Rob's House Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 I keep asking because the birthers keep asking about Obama's academic credentials. so let's broaden the question: do the academic credentials of any of the repug candidates matter to you? When your academic credentials are your ONLY meaningful accomplishment they get a little more scrutiny.
keepthefaith Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 When your academic credentials are your ONLY meaningful accomplishment they get a little more scrutiny. Peter Principle. Here's a refresher.........
Doc Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 Peter Principle. Here's a refresher......... Amazingingly accurate and after just a month on the job for Barry.
B-Man Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 Hmmmmm. “Once again, Donald Trump steps on a negative news cycle for Obama.”
ExiledInIllinois Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 Sieg Heil! The Donald! Caption this pic... Be very, VERY scared of über-nationalistic xenophobia! Be very scared!
Nanker Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 this only proves that the US is a very long way from burying racism. shouldn't surprise anyone. if people like biden think like this, what should one imagine trump supporters think? let's go back to the question of academic credentials, however. Does it matter to any of you cons how trump did in school? if not, then why does it matter how Obama did? for the record, it matters to me. I want an intellectual as prez. most of you don't. trump aint that. I believe Obama is. so why is Obama's academic record an issue to some of you? What proof do you have of B O's intellectual capacity? What scholarly tome has he authored? What strategic position papers has he written? What legislation in the Illinois Senate did he sponsor or even co-sponsor? What were his accomplishments as a US Senator from Illinois? What articles has he penned? Where is the evidence - other than the sheepskin he was handed at commencement? The rousing speech in front of the DNC when he was a Senator for a year? Yet, you hold on to his Harvard credentials when they're as phony as the "Brain" the Scarecrow got from The Wizard. He got into grad school as a foreign exchange student. The admissions standards for that are fairly low. The liberals in charge at Columbia and Harvard fell all over themselves to grace his path with ease. What articles did he pen before or while he was the editor at HLR? What salient edits did he make to any that were published in his time there? I know how the Grad schools at Harvard work. They're highly focused on case-based teamwork. The team breaks assignments down, some do research, some do writing, and some... make the team's presentation in front of the class. Everyone gets the same grade, regardless of effort they put into the sum total. It's a cake walk for a lifetime skater. I know. I carried several of those types through too many classes to think differently. I frankly questioned how they were allowed into grad school because they were certainly deficient in many requisite skill areas - common sense, writing, critical thinking. His POTUS speeches are written by ghost writers. His intellect is lacking. He's lazy. He can't even deliver a coherent speech without the aid of his teleprompters. While the media glosses over his malapropisms like Marine "Corpseman", they reveal the alarming level of lack of knowledge and experience that he has. But then again, he spent decades being coddled in a marinade of liberal group-think. He's a political disaster in shoes, blames America and Christians first. His instincts are those of a coward who is ashamed of his country. He never should have been elected to the Presidency. His regime is an unmitigated disaster. He's taken us from being the world's foremost superpower to being a cowering giant, afraid of the boogeyman. He protects and defends radical Muslims with great vigor, but is hollow in his defense of America and our freedoms. He's racially divisive when he was elected on the hope and promise that he could aid in healing race relations in this country. He is in short - a fraud.
Justice Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 (edited) This guy scares the crap out of me. They got wifi in concentration camps? Edited December 8, 2015 by Justice
birdog1960 Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 he's the best thing for dems to happen during a prez election since ross perot. keep propping up those poll numbers. fools...
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 Are freed black slave holders not freed blacks? How could you possibly undertake a study of that era of American history, and when studying the outcomes of freed blacks in the South; not be blown away by a figure indicating that 43% of freed black heads of households in South Carolina were slave owners? How could you not want to learn more about that? Further, I'm curious about what you're hinting at as Louis Henry Gates Jr's motivations for study? This is one of your dumbest posts ever. Because 304 Irish immigrants were police officers in NY City in 1855, and that has been romanticized into folk lore 160 years later, that somehow means that actual Irish history didn't happen? It means that my ancestors weren't brought here on boats as indentured servants? The Irish and blacks did share the very lowest rungs of American society, but the Irish were eventually allowed up. The blacks had to wait till the Civil Rights movement. By that time we had already had an Irish Catholic president. Not sure what you think is "dumb" about the fact blacks faced way more discrimination than any Europeans over the long term My dad who grew up in Batavia in the 30's and 40's had to sneak to the "white" part of town to date a white girl. Got beat up for not being white. That's right his dad came from Italy. Still, whites had access to better jobs than blacks and were able to build up capital more easily than blacks. Blacks, by and large, were simply excluded from decent paying jobs. I mean, why do you think they were so poor?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 “Thank God for Donald Trump,” says Bill Press, a radio show host and former chairman of the Democratic Party in California. “I think he's the best thing that’s ever happened to the Democratic Party this year, because Donald Trump’s the new face of the Republican Party, no doubt about it.” Even Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, could not contain her glee about Trump, bursting into laughter when she heard his name during an interview with ABC on Sunday.
birdog1960 Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 from the linked fiscal times article: " personality had hurt the party’s image, while just 16 percent said he had helped the party. But among the voters who count the most to Trump right now – meaning Republicans who will vote in the 2016 presidential primaries and caucuses, 43 percent believe that Trump is helping the GOP’s image while 40 percent say he has hurt it." this 40-45% number among republicans keeps showing it's ugly head. it's a group I believe is well represented here on ppp. it's a group that is damaging the republican brand every day and strengthening the democrat brand. strong work.
keepthefaith Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 Once again Trump takes on a tough issue but misses the mark. You can make a great case now for making our borders much more secure and for greatly reducing immigration until we can better evaluate who is coming here and why and for how long. He had a great opportunity to communicate this but instead launched another scud missile. from the linked fiscal times article: " personality had hurt the party’s image, while just 16 percent said he had helped the party. But among the voters who count the most to Trump right now – meaning Republicans who will vote in the 2016 presidential primaries and caucuses, 43 percent believe that Trump is helping the GOP’s image while 40 percent say he has hurt it." this 40-45% number among republicans keeps showing it's ugly head. it's a group I believe is well represented here on ppp. it's a group that is damaging the republican brand every day and strengthening the democrat brand. strong work. It really won't matter unless Trump gets the nomination which is unlikely IMO. 10 months from now voters won't care about Trumpism's from a year before.
birdog1960 Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 Once again Trump takes on a tough issue but misses the mark. You can make a great case now for making our borders much more secure and for greatly reducing immigration until we can better evaluate who is coming here and why and for how long. He had a great opportunity to communicate this but instead launched another scud missile. It really won't matter unless Trump gets the nomination which is unlikely IMO. 10 months from now voters won't care about Trumpism's from a year before. watch his republican poll numbers go up regardless.
keepthefaith Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 watch his republican poll numbers go up regardless. Not a single vote has been cast. While he's getting the headlines, other candidates are working the local areas in early primary states.
TakeYouToTasker Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 The Irish and blacks did share the very lowest rungs of American society, but the Irish were eventually allowed up. The blacks had to wait till the Civil Rights movement. By that time we had already had an Irish Catholic president. Not sure what you think is "dumb" about the fact blacks faced way more discrimination than any Europeans over the long term Thank you for making my point for me. The Irish, after having the boot taken off of their throats, made their way into the Oval Office in roughly 60-65 years. Black Americans did the same. The key difference being that the Irish no longer languish on the lower rungs as a demographic. They made their strides with no programs designed to aid them as a group, and no affirmative action. The truth is that what holds black Americans back, as a demographic, is the perverse incentives created by the programs supposedly in place to help them. The programs disincentivize the nuclear family, marginalize the importance of black men, discourage self reliance, discourage work ethic, discourage pooling of extended family resources, and ultimately replace upward mobility with the soft slavery of intergenerational dependence as a way of life.
IDBillzFan Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 It's telling to me that so many SoProgs are happy with Trump because he takes the focus off of a president who can't even address the country in a scripted speech after a terror attck without showing what an incompetent boob he is.
birdog1960 Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 (edited) It's telling to me that so many SoProgs are happy with Trump because he takes the focus off of a president who can't even address the country in a scripted speech after a terror attck without showing what an incompetent boob he is. what it should tell you is that a large percentage (40-45%) of the party are mindless idiots. the party and unfortunately, also the country are weaker for them. Edited December 8, 2015 by birdog1960
IDBillzFan Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 what it should tell you is that a large percentage (40-45%) of the party are mindless idiots. the party and unfortunately, also the country are weaker for them. I would say more like 60 percent. But at least we both agree about your party, so you see...there can be middle ground across party lines.
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