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Trump Alone at the Top

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He risked losing a portion of his soft base support, and I think last night's debate helped solidify that support. In regards to the more moderate supporters that are needed in the coalition to win the W.H, I don't think there really is anything he could do to win them over. His only hope is for Hillary to have an extremely low turnout.


I've been saying that for quite a while: this election will come down to turnout more than anything.

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Let me guess, having Trump line up Willie's hit parade in the front row on national TV was all part of Clinton's plan to get the coronation?


I am not in the tinfoil hat brigade but I'm guessing that Trump's actions didn't move the needle one bit for any undecided or fence-sitting voter.


To the extent I care about Bill's accusers and their relationship to Hillary, I care a hell of a lot more about plans for the economy, foreign policy especially wrt the Middle East and Russia, ideas for Obamacare because you can't just pull the plug on it in a day, etc. Trump made issue #78 the talk of the day, like the moron he is.

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I am not in the tinfoil hat brigade but I'm guessing that Trump's actions didn't move the needle one bit for any undecided or fence-sitting voter.


To the extent I care about Bill's accusers and their relationship to Hillary, I care a hell of a lot more about plans for the economy, foreign policy especially wrt the Middle East and Russia, ideas for Obamacare because you can't just pull the plug on it in a day, etc. Trump made issue #78 the talk of the day, like the moron he is.


I care a lot more about having a Congress that will step up, do its job, and put the brakes on the increasingly authoritarian executive office.


I just happen to think Trump's the best chance of that happening because too many people believe Hillary can do no wrong...whereas virtually no one believes that about Trump.

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I care a lot more about having a Congress that will step up, do its job, and put the brakes on the increasingly authoritarian executive office.


I just happen to think Trump's the best chance of that happening because too many people believe Hillary can do no wrong...whereas virtually no one believes that about Trump.


Is there a way to help Congress do its job without the commander in chief being a reality TV star?

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I am not in the tinfoil hat brigade but I'm guessing that Trump's actions didn't move the needle one bit for any undecided or fence-sitting voter.


To the extent I care about Bill's accusers and their relationship to Hillary, I care a hell of a lot more about plans for the economy, foreign policy especially wrt the Middle East and Russia, ideas for Obamacare because you can't just pull the plug on it in a day, etc. Trump made issue #78 the talk of the day, like the moron he is.


Bad guess. And you're an idiot if you didn't think that LIAR bringing-out the 2005 video wasn't going to answered. And like I told you he would, he did far better last night.

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I care a lot more about having a Congress that will step up, do its job, and put the brakes on the increasingly authoritarian executive office.


I just happen to think Trump's the best chance of that happening because too many people believe Hillary can do no wrong...whereas virtually no one believes that about Trump.


This is where I've been for awhile now. The only fear with Trump is that since the cat's been out of the bag for awhile now he might continue to abuse Executive Orders as a tool (I just presume that Hillary will do it).




Is there a way to help Congress do its job without the commander in chief being a reality TV star?


No. In fact it may be the only thing that pushes Congress to actually act like adults.

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The only fear with Trump is that since the cat's been out of the bag for awhile now he might continue to abuse Executive Orders as a tool (I just presume that Hillary will do it).


Yeah, but the thing is that if Hillary does, she's only going to piss off the opposition. The Democrats will be in lock-step behind her.


But if Trump does it, I guarantee he will piss off everybody.


Is there a way to help Congress do its job without the commander in chief being a reality TV star?


Elect better Congresscritters. Other than that...


Did you hear Brawndo has electrolytes?

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They did not F up....this is the culmination of 30 years of Rush Fox Coulter Jones...Electing Bush, Palin....never balancing the budget, chasing idiotic social issues....never shrinking the govt....This is your GOP....The GOP Is its voting base....


Why, it's almost like there was never a two-year period where the WH, House and Senate were all under Dem rule. Imagine if they didn't piss away that opportunity exclusively on a health insurance law that has made things worse for pretty much everyone except the people who passed the law, and that's only because the people who passed the law exempted themselves from it.


But hey...GOP bad, amirite?

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I've been saying that for quite a while: this election will come down to turnout more than anything.

I'd have to agree with your sentiment. These candidates are uniquely unlikeable. I don't think there will be much crossing over to the " other side " on account of either one of them. It will come down to how many are driven enough to go to the polls, whether it's Clinton folks, Trump folks, or those so disgusted they will vote for Johnson ( or that Green Party nut) , or simply stay at home .

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Why, it's almost like there was never a two-year period where the WH, House and Senate were all under Dem rule. Imagine if they didn't piss away that opportunity exclusively on a health insurance law that has made things worse for pretty much everyone except the people who passed the law, and that's only because the people who passed the law exempted themselves from it.


But hey...GOP bad, amirite?


Hey to be fair the only reason the Democrat controlled House and filibuster proof Democrat controlled Senate couldn't anything done with a Democrat President was because of the obstructionist Party of No

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Hey to be fair the only reason the Democrat controlled House and filibuster proof Democrat controlled Senate couldn't anything done with a Democrat President was because of the obstructionist Party of No


Well, that and, according to baskin, "Electing...Palin."


I really wish we never elected her. That was when all the trouble began. Things would be so much better if the GOP just never elected her.

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Yeah, but the thing is that if Hillary does, she's only going to piss off the opposition. The Democrats will be in lock-step behind her.


But if Trump does it, I guarantee he will piss off everybody.




One reason to vote for Trump. Checks and balances back in line.

...looking for a silver lining.

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One reason to vote for Trump. Checks and balances back in line.

...looking for a silver lining.




That's not a small thing............


If Clinton wins it will be a monarchy.


If Trump wins, there will be bipartisan efforts to keep him in check.

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Let me guess, having Trump line up Willie's hit parade in the front row on national TV was all part of Clinton's plan to get the coronation?


:lol: Honesty just isn't your bag, is it?




You've used that one. If you're going to make bad tin foil hat jokes from the 80s, at least don't reuse memes. I know it's hard for you to come to grips with the truth, but at least be more creative when you're lashing out. :beer:

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