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Trump Alone at the Top

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He's measured and likable.


So are chicken wings until someone like Trump comes along and argues his wings are the best because they're breaded, and Pence will say, "Well, y'know, there's something to be said about that."


The debate tonight is wasted bandwidth. Nothing will change because even if Pence were to somehow provide some kind of knock-out blow, Trump will wake up tomorrow and piss all over it. He's hell bent on getting four less states than Carter, and he's well on his way.

Edited by LABillzFan
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So are chicken wings until someone like Trump comes along and argues his wings are the best because they're breaded, and Pence will say, "Well, y'know, there's something to be said about that."


The debate tonight is wasted bandwidth. Nothing will change because even if Pence were to somehow provide some kind of knock-out blow, Trump will wake up tomorrow and piss all over it. He's hell bent on getting four less states than Carter, and he's well on his way.

You are cracking me up. Sometimes the truth hurts is....................................... just plain funny!

Edited by keepthefaith
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Libertarian VP nominee Bill Weld: I’ll spend the rest of the campaign attacking Trump exclusively


LOL.......good job Libertarian Party,


maybe next time you could nominate some Libertarians ?





Politico: Hey, about that Trumpian disaster for House Republicans …


He should attack his own candidate.


And the Senate may just end up staying in Repub control as well.

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After watching a clip showing all 72 times Kaine interrupted Pence, I think Trump's campaign should start referring to the Clinton ticket as Kaine and Disabled.

(stolen from the comments of a disgusting Youtube video which we had nothing to do with.)


Seriously, people talk about Trump not being fit for office. Kaine has nowhere near the temperament to become POTUS which he probably would once Hillary gets carted off into LaLa Land. What a douche.

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After watching a clip showing all 72 times Kaine interrupted Pence, I think Trump's campaign should start referring to the Clinton ticket as Kaine and Disabled.

(stolen from the comments of a disgusting Youtube video which we had nothing to do with.)


Seriously, people talk about Trump not being fit for office. Kaine has nowhere near the temperament to become POTUS which he probably would once Hillary gets carted off into LaLa Land. What a douche.


Judging Kaine by his entire body of work, he's a competent guy and more down the middle than most politicians.


I think they being the Hillary campaign wanted him to do something that really is outside of his comfort zone. He just didn't look natural doing what he was doing and I absolutely believe that the interrupting was by design. Remember when Old Joe did that to Paul Ryan last election?

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Judging Kaine by his entire body of work, he's a competent guy and more down the middle than most politicians.


I think they being the Hillary campaign wanted him to do something that really is outside of his comfort zone. He just didn't look natural doing what he was doing and I absolutely believe that the interrupting was by design. Remember when Old Joe did that to Paul Ryan last election?


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Judging Kaine by his entire body of work, he's a competent guy and more down the middle than most politicians.


I think they being the Hillary campaign wanted him to do something that really is outside of his comfort zone. He just didn't look natural doing what he was doing and I absolutely believe that the interrupting was by design. Remember when Old Joe did that to Paul Ryan last election?


Judging by the way he looks, speaks, and acts, he is a complete chump that shouldn't be anywhere near the presidency. Maybe you identify with him in some way, I don't know. Not me.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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Judging by the way he looks, speaks, and acts, he is a complete chump that shouldn't be anywhere near the presidency. Maybe you identify with him in some way, I don't know. Not me.


It's because I'm familiar with his whole body of work, which is the proper way to judge a person. Why am I even responding to you?

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KURT SCHLICHTER: The Meaning of Donald Trump – An American Conservative’s Perspective.


Perhaps most important, Trump represents both a repudiation of the liberal demands for conformity of thought, often lumped generally under the label “political correctness,” and a rejection of the “rigged system” that sees one set of laws for the elite and another for regular citizens.

“Political correctness” had successfully stifled free discussion of the costs of both legal and illegal immigration. Complaints about the loss of jobs, about terrible crimes committed by immigrants who should have been deported, and about the government refusing to enforce duly enacted laws were silenced with blanket assertions of racism.

At the same time, rampant corruption among those connected to the liberal establishment – most shockingly with Hillary Clinton being cleared of charges of misusing classified material when the same facts would have doubtlessly led to the imprisonment of unconnected Americans – opened a path for Trump.

This was especially disruptive because so many Republican politicians, while ideologically conservative, culturally identified with prosperous coastal, urban elites over the suffering citizens of “flyover” America and tried to enforce the same “political correctness.”

But Trump is certainly not a traditional American conservative. He defies much of what the Republican Party had stood for in recent decades. He brought to the surface previously marginalized views within the party.

The Republican Party had defined itself with free trade, but in doing so ignored many of its constituents who have seen their solid, working class manufacturing jobs moved overseas. While the Republican (and Democrat) elite pointed to net gains from free trade, the very real negative effects on working class Americans were ignored.

Trump has also bypassed many of the traditional Grand Old Party’s social issues, like gay marriage and abortion, while still winning the support of the vital evangelical Christian component of the Republican coalition.




Read the whole thing, please.

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CNN lead story is about Trump taking part in Playboy interviews in 1994.




Embarrassing days for CNN.

I just came here to post about this. That is !@#$ing pathetic. Why is this even a "thing" let alone the lead story??

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Judging by the way he looks, speaks, and acts, he is a complete chump that shouldn't be anywhere near the presidency. Maybe you identify with him in some way, I don't know. Not me.

He's a Democrat therefore he is a radical leftist. Enough to disregard him for even the menial means of employment let alone some sort of office. As for the debate goes this is how they operate. Interrupt. Shout over or get the moderator to join the attack. They cheat. It's all they can do when they have no reasonable point of view.

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He's a Democrat therefore he is a radical leftist. Enough to disregard him for even the menial means of employment let alone some sort of office. As for the debate goes this is how they operate. Interrupt. Shout over or get the moderator to join the attack. They cheat. It's all they can do when they have no reasonable point of view.


I have been a Democrat my entire life, but this election has sickened me. The political world has turned upside down, for me.

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