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Trump Alone at the Top

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Although I agree that Trump was the wrong choice for the Republican voters, I see no evidence that they were playing any sort of long game. If they were, they absolutely did not articulate it at all. This is nobody's fault but theirs and it is the reason the anti-establishment votes won out. Trump was the wrong person to vote for in the primaries, but the primaries are over.


Hillary is a criminal who has shown no interest whatsoever in anything other than advancing herself. She has done repugnant things that demonstrate how our society's sense of right and wrong, or at least large parts of it, are gone. There is a structure behind her that will look the other way at anything she does. These are not the traits of a healthy society and even a country as great as ours risks slipping into something unrecognizable if we allow people like her to have power. I'm not naive. I know a lot of these people, if not all, have traits similar to Hillary. Even on the dem side, many of them get called on it. Anthony pulled out his weiner and he is gone. There are other examples. What she did with her email.....and that is just one example.....is far worse than pulling out her privates. Many among us would be in jail for it. It is easy to see and everyone is told to look the other way......including a lap dog FBI.....that is not good. It cannot be allowed to continue and the only people who can stop it are voters.


What does that say about the primary voters who chose the absolutely one person who will lose to Hillary?

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What does that say about the primary voters who chose the absolutely one person who will lose to Hillary?

As horrible and evil as half the country knows her to be, she will win. You can't beat a Santa Claus that has a V.


Voters like getting free things given to them and people want to say they voted for the first woman president. Who cares if she's an under qualified criminal.

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What does that say about the primary voters who chose the absolutely one person who will lose to Hillary?



That they suck. But he isn't the only one that would have lost to her. Bush would have. Along with Lazio, Kasich and some others. Cruz had a shot.


IMO they needed to vote for the best candidate...they did not. But to vote for "who has the best chance to beat Hillary" in a vacuum would have been dumb because the polls are false. Trump has a better chance of beating her than most of those guys did.

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That they suck. But he isn't the only one that would have lost to her. Bush would have. Along with Lazio, Kasich and some others. Cruz had a shot.


IMO they needed to vote for the best candidate...they did not. But to vote for "who has the best chance to beat Hillary" in a vacuum would have been dumb because the polls are false. Trump has a better chance of beating her than most of those guys did.

As much as I dislike Trump, he probably IS the only candidate that would call her out on everything and call the media on its ballwashing.
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Here's the field that got whittled down to the Don.



Rand Paul

Ted Cruz

Marco Rubio*


"Non-Politician Outsiders"

Carly Fiorina

Ben Carson

Donald Trump



Jim Gilmore

Chris Christie

Mike Huckabee

George Pataki

Scott Walker

John Kasich


Conservatives & Old Guard

Rick Sanctimonious

Lindsey Graham

Bobby Jindal

Scott Walker

Rick Perry


Preordained Fully-Credentialed Choice of the Establishment

Jeb Bush


None of them had the celebrity to match Hillary's - except Trump.

Few of them had the energy to match Trump's.

Most of the field was in it to pave the way for the establishment's scion's coronation.

But, "We don't need another Clinton. We don't need another Bush," rang more true for the Republicans than the Democrats who now have their hag to fawn and dote over.


Almost any one of the Governors would be a better President than Trump or Hillary.

But none of them had the ability to seize the moment.


Trump's a street fighter and none of the others are. He took them by surprise. So now we have "Trump, alone at the top." :bag:

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My guess is that very few of the jobs that are taken by illegals would be taken by Americans. Welcome to the first world dilemma.

Hence my slippery slope comment. Those are jobs that Not too long ago were mostly done by Americans. Why do those "degrading" jobs when you can survive without working at all.

America has become San Francisco.

No, not even close.....yet.

As much as I dislike Trump, he probably IS the only candidate that would call her out on everything and call the media on its ballwashing.

Ball washing?? She doesn't have.....oh wait....never mind.

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What does that say about the primary voters who chose the absolutely one person who will lose to Hillary?


Just did a google search on RCP averages polls for both "Trump vs Clinton" and "Cruz vs Clinton" in FL, OH and PA…and Trump beat Cruz out by three points or more in every RCP averages poll. Your assertion that Trump was the absolutely one person who will lose to Hillary is a myth. Will he lose to her? Probably, but he was and remains the by far best candidate to beat her.

Trump and Clinton are pretty much tied in the swing states and this is before the debates and before Trump’s daily social media tear downs of the Clintons/Obama. The MSM no longer has that monopoly on messaging to the masses any longer. So if Clinton does lose to Trump, she can blame Al Gore for inventing the internet.
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Okay, Trumpettes.


The Donald is now arguing that people on the no-fly list should be banned from buying guns.


This is the ridiculous position of the left, which sees no need for due process.


We've told you Trumpettes repeatedly...Trump is a Democrat. You're being played.

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Okay, Trumpettes.


The Donald is now arguing that people on the no-fly list should be banned from buying guns.


This is the ridiculous position of the left, which sees no need for due process.


We've told you Trumpettes repeatedly...Trump is a Democrat. You're being played.



True. And too late too.

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Okay, Trumpettes.


The Donald is now arguing that people on the no-fly list should be banned from buying guns.


This is the ridiculous position of the left, which sees no need for due process.


We've told you Trumpettes repeatedly...Trump is a Democrat. You're being played.


Supporting Trump isn't about picking a President. It's a middle finger salute to Washington. It's a declaration that this Idiot is still better than current politicians.


If a Kardashian were to run, it would get the nomination.

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Supporting Trump isn't about picking a President. It's a middle finger salute to Washington. It's a declaration that this Idiot is still better than current politicians.


If a Kardashian were to run, it would get the nomination.


That would be a good recommendation for someone who's looking to kill most brain cells in one hour. Not really a good strategy in selecting the next leader of the free world.

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That would be a good recommendation for someone who's looking to kill most brain cells in one hour. Not really a good strategy in selecting the next leader of the free world.

After "Hope and Change" by the most non-stereotypical candidate in history became just more of the same, people woke up to the reality that whomever they pick will make no difference. Trump is the manifestation of people's frustration.


President Camacho promises free Brando in every water fountain.

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After "Hope and Change" by the most non-stereotypical candidate in history became just more of the same, people woke up to the reality that whomever they pick will make no difference. Trump is the manifestation of people's frustration.


President Camacho promises free Brando in every water fountain.


Thanks for confirming that most people are idiots. After 8 years of feckless, thin skinned, intellectual lightweight leadership, people are ready to sign up for 4 more.

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Okay, Trumpettes.


The Donald is now arguing that people on the no-fly list should be banned from buying guns.


This is the ridiculous position of the left, which sees no need for due process.


We've told you Trumpettes repeatedly...Trump is a Democrat. You're being played.


Great idea Donald,


The same government whose IRS targeted conservatives & still (falsely) considers rightwing militias bigger threats than ISIS wants to restrict rights based on a randomly created list..





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