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Trump Alone at the Top

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It's hard to get through to these guys. They seem to think that if one is capable of explaining the Trump Phenomenon that means that person is a "Trumpster". Some of what Trumps says resonates with me. I like the fact that he isn't politically correct. I think he will surround himself with good people. He also scares the hell out of me, but not as much as that Wicked Witch.

That's about it.

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I'm not attempting to justify anything. I'm only saying that there are reasons why so many republican/libertarian-minded people are dissatisfied with the Republican party, and that they've done a poor job in turning that perception around. Now we have this.



Again, nobody is disagreeing with the phenomenon. What's confounding is that people picked Trump as that agent of change. But if you actually take time to listen to what he says and what he stands for, he's a hell of a lot closer to Obama than he is to Reagan. He's just blustering his way to the top, Yet once he gets there, DC is going to get a hell of a lot bigger and more powerful.


Listen to the GOP establishment's criticism. They're not afraid of getting tossed out of DC. They're afraid that liberals will run the roost whether Hillary or Trump sits in the White House.


Don't believe me? Always follow the money


Donald Trump’s New Finance Chairman Was Big Donor to Hillary Clinton


Edited by GG
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Again, nobody is disagreeing with the phenomenon. What's confounding is that people picked Trump as that agent of change. But if you actually take time to listen to what he says and what he stands for, he's a hell of a lot closer to Obama than he is to Reagan. He's just blustering his way to the top, Yet once he gets there, DC is going to get a hell of a lot bigger and more powerful.


Listen to the GOP establishment's criticism. They're not afraid of getting tossed out of DC. They're afraid that liberals will run the roost whether Hillary or Trump sits in the White House.


Don't believe me? Always follow the money



No, no...Trump is different!


Trump has my back!


Trump really cares about America!


He's gonna get me my scalp!


He's gonna build a wall!


He's just like Reagan! Except orange. And liberal. And undisciplined. And thin-skinned. And whiny. Okay, he's nothing like Reagan...BUT HE'S JUST LIKE REAGAN!







Best con ever. Gonna hand him that.

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Best con ever. Gonna hand him that.

I still don't think it was Trump's plan. It was the DNC's and the Clinton's plan. Eviscerate the party from within, leaving only un-electable candidates to oppose her. Simple plan, people saw it coming yet still fell for it.



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I still don't think it was Trump's plan. It was the DNC's and the Clinton's plan. Eviscerate the party from within, leaving only un-electable candidates to oppose her. Simple plan, people saw it coming yet still fell for it.




I would not be surprised if this was a Clinton/Trump plan at all. We'll see what position or favors Hillary does for Trump once she gets done with her landslide.


And this just in: Ben Carson says Trump could choose a Democrat as VP.


Well played, Trumpsters. Well played.


Trump-Sanders 2016: Feel The Combover Bern!

Edited by LABillzFan
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Given how much Trump is a thin-skinned, whiny, blame-others, mind-changing liberal like Obama, I can see the validity there.

There he goes again lyin LA always lyin and lyin and he's the zodiac killer. I'm not saying that's true but there were reports in some very reputable newspapers.

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Anyone think he picks a female VP to soften his image, cut into Hillary's base of support, and convey a diversified team? If so who are the candidates?

Trump is deal maker so:


Option 1: He could make a deal with Hillary, she runs as his VP and he runs as her VP.

Option 2: Bruce Caitlyn Jenner

Option 3: Bernie's wife

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Anyone think he picks a female VP to soften his image, cut into Hillary's base of support, and convey a diversified team? If so who are the candidates?

I think General Ann Dunwoody would be a great VP pick for Trump.

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