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Trump Alone at the Top

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Not really. Too little too late.

He's just the mouthpiece for his establishment controllers.


I think derranged rhino has some interesting takes on this. If you remove the "unbelievable" aspect to some behind the scenes power broker conspiracies, it would actually be the simplest explanation for what is going on.

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Everyone (on social media) is going nuts over the possibility of Trump. You have the left who think he will bring about Fallout 4, while the right is having a blast trolling the insecure blubbering wussies.


As an independent, it's better than (fake) reality TV. If Trump becomes president, it will be Canada who will have to build a wall to keep the hipsters out.

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Everyone (on social media) is going nuts over the possibility of Trump. You have the left who think he will bring about Fallout 4, while the right is having a blast trolling the insecure blubbering wussies.


As an independent, it's better than (fake) reality TV. If Trump becomes president, it will be Canada who will have to build a wall to keep the hipsters out.

Hipsters and all these college kitty kats that need safe spaces don't have the balls to take a risk and move to another country.


They will just go back to their home and surround themselves with people who think like they do and cry on social media.

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Well then he's accomplished something already that any other President has not. Get illegals to apply for citizenship. Unfortunately they likely won't get their citizenship in time to vote. Funny they have no clue as to what it takes to become a citizen. You'd think an immigrant population of that size would at least have an idea.

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Well then he's accomplished something already that any other President has not. Get illegals to apply for citizenship. Unfortunately they likely won't get their citizenship in time to vote. Funny they have no clue as to what it takes to become a citizen. You'd think an immigrant population of that size would at least have an idea.

If not for this election, then the next one. More Democratic voters on the way

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Ya, they will vote Federalist or Whig :lol:


Not the point. I'm pointing out the idiocy of the article saying Mexicans want to get citizenship to vote in an election they likely won't be citizens in time to vote for. Now had the article been about them wanting to become citizens to ensure that a Republican never become President again then you'd have something.

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