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No Hockey League.


I sincerely hope you kissed all the little guys that you farked by canceling the season. The guys whose restaraunts and bars depended on post game clientel. The people who worked in the stadiums before and after games, and countless other people who worked because you played.

I think it would be nice to do to the hockey mercenaries what Reagan (?) did the the striking air traffic controllers (who served a much more legimate purpose btw)

Fire all their arses and start anew next year. Get PLAYERS not money grubbing b@stards that cant do anything else but play hockey. You're dinosaurs boys. You're hyperadapted and unable to evolve, and you know what happens then. We visit you in museums because you're extinct.

See ya.

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Fire all their arses and start anew next year.  Get PLAYERS not money grubbing b@stards that cant do anything else but play hockey.  You're dinosaurs boys. 




You do realize that, with all of the Canadian and American labor laws (and the subsequent petitions and hearings and appeals), that the chances of having "replacement" players for next season are slim and none.

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the chances of having "replacement" players for next season are slim and none.


I question where these replacement players would come from. If you're an AHL player, do you want to risk becoming labelled as a 'scab' by the NHLers when they come back? If they drop down to the lower minor leagues like the ECHL and UHL, who is willing to pay NHL prices to see that level of talent? It would be like watching NFL Europe players in Bills uniforms.

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I question where these replacement players would come from.  If you're an AHL player, do you want to risk becoming labelled as a 'scab' by the NHLers when they come back?  If they drop down to the lower minor leagues like the ECHL and UHL, who is willing to pay NHL prices to see that level of talent?  It would be like watching NFL Europe players in Bills uniforms.



I for one went to the strike games in 87, will do again

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