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Blood is on the NRA's hands

LA Grant

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Following his executive actions this week, President Obama will participate in what CNN is calling a "town hall" style discussion about gun control at George Mason University tomorrow night. The one hour show will be hosted by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper and airs live at 8 p.m eastern.


But according to a memo sent to faculty and students by GMU Communications and Marketing Vice President Renell Wynn earlier this week, participation in the town hall is by invite only. There are no tickets available to people who are not specifically invited to the event.


"This is an invitation-only event. No tickets are available," the memo states. "The event is not open to the public."




newspeak-dictionary1.jpg Town Hall Meeting = The event is not open to the public









PS: The Bonnies play there tonight....Go Bonas !

So it's an infomercial and GMU will send out a casting call to Democrat friendly campus groups

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It is. He can criticize the evil do nothing Republicans to help his party without a challenge and he can boost his approval rating and legacy with the same audience.



I hope that there are plenty of tissues available............................... :rolleyes:






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POTUS wrote this recently: “We need the vast majority of responsible gun owners who grieve with us after every mass shooting, who support common-sense gun safety and who feel that their views are not being properly represented, to stand with us and demand that leaders heed the voices of the people they are supposed to represent” http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/08/us/politics/obama-gun-control-town-hall-cnn.html?_r=0


OK, but what do we do when POTUS is the person not heeding the voices of the people? The people appear to want concrete action that grows out of input from all sides of the gun control issue. Citizens appear ready to accept congressional action that focuses on the issue, but to reject executive actions that cloud the primary issue - gun control. Given that, why is the leader unwilling to lead? POTUS is a nothing-to-lose lame duck, why not convene the various parties and negotiate some initiatives that move toward real action on the gun control problems we all see so clearly?


My fear is that in order to take steps toward meaningful action POTUS will have to acknowledge that he is responsible to/for all of us, not just Democrats; and that is something he has proven genetically incapable of doing.

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POTUS wrote this recently: We need the vast majority of responsible gun owners who grieve with us after every mass shooting, who support common-sense gun safety and who feel that their views are not being properly represented, to stand with us and demand that leaders heed the voices of the people they are supposed to represent http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/08/us/politics/obama-gun-control-town-hall-cnn.html?_r=0


OK, but what do we do when POTUS is the person not heeding the voices of the people? The people appear to want concrete action that grows out of input from all sides of the gun control issue. Citizens appear ready to accept congressional action that focuses on the issue, but to reject executive actions that cloud the primary issue - gun control. Given that, why is the leader unwilling to lead? POTUS is a nothing-to-lose lame duck, why not convene the various parties and negotiate some initiatives that move toward real action on the gun control problems we all see so clearly?


My fear is that in order to take steps toward meaningful action POTUS will have to acknowledge that he is responsible to/for all of us, not just Democrats; and that is something he has proven genetically incapable of doing.

If the people wanted this like he claims with his very manipulative wording (common sense legislation, a majority of gun owners etc..) This would get passed through Congress how legislation is supposed to be created!


Not by a wannabe king with a pen.


Its not what the American people want which is why he is doing what he is doing.

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Given that, why is the leader unwilling to lead?


It's not a question of being unwilling. It's a question of being unable.


There is absolutely no evidence anywhere to suggest that Barry was ever a leader, nor evidence he has any clue what it takes to lead. He's a product of the far left way, which is to first agitate and rile, then to point and blame.

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Love how he wipes his tears with his middle finger. That's leadership for you. The Regressive's hero.

Like i said....if the American people wanted it like that douche claims, he wouldn't have to circumvent our legal system and Congress.


He is just giving an overt visual display of a big F-U to America and the constitution. He knew what he was doing.


Don't ever think for a second he doesn't know exactly what he is doing. To an observer he looks like a bumbling fool, but we are not looking at America how he does. His actions are deliberate by design and execution and he is very cunning and crafty and knows exactly what he is doing. Sure he has no leadership but he is following his ideology to the letter.

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It's not a question of being unwilling. It's a question of being unable.


There is absolutely no evidence anywhere to suggest that Barry was ever a leader, nor evidence he has any clue what it takes to lead. He's a product of the far left way, which is to first agitate and rile, then to point and blame.

Yes and he has no idea how to put a group of people (Senate and House members) in a room and talk through an issue. Typical only child.

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Here's what 'constitutional scholar' Obama really taught at law school
by Karin McQuillan


Among the lies about himself Obama consistently repeats is that he was a constitutional law professor.


Lie one: Obama was never a professor; he was a lecturer. He did not have the qualifications to be a professor. Obama never published a single law paper. He was hired by the University of Chicago when they learned he had been given a book contract on race and law directly after graduating from Harvard. There was no book – just the contract, which he later reneged on. This is not the normal level of accomplishment for a University of Chicago professor or even lecturer.


Obama was not capable of writing, and eventually, after failing to deliver, he changed it to a memoir, which he also struggled with. Finally, he asked Bill Ayers to write his memoir for him, using tapes that Michelle dropped off at the Ayerses'.


Lie two: Obama did not specialize in the Constitution. Obama cared about and taught only one subject: race. One course was about race in the Constitution. It is on this flimsy basis that he attempts to pawn himself off as a constitutional scholar.


As the New York Times explains, Obama the lecturer taught three subjects only: "race, rights and gender."


His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law. His voting rights class traced the evolution of election law, from the disenfranchisement of blacks to contemporary debates over districting and campaign finance. …His most original course, a historical and political seminar as much as a legal one, was on racism and law…


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/01/heres_what_constitutional_scholar_obama_really_taught_at_law_school.html#ixzz3wrSYitoE


"I guess I know a little about this "


He was right about that




JAYME METZGAR: The Shameful Irony Of Obama Demanding Gun Control At George Mason University: George Mason would have vociferously opposed President Obama’s stance on gun control.





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You guys are hilarious. Thanks. Please, don't ever change

I wonder if the people of the neighborhood in West Philly where the police officer was shot at by an ISIS terrorist, using a stolen police weapon, think the legal/illegal guns they own are "hilarious" this morning? Ever been to 60th and Spruce? Wanna get out of your car and start telling those people they are all idiots for having guns? Now that would be: hilarious.


Speaking of comedy, what bad timing for Obama....talking about gun control one day, only to have a gun crime occur the very next day, that could never have been prevented by any of his gun control policy.


One thing that hasn't changed in 7 years? Any time Obama makes a big "move to the hoop" he is almost immediately Dikembe Mutomboed by events. This happens over and over. Remember the "Summer of Recovery"? How about the "Russian Reset Button"? How about we go back to golden oldie "The police officer in this case acted stupidly". :lol: Remember where you were when the historic "Beer Summit" was happening? Yeah. What a day in American presidential ( :lol: ) history.


If anyone is hilarious, it's you: because we can spend this entire Monday doing "Obama's Greatest Hits"....and you'll have no reply at all, to any of it.

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