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Blood is on the NRA's hands

LA Grant

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Probably the first thing they'd say is, "Where ya' been? It's about time you woke up to the fact that you were elected to represent ALL of us, not just your 'mocrat buds."


Do you think that the leader of a representative form of government is required to only receive input from those that agree with his/her position?


"WTF is anyone on the pro gun side going to contribute?" Well, just maybe hearing their point of view would spark a point of commonality; or maybe just receiving the courtesy of being acknowledged would result in a more tempered debate on the issue.

Forget it keuka... This country is so divided now each side is just going to keep digging their heels in deeper.


And all you progresives can think your savior in chief for constantly blaming republicans, telling them they can come for the ride in the backseat and ruling by the pen for the lack of serious discussion. His Chicago thug style smear politics are some of the most divisive childish tactics ever seen from such a high level elected official. Its no wonder with his actions that people are behaving the way they are.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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No tragedy is quite complete with Barack Obama trying to cynically use the deaths of innocents to accomplish some political purpose:


laIuu4bB_bigger.jpgPresident ObamaVerified account @POTUS 21h21 hours ago

Zaevion Dobson died saving three friends from getting shot. He was a hero at 15. What's our excuse for not acting? http://wpo.st/05Vy0


This is just sad and pathetic. At the current pace, Obama’s hometown of Chicago will have had nearly 4,000 murders while he was president. The number of times he’s visited Chicago to hold a rally against gang violence and street crime — which is the driver in Chicago’s body count — is zero.


Since Obama has been in office he has devoted no energy to and shown no interest in the many and manifest social problems afflicting America’s cities. His crony, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, has shown less interest than Obama. What Obama has done, though, is drive race relations to a twenty year low and has set those communities most in need of effective policing at war with their police departments.


He’s demanding action after Martin’s murder but to what end? The action this little man is demanding is aimed at creating controversy and division, not at resolving problems or preventing tragedies.


And that will be his legacy.

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No tragedy is quite complete with Barack Obama trying to cynically use the deaths of innocents to accomplish some political purpose:




This is just sad and pathetic. At the current pace, Obama’s hometown of Chicago will have had nearly 4,000 murders while he was president. The number of times he’s visited Chicago to hold a rally against gang violence and street crime — which is the driver in Chicago’s body count — is zero.


Since Obama has been in office he has devoted no energy to and shown no interest in the many and manifest social problems afflicting America’s cities. His crony, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, has shown less interest than Obama. What Obama has done, though, is drive race relations to a twenty year low and has set those communities most in need of effective policing at war with their police departments.


He’s demanding action after Martin’s murder but to what end? The action this little man is demanding is aimed at creating controversy and division, not at resolving problems or preventing tragedies.


And that will be his legacy.



Our excuse for not acting? What actions could possibly be taken that would ensure something like this won't happen in the future?

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Well, I for one threw myself into the air to stop a speeding bullet from hitting my wife. Except of course there was no speeding bullet - but there could have been. But we were in our backyard at the time and nobody else was around. But at least I did something to protect her. If there was a bullet heading at her, I would have taken it. Not my fault there wasn't one aimed at her at the time. Probably never will be one aimed and fired at her either, but I'm confident in my smugness that I DID SOMETHING.


PS What an azz our Prez is.

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Senator Paul tries a proactive block on president Obama's (post vacation) gun edict.




JUST IN: Rand Paul introduces bill to block Obama's executive action on gun control http://hill.cm/tqumdPr


Won't work. Even if it gets a veto-proof majority (it won't), Obama can nullify that bill with an executive action.


What's more, the president has quite a bit of latitude to make policy within the regulatory framework. It's a pretty simple job to just reclassify everything as a "machine gun," for example.

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Won't work. Even if it gets a veto-proof majority (it won't), Obama can nullify that bill with an executive action.


What's more, the president has quite a bit of latitude to make policy within the regulatory framework. It's a pretty simple job to just reclassify everything as a "machine gun," for example.


One big irony is that Obama is doing more for gun sales than any other president in my lifetime, and probably ever.

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One big irony is that Obama is doing more for gun sales than any other president in my lifetime, and probably ever.

Just last month more guns were sold and background checks completed in 1 day than any other day in history. Gun and ammo sales are still climbing.


I can see their next step somewhere down the road trying to ban all semi automatic weapons for private citizens.

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Just last month more guns were sold and background checks completed in 1 day than any other day in history. Gun and ammo sales are still climbing.


I can see their next step somewhere down the road trying to ban all semi automatic weapons for private citizens.

The Obama Administration has been a Golden Age for the NRA, gun manufacturers, and gun shops.


But what happens when Obama is out of office? Does the bubble burst. Perhaps, by design?

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I can see their next step somewhere down the road trying to ban all semi automatic weapons for private citizens.


Quite likely you're right.


In less than two weeks, Texas will become the 32nd state to allow open carry.


And there's a whole lotta guns in Texas.

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No tragedy is quite complete with Barack Obama trying to cynically use the deaths of innocents to accomplish some political purpose:




This is just sad and pathetic. At the current pace, Obama’s hometown of Chicago will have had nearly 4,000 murders while he was president. The number of times he’s visited Chicago to hold a rally against gang violence and street crimewhich is the driver in Chicago’s body count — is zero.


Since Obama has been in office he has devoted no energy to and shown no interest in the many and manifest social problems afflicting America’s cities. His crony, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, has shown less interest than Obama. What Obama has done, though, is drive race relations to a twenty year low and has set those communities most in need of effective policing at war with their police departments.


He’s demanding action after Martin’s murder but to what end? The action this little man is demanding is aimed at creating controversy and division, not at resolving problems or preventing tragedies.


And that will be his legacy.



Number of time a "conservative" went there......?

Number of times "conservatives" use the extremely high rate of gun violence in Chicago as some sort of pro second amendment crutch........

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Number of time a "conservative" went there......?

Number of times "conservatives" use the extremely high rate of gun violence in Chicago as some sort of pro second amendment crutch........

No, conservatives counter the gun control freaks who want stricter laws with pointing out that Chicago has very strict gun laws and has a plethora of shootings.

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