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All-22 Bills-Chiefs -- YardsPerPass.com


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YardsPerPass.com @YardsPerPass Nov 30

All 22 is out, + I looked really quick at how KC covered Sammy in 2nd half. In any passing situ, pressed him at line w/ S directly over him

On his big catches earlier that safety was lined up in the middle of the field


1st play of the game... Bills make their intentions known, looking for the Sammy deep ball



Most teams' bread and butter play is not a sweep to the outside. Clay again turning the end man (Hali)



Sammy deep ball #1 vs Cov1 man, no idea what Sean Smith is doing around the KC 45. Good blocking by OL



Teams aren't biting on the naked bootleg b/c when have you seen the Bills run the stretch from under center?



3rd and 4, TT going McCoy all the way b/c of the matchup... but Chiefs are lucky b/c Clay is left uncovered



I'd love to see more screens from the Bills (Even to Sammy) have been very effective all year

That's a middle of the field completion on 3rd and 7 vs a blitz. Nicely done... McCoy great blitz pickup as well

EZ view... Hogan looks like read #2 and a better look at McCoy's stoning of the blitzing DB



McCoy fumble... Poe just sticks his arm out and gets the ball...



Guarantee this was a film play created by Roman. Bills haven't run anything like this all year. + look at KC DBs



NFL throw, Highlight reel catch by Sammy. No comment on the RT



Good pass blocking here, Sammy beats his man, but LB does a good job getting underneath the curl



Just verifying that TT kept on a Zone Read, gain of 7






great double on the NT and thrun by Mulligan... the LB totally jumps outside, Shady reads the cut



I love this route combination, interesting way to run 3 man snag, watch the flat defender, that is the read

Peters mugging Sammy, ooooh Charles Clay
Both TE's just crash their guys inside here, Shady trips on Richie's legs
Start of 3 frustrating plays... 1st and 10 in 2Q up 10-0 on KC 45, could've put the game away
2nd and 10, 4 verts... incomplete
3rd and 10... **** throw to Woods, but look at Clay's man fall down in the middle of the field
EZ view shows it well... watch Clay break his ankles. Then the punt from KC territory
On the 3rd down to Woods, the decision is fine, Woods is open and has single cov... the throw is just awful
Screen to Clay 9 yards.... ho hum

Edited by YoloinOhio
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Who put Sean Smith on skates?



<3 Shady making guys fly



Here's a treat for all of you "he doesn't throw to the middle of the field" guys out there



We know return you to your regularly scheduled program of the Sammy Watkins experience



Touchdown Randy Moss



2nd play of 2 min drill Curls/flat vs Cover 3 A HS QB gets chewed out for this one

Clay seals the edge, Bob Woods gets his man on the ground... gain of 10
Woods drop (challenge) TT wanted Sammy big time here

Hali strip/sack... 3 rd and 6... 1st mandatory passing situation, Sammy doubled

As someone who drops their elbow when they throw... this is what can happen... balls can sail on you
3rd and 14, safety again sitting right over Sammy... gain of 9 to Hogan, Bills get bailed out by KC offsides next
no biggie... just another 12 for McCoy
3rd and 9, TT had to rollout a bit, but finally hit that intermediate crosser. Again look at the S jump over Sammy

Chiefs jumped the 1st 2 verticals... Easy pass to Shady, and I love when he makes people fall down



Nice pass off by the Chiefs on the flat-7 combo and the safety blitz ruined the roll out. (Yes I see Hogan)



BTW that last gif was the 2 pt play... and I don't think TT had a shot at Hogan b/c of the pressure


I am a Charles Clay fan, guy is good



Tried to get one to Sammy here on 1st and 10



Nice play by the DB here on the hi-lo cross



3rd and 9 on KC 42, score is 27-22 KC, 10 min left Abort, Abort, Abort BTW Bills punted on 4D



2nd and 6, final drive, 3 min left... Safety still cheating towards Sammy. Y-Stick is open, gotta let it go



2nd and 10, 2:30 left in game... Hogan no challenge play... hi lo cross again Reminder that this is not a catch!



Last play of the game... 3 man rush w/ QB spy... KC wasn't going to let Sammy beat them, TT gets this w/ no fumble


Still of the last play showing what KC did on in most passing situations in 2nd half, DB up close, S directly over









This is the 1st deep ball completion to Maclin... Butler is 2 steps ahead of Maclin when decision to throw is made



2nd Maclin bomb (TD on Darby) Bills get rushing LB's on TE and RB, both get stoned 1 on 1 Hughes draws 3 guys


My MSpaint skills are almost as good as the defense in this play SMH


3rd Maclin bomb... looks like a free rusher coming Smith throws in 2.1 seconds



You want to complain about Smith picking the D apart b/c he has all day back there... b/c of the lack of pass rush Sorry, didn't happen.


Smith took the snap + chucked it deep to Maclin and nobody could cover him...


# of pass rushers on all Chiefs pass plays


the plays that killed the defense were plays where it didn't matter how many you rushed

For a team that had done so well in their coverage assignments since the bye week, there were a lot of mental breakdowns


Then there is just guys running down the field past you... wanna be complain about something? Complain about that

Rex's gameplan made sense. Trust my Pro Bowl caliber CB's and make sure Alex Smith doesn't nickel & dime me to death.


For a team that had done so well in their coverage assignments since the bye week, there were a lot of mental breakdowns


Then there is just guys running down the field past you... wanna be complain about something? Complain about that

Rex's gameplan made sense. Trust my Pro Bowl caliber CB's and make sure Alex Smith doesn't nickel & dime me to death.


Big Stuff



Blanket coverage



3rd and 4... What a read by Corey Graham... look at where he came from... deserved 6 pts here



Smith and Maclin... perfect sync. Smith hits his final step turns and fires



Nice by Hughes / Robey



3rd and 4... again nowhere to go



If Darby doesn't make this tackle it is 20 instead of only 6


Edited by YoloinOhio
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3rd and 1, another stop.... just awful from Alex Smith here, Rambo needs to catch this one though



Hits Rambo in hands... Graham can't believe it



Bit a little too hard on that WR screen there



Just what the FS wants to see


12 more for Ware...



It is interesting that McKelvin has been the extra defender in the box, not Corey Graham


After runs of 16,12,8... a bit more physicality on this play

Butler (in for Darby) burned by Maclin "catch" just runs by him. Tough for FS to get over so quick, but is late
Andy Reid misdirection
Oh 24... :(
Robey DPI... looks real soft to me, another bad Alex Smith throw
EZ view, nice step up by Smith to avoid Hughes, but another missed INT
Maclin TD... Smith drops it in the bucket, perfect throw.
KC basically ignored the shallow pass game b/c it was god awful the 1st 3 drives... who woulda guessed deep to Maclin would be the answer
Back to the crap short passes... Nice by Bradham on the RB
More Smith confusion... Maclin catches OOB




Just bringing up bad memories now... 3rd and 9



More confused Alex Smith



Middle help for Gilmore nowhere to be found



This is why big plays are important... when he wasn't hitting Maclin deep... Alex Smith did stuff like this mostly



More good coverage



Alex Smith's instincts on when to run are fantastic... really really good



Again deep to Maclin... he beat Butler, Darby, Gilmore... dude is fair, I'll give him that



Again, Smith just tossing it up to Maclin


Kelce TD... Can't jump the dig so quick



I've given the Bills LBs a ton of crap about tackling RBs on these swings all season... did a good job vs KC

2 pairs of Bills run into each other on this play... :-/
I'm guessing that 2 LB's weren't supposed to go after the RB there... I bet McKelvin thought he had inside help
A decent amount more 2-high from the Bills in the 2nd half
3rd and 10, Bills down 2 end of 3Q Again 2 guys on the RB and then 2 guys on #3 to the right... nobody in MOF

Here is the Bills 1 "sack" of the game. I guess if you don't cover Kelce he doesn't exist.... veteran move


Nice play on the WR screen here


1st and 10, 27-22 KC leads... 10 min left in game Ware goes for 35


3rd and 4 still down just 5 Tough to cover when this goes on


I know it is 2 sec late and was a flag... but shouldn't this counts as a QB hit?



Before you ask... no I don't know why



That's it for the D. Some crappy run D + mental mistakes in the 2nd half killed them. But even so, stop a deep ball + they prob win

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great work, Yolo. from someone who also watched each offensive Bills play on O, two things jumped out.. and one, you referenced in my breakdown of Henderson..


1- Taylor had a clean pocket to work from most passing plays, considering how long he took to either pass, or abandon it.

2 -there were a few plays to be made in the deep/medium middle - to Woods, Clay, Hogan and Watkins - that Taylor either didn't see, or wouldn't pull the trigger on

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great work, Yolo. from someone who also watched each offensive Bills play on O, two things jumped out.. and one, you referenced in my breakdown of Henderson..


1- Taylor had a clean pocket to work from most passing plays, considering how long he took to either pass, or abandon it.

2 -there were a few plays to be made in the deep/medium middle - to Woods, Clay, Hogan and Watkins - that Taylor either didn't see, or wouldn't pull the trigger on

we would expect Roman and Lee to be working on this with him in film study. Hopeful for continuous improvement. He seems to miss an open Clay a TON. Edited by YoloinOhio
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we would expect Roman and Lee to be working on this with him in film study. Hopeful for continuous improvement. He seems to miss an open Clay a TON.

I don't think Taylor likes the middle of the field for whatever reason. It really limits his options, too. He needs to exploit the middle if he wants to be a starter in this league. You simply can't hurt defenses consistently when they don't have to defend a third of the field.



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