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New heavyweight champ Tyson Fury ....

truth on hold

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....looks like the real deal. All 6'9" of him. Haven't been interested in heavyweight division in a while, but the newly crowned, undefeated champ has me interested again. (Cool name for a fighter too)



Makes wild accusation but could it be legit?


Tyson Fury calls Wladimir Klitschko camp 'cheats,' feared he'd be drugged



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I watched this fight- Fury looks like a goof in the ring. He had some bizarre antics and a weird fighting style (no power) that may have frustrated Klitchko, but the champ looked worn down and out of it and fought a terrible fight.


Sadly, still nothing to see in the Heavyweight division:(

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Thing is when you're as tall as he is youre going to look a little awkward and gangly (like a basketball player). But that said he looked a lot smoother than I expected in my first time watching him. With his leverage those punches have a lot more power than it may appear. Klitschko at 6'6" is tall too, i wonder if this points to the future in that division.

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The funniest part about that fight was when he sang a song to his women in the ring after he won. Jim Lampley called it one of the most bizarre things he had ever seen.

Here's the video of him singing. Reminds me of the American Idol additions when someone comes out thinking they can sing and then hit a bunch of notes that get the neighborhood dogs howling. :)



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I'm not familiar with England's laws regarding "hate crimes." Fury is clearly an idiot and a loudmouth a-hole, but is spouting stupid opinions in an interview really actually illegal there?


Yep. Speech intended to "incite hatred" is illegal, if it's "threatening." And the Crown is consistent (but not uniform - Anglican clergy gets cut some slack, go figure) in considering speech "threatening" if it merely makes someone uncomfortable (as opposed to fearful.)

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Yep. Speech intended to "incite hatred" is illegal, if it's "threatening." And the Crown is consistent (but not uniform - Anglican clergy gets cut some slack, go figure) in considering speech "threatening" if it merely makes someone uncomfortable (as opposed to fearful.)

Damn, I hate when absurd real life circumstances make me have to take the side of a jackaninny like Tyson Fury. (Not that I agree with his opinions, just that he should be allowed to express them freely so that we can make an accurate assessment of just what an idiot he is.)

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Damn, I hate when absurd real life circumstances make me have to take the side of a jackaninny like Tyson Fury. (Not that I agree with his opinions, just that he should be allowed to express them freely so that we can make an accurate assessment of just what an idiot he is.)

Supporting his right to an opinion isn't taking his side. I'll say it again: you have a right to your opinion. But you do NOT have a right to be taken seriously.

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have to admit, there is something refreshingly direct in his response....


Tyson Fury goes on the offensive again, telling doubters: 'You are 50,000 wankers ... suck my balls'



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