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My 10 cents on the game.


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Don't really need 10 for this epic fail.....



1) The team that showed up in the 1st half didn't come back out to play the 2nd.

2) I could have sworn we got Clay to make plays down the middle of the field. Why is that not happening?

3) Unheard of running backs always scare me when they face the bills

4) When you have a opponent down, you STOMP them and KEEP stomping them. Sammy was stomping them in the first half, and they let up and stopped going to him. Killer instinct is just not there.

5) Face it Rex, your style is not a good fit for this front 7. Adapt it to fit their strengths and let them do what they do best.

6) I don't know what to say about the officials anymore. Hogan's catch late in the 4th for a first down was good.

7) There's times when you need to challenge a call!! There were 2 in this game Rex needed to challenge, and one he shouldn't have. Who's supposed to be advising him?

8) Very little pressure on Smith. He did what he needed to do and all but dismantled the D.

9) When you're leading tackler on kickoffs is the kicker, something's wrong on that side of the ball

10) We outplayed them in the first half, they outplayed and outcoached us in the 2nd half. This was the Bills game for the taking, Coaching strategy let them down in the second half


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Don't really need 10 for this epic fail.....



1) The team that showed up in the 1st half didn't come back out to play the 2nd.

4) When you have a opponent down, you STOMP them and KEEP stomping them. Sammy was stomping them in the first half, and they let up and stopped going to him. Killer instinct is just not there.

5) Face it Rex, your style is not a good fit for this front 7. Adapt it to fit their strengths and let them do what they do best.

7) There's times when you need to challenge a call!! There were 2 in this game Rex needed to challenge, and one he shouldn't have. Who's supposed to be advising him?

10) We outplayed them in the first half, they outplayed and outcoached us in the 2nd half. This was the Bills game for the taking, Coaching strategy let them down in the second half


Translation: Buffalo Bills head coach Rex Ryan has no idea what he is doing and should be fired immediately.



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