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San Diego has more water than they know what do to with


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& yet they have to abide by statewide restrictions

Of course it's California and we're a bunch if dysfunctional weenies. We've reduced our consumption by taking different measures but our bill has risen. Because consumption has dropped the water utilities have had to raise rates to cover their fixed costs. Come on El Niño.

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GE has a new way to convert sea water to drinking water. Should be coming on line in the next year. We make generators for producing the electricity need to run the desalination plants. Will take a lot less electricity with new system

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Another "green" idea gone bad. They have to buy the water whether they need it or not? And pass the "savings" on to the taxpayers.


Oh it's a "green" idea all right. Lining pockets of CA politicians and bureaucrats up and down the coast. That article contains more WTF? moments per word than anything I've read in a long time.



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