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Study says that women are drinking more often


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I'd love to get the input from our more senior members here. Having only been legally inducted into the drinking world a decade ago, I don't have much in the way of historic perspective, but it seems to me--particularly with women--drinking has become WAY more tolerated.


I'm talking about all the kitchy hand bags decorated with stupid things like clocks with bottles at every position and some lame caption like "for my cats and I, it's always wine o'clock at my apartment!"


Or facebook posts: works over, should it be one bottle or two tonight?


Wasn't this something people used to play under the hat a little more? Are we making light of problematic drinking?


My weekend plans? Three seasons of Love it or List it on Netflix and nine bottles of pinot!


I see this kind of **** EVERYWHERE, and especially from women. Was drunkeness ever this acceptable?

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not to sound overly sexist, but women demanded equal treatment to men in society and the workplace, now they are finding out why men have always drank more...real world kinda sucks.....so they are now joining in the fray


I'd love to get the input from our more senior members here. Having only been legally inducted into the drinking world a decade ago, I don't have much in the way of historic perspective, but it seems to me--particularly with women--drinking has become WAY more tolerated.


I'm talking about all the kitchy hand bags decorated with stupid things like clocks with bottles at every position and some lame caption like "for my cats and I, it's always wine o'clock at my apartment!"


Or facebook posts: works over, should it be one bottle or two tonight?


Wasn't this something people used to play under the hat a little more? Are we making light of problematic drinking?


My weekend plans? Three seasons of Love it or List it on Netflix and nine bottles of pinot!


I see this kind of **** EVERYWHERE, and especially from women. Was drunkeness ever this acceptable?

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not to sound overly sexist, but women demanded equal treatment to men in society and the workplace, now they are finding out why men have always drank more...real world kinda sucks.....so they are now joining in the fray



Yes I definitely think that's a part of it. But I was always under the impression that your drinking habits were something you played close to the vest. Seems like since the ladies took up the cause, all that changed.


My 30,000 foot explanation? Some observations and theories going off your point:


  1. The stay-at-home women were judgemental of a behavior they didn't partake in so it just wasn't broadcast to the world
  2. If the stay-at-home women were drinkers themselves, it was closeted, and considered a shameful behavior
  3. Once that judgement dissolved as more women worked/drank themselves, the pendulum swung back the opposite way, perhaps to compensate for a behavior they aren't entirely comfortable with? Because they just don't know how to be cool about it?


I don't know. I'm relieved to see, though, that my observation about this (seemingly) recent phenomenon weren't that far off.

Also, obviously, and to the detriment to society at large, god damn facebook and twitter have ALLOWED people to !@#$ing broadcast every singe !@#$ing thought they have

Edited by The Big Cat
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of course they are, with guys like me out there, can you blame them?

I cannot see drinking making you look better - does it help them avoid you?


Also, obviously, and to the detriment to society at large, god damn facebook and twitter have ALLOWED people to !@#$ing broadcast every singe !@#$ing thought they have


It is an intelligence test to just avoid facebook and twitter as much as possible; you might want to retake the test. :nana:

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