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Tirico kept saying the whistle call was a likely TD for Pats

Webster Guy

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Uh OK Mike. Now the rest of the media is saying that too when referencing the inadvertant whistle call, that it may have robbed Amendola from running the 60 yards and scoring.


Did anyone else see Darby (who ran a blazing 4.38 40 at the combine) standing next to him in coverage?


The Pats made out just fine with their 25 yard gift for that play.

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I used to have a lot of respect for Tirico as an announcer, but lost most of it last night. It seemed like he never bothered to even glance at our roster until the game started. He called Hogan Harvin, he referred to Karlos Williams by a Pats player name at one point... and is such a Brady-Michigan homer ball washer that he can't call a game properly.


If there was no whistle, Gilmore makes that tackle. He's right there on the replay. But they kept insisting that Amendola was all alone. Jeez Louise.

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Yes, it was clear to me that Darby would have been there to make the tackle.


By rule, since the whistle happened before the reception, it should have been a dead play and repeat the down. The 15 yard penalty on Rex, although technically justifiable, seemed pretty cheesy and desperate from the refs.


I still think the #1 takeaway from this game is that the Bills are still not quite good enough to beat the Pats, but the refs were pretty godawful in this one. Embarrassingly bad. I don't buy any conspiracy theories--I just think the refs were lost out there and botched this play badly.

Edited by Cugalabanza
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I used to have a lot of respect for Tirico as an announcer, but lost most of it last night. It seemed like he never bothered to even glance at our roster until the game started. He called Hogan Harvin, he referred to Karlos Williams by a Pats player name at one point... and is such a Brady-Michigan homer ball washer that he can't call a game properly.


If there was no whistle, Gilmore makes that tackle. He's right there on the replay. But they kept insisting that Amendola was all alone. Jeez Louise.

i never complain about announcers. I usually barely notice them tbh. It was the first time I ever muted my TV. It was unbearable.
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Yes, it was clear to me that Darby would have been there to make the tackle.


By rule, since the whistle happened before the reception, it should have been a dead play and repeat the down. The 15 yard penalty on Rex, although technically justifiable, seemed pretty cheesy and desperate from the refs.


I still think the #1 takeaway from this game is that the Bills are still not quite good enough to beat the Pats, but the refs were pretty godawful in this one. Embarrassingly bad. I don't buy any conspiracy theories--I just think the refs were lost out there and botched this play badly.

THIS!! The ball was in the air (halfway to Amendola) when the whistle blew. It should have been a do-over.

Edited by Never NEVER Give-up
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I thought Gruden said he would of had a TD. Anyway I think both teams got screwed on that one but ultimately the ref blew the whistle before the catch so they should of replayed the down.


So I turn on NFL Network after the game and they have Dean Blandino on the phone talking about this play. I couldn't believe my ears when I realized the whole segment was about how the Pats got screwed on this call and it would of been a shame if a call like that ruined their perfect season. I AM NOT JOKING!!! Made me sick!!!!

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I think on that play that the refs were trying to protect Tommyboy because he had a defender coming at him and was headed toward the sideline, but it backfired on them because he was at least a yard away from the sidelines when they blew the whistle and he threw the ball. So to make up for their obvious stupidity they come up with some crazy explanation and then the bogus penalty on Rex.

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No One knows what would have happened if the ref didnt blow that dumb whistle! Darby could have made the tackle, Amandola could have broken or avoided the tackle and ran for a TD...


I have NO IDEA why Rex was yelling or getting in the refs way for (I think that was what the penalty was called for) but the only reason they gave that penalty was because the screwed up so bad and the crowd (like any crowd) was screaming and booing..

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I thought Gruden said he would of had a TD. Anyway I think both teams got screwed on that one but ultimately the ref blew the whistle before the catch so they should of replayed the down.


So I turn on NFL Network after the game and they have Dean Blandino on the phone talking about this play. I couldn't believe my ears when I realized the whole segment was about how the Pats got screwed on this call and it would of been a shame if a call like that ruined their perfect season. I AM NOT JOKING!!! Made me sick!!!!

LOL. There's absolutely no evidence that play would have been a TD if not for the whistle. Its wild speculation and there's 50 yards to the end zone. What if Darby doesn't pull up when hearing the whistle, jumps the route, and intercepts the ball with a clear path to a pick 6? Let me speculate, not a single media source is going to say the mistake cost the Bills a TD. More Patriot ball washing by the lapdog media..

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I honestly remember thinking that the Bills caught a break on that play. Does anyone have a video of it that they can post?



Darby pulled up as soon as the whistle was blown, he would have been there for the tackle.

Edited by LBSeeBallLBGetBall
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The funny thing to me was Rex got the penalty cause he steepped in front of the judge and obstructed his view...but that comes after the guy blew his whistle which is why Rex kept walking that way...the play was dead, what could be be obstructing? They never make that call anyway, but it is just flat out wrong on this case.


This was the one time i thought "finally, a call goes our way" , only for it all to work in the Pats favor again...no way he gets 15 more yards.


Everyone knows without question the refs were trying to make the play "what would have happened had we not fugged up"...and that is just not acceptable

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I'm not sure it would have been a TD, but it might have been. It would have been a huge play regardless given that the two Bills defenders downfield were both engaged and could have blocked. I honestly think that the penalty on Rex was meritless and was basically a make-up call for blowing the whistle.

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I'm not sure it would have been a TD, but it might have been. It would have been a huge play regardless given that the two Bills defenders downfield were both engaged and could have blocked. I honestly think that the penalty on Rex was meritless and was basically a make-up call for blowing the whistle.


Highly unlikely Darby whiffs on the tackle. Rex steps onto the white after the whistle blows. I think Rex was trying to point out that Brady was over the LoS?


Thats exactly what it was.


The Refs !@#$ed up but the play would've gone for at least 15 yards and maybe more so they threw a 15 yard penalty flag to justify the !@#$ up.


I don't know how you can say that. if there's no whistle, amendola is tackled maybe for a 1yd gain after the catch.

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