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I hate to admit it, but Taylor sucks

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Ah the 2013 version of Trent Edwards...Check down check down...wait why are we wasting roster spots for WRs?? Should have more backs to check down to or toss screen passes to

WTF do you prefer? You'll take what we had vs. Smith? Comparing Edwards to Smith is downright silly too.

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I don't think it was the point, more like a complete game, no stretches of awful play or anything like that.

Either way, living in Denver and just listening to some sports talk radio on my lunch, it became apparent that in every NFL city there is always a fringe contingent of loonies who simply want to see things their way in the face of reality. In Denver, 99% of the media/fans are able to see reality: Manning is done for, Osweiler has played decent enough that he gives them a better chance to win and should remain the starter unless Manning returns completely healthy and Osweiler implodes. However there are still the loonies who insist that Manning should return as soon as he's healthy. Round these parts, 99% of fans can see that Taylor has played decently enough, sure the jury is still out but at least he's giving us a chance to win and let's just see what happens. And then there are the loonies who are trying to construct an argument that despite the numbers, Taylor is terrible and at that, not even much better than EJ Manuel. I'm sure there is a similar dichotomy in most every NFL city outside of New England.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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Either way, living in Denver and just listening to some sports talk radio on my lunch, it became apparent that in every NFL city there is always a fringe contingent of loonies who simply want to see things their way in the face of reality. In Denver, 99% of the media/fans are able to see reality: Manning is done for, Osweiler has played decent enough that he gives them a better chance to win and should remain the starter unless Manning returns completely healthy and Osweiler implodes. However there are still the loonies who insist that Manning should return as soon as he's healthy. Round these parts, 99% of fans can see that Taylor has played decently enough, sure the jury is still out but at least he's giving us a chance to win and let's just see what happens. And then there are the loonies who are trying to construct an argument that despite the numbers, Taylor is terrible and at that, not even much better than EJ Manuel. I'm sure there is a similar dichotomy in most every NFL city outside of New England.


:lol: OK bud.

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Either way, living in Denver and just listening to some sports talk radio on my lunch, it became apparent that in every NFL city there is always a fringe contingent of loonies who simply want to see things their way in the face of reality. In Denver, 99% of the media/fans are able to see reality: Manning is done for, Osweiler has played decent enough that he gives them a better chance to win and should remain the starter unless Manning returns completely healthy and Osweiler implodes. However there are still the loonies who insist that Manning should return as soon as he's healthy. Round these parts, 99% of fans can see that Taylor has played decently enough, sure the jury is still out but at least he's giving us a chance to win and let's just see what happens. And then there are the loonies who are trying to construct an argument that despite the numbers, Taylor is terrible and at that, not even much better than EJ Manuel. I'm sure there is a similar dichotomy in most every NFL city outside of New England.


This is true. I know a ton of Non-Loonie Bills fans who have never even browsed this message board once, all with reasonable logical opinions on the state of the team..Many of them leave their Bills fandom as a non- internet based portion of their lives. I just happen to be addicted to this site myself but that's another story.

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All of the ex-Jocks on the broadcast and post game show must be part of the 1% fringe contingent of loonies.

As a matter of fact, many of the ex-pro jocks don't know anything other than cliches. Ever watch a pre game show. You can hear them spew out the same things over and over. There is a reason baseball stopped hiring old cronies and former players only for the front offices.

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As a matter of fact, many of the ex-pro jocks don't know anything other than cliches. Ever watch a pre game show. You can hear them spew out the same things over and over. There is a reason baseball stopped hiring old cronies and former players only for the front offices.

Hard to argue with that.


Call me part of the 1%. Somehow the Broncos were able to win 6 or 7 games with Peyton. I'm not surprised though. The 2nd string QB is ALWAYS the fan favorite.

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As a matter of fact, many of the ex-pro jocks don't know anything other than cliches. Ever watch a pre game show. You can hear them spew out the same things over and over. There is a reason baseball stopped hiring old cronies and former players only for the front offices.

Exactly. Me and my brother had an in depth conversation about this the other day. Ever since Moneyball, baseball has been all about advanced stats, logic and probability. Look at Tim Murray- all he does is talk analytics. Meanwhile, football is the lone major sport that still relies on the old guard telling us about "Gruden's Grinders" and still punting on 4th and 3 from the other team's 43 yard line so they can give the other team the ball for free and save 25 yards in field position and not throw to Sammy Watkins when he is an unstoppable force and not pay a guy $50K to sit in a box and tell the coach exactly when to challenge and when not to. The same would go for anyone saying "when Peyton Manning is healthy, he's the guy" because he used to be really good.

Hard to argue with that.


Call me part of the 1%. Somehow the Broncos were able to win 6 or 7 games with Peyton. I'm not surprised though. The 2nd string QB is ALWAYS the fan favorite.

When the starting QB is literally the worst starting QB in all of football and the second string guy is clearly better, then they should be the fan favorite. This is not like when Jim Kelly in his prime would have one bad game and Biff from Tonawanda would call in and say that Frank Reich should be the starter.

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Ah the 2013 version of Trent Edwards...Check down check down...wait why are we wasting roster spots for WRs?? Should have more backs to check down to or toss screen passes to

Yep, but he is really quite good at that.

And he can get yards with his legs.

Smart player really.



If only Tyrod could check down as well as Smith :nana:

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My bad.

Nah it was kind of my bad...I reread it and the sarcasm just did not come through at all...

This is not like when Jim Kelly in his prime would have one bad game and Biff from Tonawanda would call in and say that Frank Reich should be the starter.


Or when 75% of the stadium would chant Collins Collins after a Kelly int...

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Ever since Moneyball, baseball has been all about advanced stats, logic and probability.

When the starting QB is literalkthen they should be the fan favorite. This is not like when


I'm going to have to dispute this as well. Baseball has been all about stats for as long as I can remember and that's a pretty long time. It started LONG before Moneyball. Moneyball is a cool movie though.


Or when 75% of the stadium would chant Collins Collins after a Kelly int...

2nd string QB is the most popular guy on the team. Just the way it works.

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I'm going to have to dispute this as well. Baseball has been all about stats for as long as I can remember and that's a pretty long time. It started LONG before Moneyball. Moneyball is a cool movie though.



2nd string QB is the most popular guy on the team. Just the way it works.

I said "advanced stats." Yes, everyone knew about home runs and batting average before Moneyball. You should read the book.


And just because of this adage you speak of, which is an old and often true one, doesn't mean that Peyton Manning should start when he's healthy. It would be ludicrous for him to start at this point.

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