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I hate to admit it, but Taylor sucks

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I sure hope to hell Tyrod plays well tomorrow or Im never gonna hear the end of it lol

that is what happens when you are a superfan.

12 weeks in and I'm still catching garbage for saying EJ isn't a total bust.

Show him the money. Love Tyrod

please no. it is too soon to overpay Taylor.


Have seen what players are doing after their big paydays? some not very good

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I find it rather sad actually


These are actually supposed to be fans of the team....yet make every attempt to tear down their QB as much as they possibly can


Well anyway....I choose to root for the qb.......I will just have to live with it

Except when he throws deep....which he tends to do a lot but anyway....


Ignoring the obvious doesn't make you more of a fan though.


Fandom boils down to ego. You're a fan of a team, in this case the Bills. And if they lose or make bad decisions, you're not thrilled because you've been touting them for years without any results. So, to protect your ego (the team) you shout down anyone who isn't like you even if factually you're dead wrong.


It's been the hallmark of Bills football for years now: beat up on bad to mediocre teams and lose to the good ones. That hasn't changed so far this season.


I guess that makes me a hater, so cue that crowd.

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Agreed and it isn't even controversial. Tyrod is afraid to throw over the middle. Roman allows him to hand it off and throw short and to the sidelines all day and have ESPN randomly crown him depending on the week. It's a great situation for Tyrod.


I agree with this over the middle comment. Note how many yards someone like Brady gets on his over the middle passes. So which of the following is the issue. Tyrod can't see over the line, or he isn't tall enough to pass over the line or Roman just doesn't have faith in him passing over the middle?


Note if the play extends and there are gaps in the line do to the blocking, he does pass down the middle. But the quick hitter on a crossing pattern is non-existent.

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Ignoring the obvious doesn't make you more of a fan though.


Fandom boils down to ego. You're a fan of a team, in this case the Bills. And if they lose or make bad decisions, you're not thrilled because you've been touting them for years without any results. So, to protect your ego (the team) you shout down anyone who isn't like you even if factually you're dead wrong.


It's been the hallmark of Bills football for years now: beat up on bad to mediocre teams and lose to the good ones. That hasn't changed so far this season.


I guess that makes me a hater, so cue that crowd.

Sounds more like beaten wife syndrom to me

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that is what happens when you are a superfan.

12 weeks in and I'm still catching garbage for saying EJ isn't a total bust.


If your standard is merely not being a total bust then what you are saying is that being less than mediocre is an acceptable standard for your starting qb. You don't get anywhere when your franchise qb is consistently inconsistent other than get teased by him. It doesn't matter whether Fitz, Tuel, Orton, Edwards, Losman are your starting qbs. Ultimately your team will continue to be stuck in the mud of mediocrity.


You don't have to have an all-pro starting qb to be a serious team. What you have to have to be competitive is a starting qb who is consistently competent and capable of making plays that starting qbs should make. That issue is still open for Taylor. He has given glimpses that indicate that maybe he can be a respectable starter in this league.


If you are riding the EJ Manuel bus you are riding on a bus that has four flat tires and is out of gas. The prior coaching staff wanted nothing to do with him. The current coaching staff thought so little of him that they deactivated him for the Jets game. What do you think that demonstrated? Activating a pedestrian vagabond qb who was recently added to the roster over a former first round qb selection who was with the team for three years?


EJ is not a total bust (your words). I agree with that. But he is not a starting caliber qb for any team that has aspirations beyond being mediocre.

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OK....well if you cannot understand what is meant by that then there is no reason to continue this conversation.

as i have been reading through, I can see we agree.


I think Tyrod's game will open over time. He is doing exactly what he is asked to do. whether we fans like it or not.

i don't mind. I love the run game!

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I'm not saying Tyrod isn't our best option at QB right now. I'm saying that even though Tyrod has been decent, he is playing in a system that is designed to take him out of the game in his normal position as much as possible. It's not like he's completing 20+ passes every game and putting together passing drives every week. We either rush for 150 yards and win, or don't and lose. Tyrod just has to not puke on his shoes. And that's no long term answer at QB.

It is true that we're taking the QB out as much as possible. I will agree that having a Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers makes it easier to have ongoing success, but as in the previous examples, you can certainly build Super Bowl winning teams based on the model we are working too right now.


I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater to get a QB to replace Tyrod next year when we still need to fix the O-line, LBs, another receiving target, never mind working on our overpaid, underperforming and aging D-line.


Do we pick up a guy and let him ride the pine? Sure. But we aren't going to the Super Bowl on a rookie 1st rounder next year if we don't fix our other problems.

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It is true that we're taking the QB out as much as possible. I will agree that having a Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers makes it easier to have ongoing success, but as in the previous examples, you can certainly build Super Bowl winning teams based on the model we are working too right now.


I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater to get a QB to replace Tyrod next year when we still need to fix the O-line, LBs, another receiving target, never mind working on our overpaid, underperforming and aging D-line.


Do we pick up a guy and let him ride the pine? Sure. But we aren't going to the Super Bowl on a rookie 1st rounder next year if we don't fix our other problems.

I dont think anyone is advocating cutting Tyrod. He's certainly shown enough to keep him on the roster. But his position needs to be improved, whether it is by him improving or finding a replacement who is better. Nothing else matters.


Also, Joe Flacco won a Super Bowl by being the best playoff QB of all time. He wasn't throwing the ball 17 times a game. Really, the only real example is Wilson, but he's clearly leagues better than TT. Not even close, really.

Edited by FireChan
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I dont think anyone is advocating cutting Tyrod. He's certainly shown enough to keep him on the roster. But his position needs to be improved, whether it is by him improving or finding a replacement who is better. Nothing else matters.


Also, Joe Flacco won a Super Bowl by being the best playoff QB of all time. He wasn't throwing the ball 17 times a game. Really, the only real example is Wilson, but he's clearly leagues better than TT. Not even close, really.

Like I have already said


The goal posts just continually seem to move this year


At the beginning of this year all the majority of the fans were asking for was a game manager QB that didnt lose games for us......we didnt think we had it.....and most people were predicting doom if EJ didnt take that next step....nobody trusted Cassell

Well....Cassell isnt here.....and EJ busted.....but we still managed to find a qb that manages the game (and by game manager a guy that doesnt turn the ball over and isnt the weak link on the field)


Tyrod Taylor has met those expectations...but now fans want more.


Another QB is needed I definately am not argueing that but this fan base gets SO DAMN IMPATIENT when it comes to QBs....Tyrod does not even have a full season of games to evaluate. Tyrod has a LOT of success early....defenses adjusted...now Tyrod is experiencing that.


We need to see if Tyrod can overcome it...you not going to know that over a few games.


It would help if Roman would actually adjust his offensive game plan to adjust to what defenses are doing to his QB. Roman's idea of adjusting is to amp up his running game. What he really needs to do is study what teams are doing to his QUARTERBACK


I still maintain....and I truly believe this....that when Tyrod gets out of the pocket (on bootlegs...rollouts for example) and makes a play it actually makes him more comfortable on his in the pocket plays.....I have SEEN it....numerous times.


Last week on the drive where McCoy scored the touchdown was a perfect example......Tyrod gets out of the pocket....throws for a first down....on the very next play....in the pocket...throws a nice ball to Clay


Help your QB Roman....realize that he is not a multi year starter and is basically a "experienced rookie".....and help your qb find success

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I'm not blaming him, it is what it is.


You can believe that the system is the cause, that Roman is tying down a golden-armed QB with this system, and that with Adam Gase, Tyrod would be throwing 250+ yards a game. I believe that the system is the effect. I believe that Tyrod would be much worse in a different system because he's just not that good and Roman's system is keeping him afloat.

I totally agree.

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Check out this "non fanboy" who is posting on a Bills website on the weekend. :).

A fan isn't the same thing as a fanboy. A fan likes and cheers for a team and it's players. A fanboy has an irrational devotion and extreme bias that renders him incapable of objective analysis.


For example, a fan may really like a player, want him to be good, see the best in him, but also be able to rationally critique him. A fanboy can't critique him and can't stand for anyone else to either because his fanboy love is too strong.

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Ignoring the obvious doesn't make you more of a fan though.


Fandom boils down to ego. You're a fan of a team, in this case the Bills. And if they lose or make bad decisions, you're not thrilled because you've been touting them for years without any results. So, to protect your ego (the team) you shout down anyone who isn't like you even if factually you're dead wrong.


It's been the hallmark of Bills football for years now: beat up on bad to mediocre teams and lose to the good ones. That hasn't changed so far this season.


I guess that makes me a hater, so cue that crowd.


I dislike your constant negativity, but this is one post I agree with.



And I agreed with FireChan and BillsVet. All in one post ! What is wrong with me ? 0:)

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I dislike your constant negativity, but this is one post I agree with.



And I agreed with FireChan and BillsVet. All in one post ! What is wrong with me ? 0:)

Geez Chicago! They have pulled you to the Dark Side. Sneaky bastards.


I think Roman limits TT because he should. I dont see the maturity in his ability to feel the the players coming open yet.

Consider him a rookie of sorts?


But hell yes we should draft one.

If we luck out and fond a gem. all the better.

Go Bills!

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Like I have already said


The goal posts just continually seem to move this year


At the beginning of this year all the majority of the fans were asking for was a game manager QB that didnt lose games for us......we didnt think we had it.....and most people were predicting doom if EJ didnt take that next step....nobody trusted Cassell

Well....Cassell isnt here.....and EJ busted.....but we still managed to find a qb that manages the game (and by game manager a guy that doesnt turn the ball over and isnt the weak link on the field)


Tyrod Taylor has met those expectations...but now fans want more.


Another QB is needed I definately am not argueing that but this fan base gets SO DAMN IMPATIENT when it comes to QBs....Tyrod does not even have a full season of games to evaluate. Tyrod has a LOT of success early....defenses adjusted...now Tyrod is experiencing that.


We need to see if Tyrod can overcome it...you not going to know that over a few games.


It would help if Roman would actually adjust his offensive game plan to adjust to what defenses are doing to his QB. Roman's idea of adjusting is to amp up his running game. What he really needs to do is study what teams are doing to his QUARTERBACK


I still maintain....and I truly believe this....that when Tyrod gets out of the pocket (on bootlegs...rollouts for example) and makes a play it actually makes him more comfortable on his in the pocket plays.....I have SEEN it....numerous times.


Last week on the drive where McCoy scored the touchdown was a perfect example......Tyrod gets out of the pocket....throws for a first down....on the very next play....in the pocket...throws a nice ball to Clay


Help your QB Roman....realize that he is not a multi year starter and is basically a "experienced rookie".....and help your qb find success

Shifting the goal posts? I'm not "the fans." Don't attribute someone else's opinion with mine. I wanted an improvement over EJ and I got one. I'm not sure if he is enough of an improvement. Are you asking me to be happy without a good QB?


You keep calling me impatient, but why? TT hasn't proved anything. Why am I impatient? I just told you about a billion times I don't want him benched or cut. So what is the big deal? Do I have to bow before him?

Edited by FireChan
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Shifting the goal posts? I'm not "the fans." Don't attribute someone else's opinion with mine. I wanted an improvement over EJ and I got one. I'm not sure if he is enough of an improvement. Are you asking me to be happy without a good QB?


You keep calling me impatient, but why? TT hasn't proved anything. Why am I impatient? I just told you about a billion times I don't want him benched or cut. So what is the big deal? Do I have to bow before him?

You dont have enough data to know whether Tyrod is or isnt a good qb yet......

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