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I hate to admit it, but Taylor sucks

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Still better than EJ, still the best QB on the roster, but he surely isn't the long term answer at QB.


I really wanted to believe, but he is another checkdown or scramble guy that can't consistently read the defense and throw down the field.


It's frustrating.


Better than EJ? -Agreed.


Not a long term answer? -Definitely agree.


However, Tyrod Taylor is NO LONGER the best QB on the roster.... Josh Johnson is a better passer than both these duds. Mobility isn't a problem for him either... I've been watching this kid since his USD days, and HE HAS THE STUFF....Wanna score points? -Start Josh... Will he throw the ocaisional INT? -Absolutely. However, Johnson has the ability to develop good chemistry with his receivers in a relatively short time... Also, he's not a chickens#!^ when it comes to throwing the ball.

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Taylor's first truly bad game end-to-end. So let's cut him.

There's mrs Taylor. Apparently you didn't watch Tennessee or NYG.

What you have is a certain few blowing the horn loud and the sheep are piling on


Pile on sheep

Uh oh are people questioning the golden calf?

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I think it is perfectly reasonable to hold all the following opinions at the same time:-


- Tyrod Taylor is the best Quarterback on our roster.

- EJ really isn't that close to him.

- It would have been reasonable to put EJ in when Tyrod had clearly damaged his throwing shoulder and we needed someone to heave it deep.

- Tyrod could be a QB that takes us to the play-offs

- He is a legitimate NFL starter - but where he slots in when compared to the rest of the league is hard to determine after so few starts.

- However, Tyrod's weakness remains the one thing that wins consistently in this league - the big boy intermediate throws from the pocket.

- For that reason it is unlikely that in Tyrod we have a guy who can make us a legitimate consistent championship contender.

- We must look to find that person

- The place we most likely do that is the Draft


That is basically my position. I am fine with Tyrod as the starter the rest of this year health permitting. I am fine with him as the starter for this team next season and think you would start with a play-off shot with him back there. But we need to continue searching for THE guy. Because sitting back and thinking "Tyrod is serviceable you can win 9 or 10 games with him all being equal" is not a reasonable position if we want to contend for Championships.

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There are a couple of people that should be damn ashamed of themselves in this thread......


Its a good thing we dont play undefeated teams every week


Pats defense is meh, Tyrod looked clueless all night

Pats yards given up to some opposing teams this year:


Steelers 464

Colts 409

Jets 372

Giants 422



Better than EJ? -Agreed.


Not a long term answer? -Definitely agree.


However, Tyrod Taylor is NO LONGER the best QB on the roster.... Josh Johnson is a better passer than both these duds. Mobility isn't a problem for him either... I've been watching this kid since his USD days, and HE HAS THE STUFF....Wanna score points? -Start Josh... Will he throw the ocaisional INT? -Absolutely. However, Johnson has the ability to develop good chemistry with his receivers in a relatively short time... Also, he's not a chickens#!^ when it comes to throwing the ball.

Smoke another one 34, Why don't we just bring back tuel ! Josh Johnson is the play. That's a good one.

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Watkins did not play in London.

Right, my bad. Shady did. Watkins played a half for the Cincy game.


Actually you are partially correct. Watkins played half a game. If he played in JAX he did absolutely nothing because that was the Woods and Clay show.


I think of Taylor learned to use Clay and Woods i wouldnt pile on him. He just isn't playing like a real starter yet. Lady night he threw numerous passes in a row to Woods, then switched to Hogan, then to McCoy. No variation. You have Charles Clay. You have to exploit that. You have Watkins you have to eat off of that. If he can't. We need someone who will. Point blank period.

Clay has more targets than anyone on the team, right? I agree we need to have plays designed to get Watkins the ball specifically, whether it's a screen or an end around or whatever, it can't just be go routes.

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I think it is perfectly reasonable to hold all the following opinions at the same time:-


- Tyrod Taylor is the best Quarterback on our roster.

- EJ really isn't that close to him.

- It would have been reasonable to put EJ in when Tyrod had clearly damaged his throwing shoulder and we needed someone to heave it deep.

- Tyrod could be a QB that takes us to the play-offs

- He is a legitimate NFL starter - but where he slots in when compared to the rest of the league is hard to determine after so few starts.

- However, Tyrod's weakness remains the one thing that wins consistently in this league - the big boy intermediate throws from the pocket.

- For that reason it is unlikely that in Tyrod we have a guy who can make us a legitimate consistent championship contender.

- We must look to find that person

- The place we most likely do that is the Draft


That is basically my position. I am fine with Tyrod as the starter the rest of this year health permitting. I am fine with him as the starter for this team next season and think you would start with a play-off shot with him back there. But we need to continue searching for THE guy. Because sitting back and thinking "Tyrod is serviceable you can win 9 or 10 games with him all being equal" is not a reasonable position if we want to contend for Championships.

The bolded is becoming clearer that he isn't. As time goes on it will become more and more clear. Wait and see.

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Still better than EJ, still the best QB on the roster, but he surely isn't the long term answer at QB.


I really wanted to believe, but he is another checkdown or scramble guy that can't consistently read the defense and throw down the field.


It's frustrating.


He doesnt suck. This was start 8. He dealt with Monday Night, Away at the Super Bowl Champions and more importantly and hopefully a big lesson learned for the upcoming games at home, WIND. Some of his down field passes right to left were hung up, and then left to right he didnt judge the wind properly. TT is fine. Mark it down - he leads us to a Big Time W in KC

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Rodgers did too! I guess just bc he sat for four years is not reason enough to beleive he is forever a QB to come off the bench. Hes not a rookie, but this is his first year starting since VTech. Its his second game back after sitting. I will make excuses bc the constant turnover at QB is hurting more than a bad QB is. We are 10 games in. TT is our QB this year. Thats it.


Sorry gugny i meant nothin by it haha we are all special.

1st off, the joke about RJ was referring to the prior comment on being a #2 QB on a SB team.


And with 3 good and 3 bad games ...... That again is a sad state of affairs for Buffalo.


And lastly... what you posted was deleted, so..... we have to wonder just how bad the comment was.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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I wasn't impressed with TTs game last night, but it seemed to me the turning point in the game was Miller going out. Taylor looked a lot worse after that then he did before. Their defense just smothered us. Sammy was blanketed every time they showed him.


Tyrods biggest sin last night was not being Brady. Switch QBs and I think we all know how that game ends. But he's a #15-20 QB which is what a lot of us thought would be good enough and is a huge step up from last year.

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Mark it down - he leads us to a Big Time W in KC


I hope you're right.


I fear the book is out on him. He can scramble and throw sideline deep balls and checkdowns. Put the MLB in QB Spy. Safeties both play the deep sideline. Corners press the underneath to the outside. Leave the middle of the field empty and vulnerable to deep posts and crossing routes, and trust the Tyrod can't make those throws.

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He doesnt suck. This was start 8. He dealt with Monday Night, Away at the Super Bowl Champions and more importantly and hopefully a big lesson learned for the upcoming games at home, WIND. Some of his down field passes right to left were hung up, and then left to right he didnt judge the wind properly. TT is fine. Mark it down - he leads us to a Big Time W in KC

What do you think he knows about wind today that he didn't last week?


He's been through practices, warm ups, games (college, and pro) in dozens of stadiums and trained on his own and you think he's just discovering wind as an issue with throwing a ball?

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Everyone realizes we are talking about a first year starter who has just put up 19 straight quarters without an interception or fumble, correct?


While all well and good - other factors need to be reviewed


4 games - QBR over 88 (of 100) and 3 games* with a RAT over 120 (of 158.3)

4 games - QBR under 37.1 (of 100) and 2 games with a RAT under 83 (of 158.3)


* Tyrod's two BEST games 136.7 (21 of 29) and 146.5 (11 of 12) were against Miami, the third 123.8 (14 of 19) against Indy.


MNF - 20 of 36. The silly stat used prior - TT is 0-3 when passing 30 or more times.


His worst QBR was 16.6 against the Giants


hopefully I transferred the stats correctly.


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the 6th ranked QB for passer rating does NOT suck.

Please review the stats. Tyrod is NOT a passing QB. He is Win-less when he has to throw 30 or more times.


For the record - I have not said TT sucks. I am only trying to show that he has his limitations.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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