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not only won't Tom do yoga he won't eat yogurt for fear of assimilating a foreign culture

    • The word “yoğurt” is Turkish in origin.
    • Most historical accounts attribute yogurt to the Neolithic peoples of Central Asia around 6000 B.C.. Herdsmen began the practice of milking their animals, and the natural enzymes in the carrying containers (animal stomachs) curdled the milk, essentially making yogurt. Not only did the milk then keep longer, it is thought that people preferred the taste so continued the practice, which then evolved over centuries into commercial yogurt making.
    • Recorded history states that Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire, and his armies lived on yogurt.




Perhaps they just needed a distraction from this:



a's prim capital is suddenly focused more on the state of people's affairs than the affairs of the state.

One in five Ottawa residents allegedly subscribed to adulterers' website Ashley Madison, making one of the world's coldest capitals among the hottest for extra-marital hookups - and the most vulnerable to a breach of privacy after hackers targeted the site.

Hackers threatened to leak details including the credit card information, nude photos, sexual fantasies and real names of as many as 37 million customers worldwide of Ashley Madison, which uses the slogan: "Life is short. Have an affair."



not only won't Tom do yoga he won't eat yogurt for fear of assimilating a foreign culture


That was pretty good, actually... :lol:



  • Recorded history states that Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire, and his armies lived on yogurt.



Not quite yogurt. Fermented mare's milk, which could be dried, then reconstituted into an edible paste. Probably delicious, if your only other option is marmot.

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