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Compensatory Draft Picks Will Be Tradeable in 2017


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If they're going to have comp picks - and would seem they are - then simplify things and make them tradeable just like any other picks. It's probably better for the players overall. The main problem I've had with comp picks is that they typically give extra low round picks to teams that already draft well, even if they lost some talent to get the extra pick(s). The net result is often to add extra developmental players to a team without much room for them. Making comp picks tradeable might help alleviate this in some small, marginal way. I'd rather that they didn't exist at all, but I don't have any problem making them tradeable if they do.

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So you want them to lose free agents on purpose to get compensatory picks?

No but there are smart ways to manage a roster that can maximize your talent. Signing a bad free agent that cancels out a mid round comp pick would be poor planning as its like trading that pick for a guy you'd not ever consider trading for.

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If they're going to have comp picks - and would seem they are - then simplify things and make them tradeable just like any other picks. It's probably better for the players overall. The main problem I've had with comp picks is that they typically give extra low round picks to teams that already draft well, even if they lost some talent to get the extra pick(s). The net result is often to add extra developmental players to a team without much room for them. Making comp picks tradeable might help alleviate this in some small, marginal way. I'd rather that they didn't exist at all, but I don't have any problem making them tradeable if they do.

I struggle with calling late round picks "developmental". In some rare cases a late round pick may have all of the size and athletic ability that a higher pick has, but they may need to get stronger, may have played at a low level of competition or have to change positions. In those cases, I think the term developmental prospect applies.


But, in the majority of cases, players are drafted later because they lack some important quality: height, weight, speed, quickness - etc. in those cases, it doesn't seem to me that developmental applies. Sure, some of these guys find ways to overcome their limitations, but not many. The term developmental seems to imply that all a player needs is some coaching and they will become as good as a high round pick.


I think this term is particularly abused with regard to QBs. "Let's just draft a developmental QB in the 5th round and give him time to learn. By year three he will be great!" Really, in most cases, by year 3 that guy is out of the league or bouncing around from team to team trying to be a 3rd stringer - still having those same limitations that made him a low round pick to begin with.

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