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Bringing Attention To Your Cause 101

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I was just reading an article on the Kean University protests and it focused on the threatening racist tweets that were received. It made me wonder if it is possible that the anonymous tweets could have been sent from someone that was sympathetic to the protester's cause. I have seen no indication that this is the case, but who has more to gain from these tweets? Some ignorant racist or the supporters of the protest? I had not heard anything about Kean University until these tweets came to light. I want to make it clear that I would never condone racist threats and I hope they track down whoever posted the threats and expose them for whatever they are, but if you were hoping to bring attention to your cause, what better way to get some major media attention than an anonymous threatening tweet? If it isn't the case in the Kean University protest, what prevents future protests from employing this tactic. Especially if the people making the tweets are able to remain anonymous?



Edited by chknwing334
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Remember when everyone destroyed the predominantly white duke lacrosse team with the black stripper? Only to later find out it wasn't entirely accurate....


And everyone destroyed the other frat bros (and men in general) after Rolling Stone printed a story about them gang raping a freshman girl....only to find out later she made the whole thing up...

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The notion that anyone "has the right to be believed" is diametrically opposed to "innocent until proved guilty".



How dare you!! g8ZnW_free-trade-or-liberal-base-if-your







dLyNElFR_normal.png Hillary Clinton



"To every survivor of sexual assault...You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We're with you." —Hillary

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I was just reading an article on the Kean University protests and it focused on the threatening racist tweets that were received. It made me wonder if it is possible that the anonymous tweets could have been sent from someone that was sympathetic to the protester's cause. I have seen no indication that this is the case, but who has more to gain from these tweets? Some ignorant racist or the supporters of the protest? I had not heard anything about Kean University until these tweets came to light. I want to make it clear that I would never condone racist threats and I hope they track down whoever posted the threats and expose them for whatever they are, but if you were hoping to bring attention to your cause, what better way to get some major media attention than an anonymous threatening tweet? If it isn't the case in the Kean University protest, what prevents future protests from employing this tactic. Especially if the people making the tweets are able to remain anonymous?




Did the tweets threaten to dump a beer on anyone's head?



Really...they don't have to be faked. It's enough for someone to just say "I read a threatening tweet...oh, it was deleted. But I totally read it!" The offense is considered valid a priori, and proves the tweets are genuine even if they never existed. So the tweets are probably genuine...why bother with fake tweets, when the fake accusation works just as well?

Think of all the people who died because of Al Sharpton and his fake stories about Tawana Brawley and Freddie's Fashion Mart.


I don't think anyone died over the Tawana Brawley case. But a good number of people had their lives ruined.

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I don't think anyone died over the Tawana Brawley case. But a good number of people had their lives ruined.


Yeah, I forgot. Sharpton blamed a copy that had killed himself after Brawley was found and I was thinking he killed himself after Sharpton blamed him for no reason.


But plenty of dead people over Freddie's.

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How dare you!! g8ZnW_free-trade-or-liberal-base-if-your









Not So Funny
06.16.145:35 PM ET
Why Was Hillary Clinton Laughing About Helping Suspected Child Rapist?
As a lawyer in the 1970s, Hillary Clinton defended a child rapist. Is it disturbing that in a taped interview recorded years later she is heard laughing over how she succeeded in securing a more lenient sentence for him?

It’s hardly unusual for a criminal trial lawyer to gossip about a courtroom triumph on behalf of a less than admirable client, often with gallows humor and over drinks after a hard day’s work.

But it’s highly unusual for a lawyer to boast and laugh about such a circumstance in an on-the-record interview with a journalist—and pretty much jaw-dropping when the lawyer is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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It's spread here in Princeton too.



They're making three "demands".

1. The league wants the university to acknowledge the "racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson and how he impacted campus policy and culture," the letter stated, calling attention to the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

The group said Wilson, a Princeton and U.S. president, was widely known to support segregation. They called for the name of the school to be changed and his mural to be removed from a student dining hall.

2. The group also demanded cultural competency training for staff and faculty at the university and, in conjunction with that, mandatory classes for students on, "the history of marginalized peoples," the letter said.

3. Finally, league members wrote, they want a marked cultural space on campus for black students.


Frankly, I think they do have a gripe with #1. Wilson was a notorious racist. Of course, he was the father of American Progressivism, so go figure. Princeton was a segregated town in his lifetime, and he discouraged blacks to apply to the University when he was its president, refused to integrate the US Army as President as well as encouraging segregation within the Federal Government's bureaucracy.

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So we have black students in Chicago posting fake threats against white students, and black students at Kean posting fake threats against black students.


All because of white privilege, or something.

Sounds about right. I predicted that this would happen and a lot of this **** is being fabricated by the race baiting industry and the left.

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It's spread here in Princeton too.



They're making three "demands".

1. The league wants the university to acknowledge the "racist legacy of Woodrow Wilson and how he impacted campus policy and culture," the letter stated, calling attention to the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

The group said Wilson, a Princeton and U.S. president, was widely known to support segregation. They called for the name of the school to be changed and his mural to be removed from a student dining hall.

2. The group also demanded cultural competency training for staff and faculty at the university and, in conjunction with that, mandatory classes for students on, "the history of marginalized peoples," the letter said.

3. Finally, league members wrote, they want a marked cultural space on campus for black students.


Frankly, I think they do have a gripe with #1. Wilson was a notorious racist. Of course, he was the father of American Progressivism, so go figure. Princeton was a segregated town in his lifetime, and he discouraged blacks to apply to the University when he was its president, refused to integrate the US Army as President as well as encouraging segregation within the Federal Government's bureaucracy.


Maybe we can improve on that and give them entire colleges, public schools and sections of the city for them to live in. Go progressives!

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