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I know it's a bit early, but maybe just maybe we could have someone ensure the headset batteries are charging and the headsets work? Thanks in advance.




At this point our staff will be culpable for not having a contingency plan in case of a failure. This should not be an acceptable excuse for us any longer. What 3 games so far this season? Get a f'ing hand signal plan together for petes sake.

Or do the pretty pictures like they do in college.


Edited by Show Me The Baby
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I hope Pegula has a team of former CIA anti terrorism operatives ready to sweep the hotel and locker room for bugs. And maybe Tyrod can get a T-mobile sponsorship and we can implant a cell phone in his helmet instead of a radio

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It is real simple. Tyrod has a wrist band with the plays 1-20 on it. Flash him the number of fingers for the play. Like for eleven flash all fingers and than just one. The middle one. That would be for the cheats and a unsportsman like 15 yarder for us for telling them how it is. That would be our luck. Refs would miss the first ten. So maybe we cut it down to ten plays. Refs shine on Monday Night.

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