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Refugee Crisis in the U. S. (?)


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2 minutes ago, B-Man said:



ICE Places Hold on Immigrant Charged With Criminally Negligent Homicide in Fatal Knoxville Accident.





I'm waiting for the lawsuits against the municipalities and states for releasing these criminals to the streets after an arrest. That'll be sweet.

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Border Patrol Officials School Media About What’s Going On at the Border



The media isn’t going to believe President Donald Trump if he told them the sky is blue, and Trump recognizes that fact. He also knows the left and its media definitely won’t listen to him about more serious matters.


With that firmly in mind, it seemed to Trump that if he can’t get the media to believe him about the effectiveness of border walls, then he’ll get someone who may be able to talk from experience. That’s why Trump invited members of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) to the White House to speak to the press on Thursday to discuss how his plan of putting a border wall up actually would work.


After introductions, Trump allowed NBPC President Brandon Judd to take the podium and speak.


“I’ve been a Border Patrol agent for 21 years,” Judd said. “I can personally tell you, from the work that I have done on the southwest border, that physical barriers, that walls actually work. You hear a lot of talk that there are experts that say that walls don’t work. I promise you that if you interview Border Patrol agents, they will tell you that walls work.”


“We need those physical barriers, and we appreciate President Trump and all of his efforts in getting us those physical barriers,” Judd added. “There’s also a lot of talk on this shutdown, that federal employees do not agree with the shutdown. I will tell you that’s not true.”


Much more at the link:


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They say nothing can stop them. I bet a wall could.


Do you see these savages? They do NOT care about America. They just want in and they don't believe we should have a right to restrict access to our country. And the Democrats agree with them. Democrats are basically all treasonous. 

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14 minutes ago, B-Man said:

Why Isn’t Cpl. Ronil Singh of the Newman, California police department on the Cover of Time Magazine?





If it was a white cop that killed an illegal, OMG. 


Ive never seen politics so entrenched in racial lines. What’s baffling is all the whites in the democrat trenches indoctrinating all who will listen on the evils of whites. Ridiculous. All of it. 

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On 1/5/2019 at 8:09 PM, B-Man said:

DwKr9ZWU8AA13SI.jpg:large...........Officer Singh's funeral was today.


Democrat 'leaders' , such as Pelosi have refused to even mention him.


DISGRACEFUL: For Pelosi, ‘a wall is an immorality,’ but she doesn’t have time to comment on Ronil Singh’s death






Howd he get in? Because legal immigration is impossible. I know this because Schumer and Pelosi have ensured me of it. 


So, how’d that immigrant get in legally? He must have bribed Trump. Maybe he’s really Russian?

Edited by The_Dude
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NBC: 'Trump is stupid. Illegals don't cost us over $200 billion a year. They only cost us $50 billion more a year than Trump needs for his wall. Trump is racist.'

On 1/6/2019 at 10:57 PM, B-Man said:








This is not one of those incidents in which the press chooses to display its selective compassion.


Related item here.





But if it doesn't help contextualize Trump as a rapist, it doesn't matter. 


Now, back to the Russia investigation, and never mind that 2nd dead guy at a Hillary donors house!

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UPDATE: Police say the three MS-13 members accused of stabbing a teen on Long Island all entered the U.S. illegally





Read this story and really think about it for a second

There are known MS-13 members roaming the halls of Long Island high schools,

some of whom have been picked up by DHS,

but then released back out on the streets by federal judges

Would you want to send your kid there?

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Why have CNN, MSNBC & others completely ignored Angel parents in their coverage of the shutdown?


They have time to cover the plight of furloughed government workers, but no time for the plight of these heroic Angel families?


Ask yourself why that is?




@CNN, @MSNBC, & the rest of the lot:


“Teenagers whose classmates were killed are gun control experts!! Listen to them!!”


Also @CNN, @MSNBC, & the rest of the lot:


“Angel Moms whose kids were killed by illegal aliens know nothing about border security!!Don’t listen to them!!”

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Holy. *****. 


This is is why I say violence is the only reasonable option left when it comes to dealing with leftists. 


How can you argue that it’s unlawful to question citizenship in a census? 


There is no reasoning with these people. Violence is the only inevitable resort. There’s no reasoning with a people so far removed from reason. 

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