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Well I guess no playoffs again in 05-06


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There is a LOT to look forward to next year; more importantly, I think there is more to look forward to with Losman than with Bledsoe.



In short, that's exactly why TD is making this move. As much as I liked the DB signing at the time, I do believe that he's taken us as far as he can. Presumably, JP can give us the equivalent of the 18th-ranked QB in the league, and he does add an extra dimension to the offense with his legs.


The upside is great, and the downside, well, is that the team fiinishes about the same as it did this year.


If you haven't noticed, TD is a gambler, but rarely does he make bad bets.


I'm not going to shout from the mountaintops like some dopes on this board, but I'm not packing it in, either. This move has the potential to be a great jumping off point for this team for years to come.

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