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It is, but not how you're thinking. In modern times it was phrase coined by Jean Kirkpatrick when she didn't want the US to be held accountable for its own atrocites at the UN. Since then its been used as a convenient way to deflect self criticism



You are implying that her concern about moral equivalency was unfounded, but in reality many critics of The United States implied moral equivalence between The United States on one side and socialist/communist countries on the other. Kirkpatrick's Myth of Moral Equivalence is a compelling critique of those implying this criticism.





And that Catholicism is a sect of Christianity?




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Today's soldiers recite prayers before killing innocent people. What world do you live in? They call it collateral damage.




American soldiers who say a prayer don't kill in the name of God or Jesus. They pray for the strength to do their duty. For forgiveness for taking lives. For God to look out for them and their fellow soldiers.


And what idiots like you don't acknowledge is that Jewish extremists are also considered terrorists by the governments and are prosecuted and jailed. .

Please point me to the global Jewish jihadist movement that's at the spear of violence on each populated continent?


Stupid argument. If Jews were anywhere near as populous as the Islamics and as poor and spread out in dictatorships they would be just as bad. Like when Europe was underdeveloped and started the slave trade. It's about poverty, oppression and misery not religion

Posted (edited)


American soldiers who say a prayer don't kill in the name of God or Jesus. They pray for the strength to do their duty. For forgiveness for taking lives. For God to look out for them and their fellow soldiers.


That's at best an incomplete version of what they pray for. And I say that, trust me, not trying to align myself with JTSP, whose opinions in this thread have been deplorable.

Edited by Observer

American soldiers who say a prayer don't kill in the name of God or Jesus. They pray for the strength to do their duty. For forgiveness for taking lives. For God to look out for them and their fellow soldiers.


They come from a much more prosperous and therefore secular society. Material wealth, comfort and things like running water and electricity have really taken the edge off religion here. They saying there are no atheist in a fox hole has it's social wide ramifications as well. Those with running water don't curse the devil as much :)

FLASHBACK: Obama on Oregon shooting: ‘We’re the only developed country where this happens.’



FLASHBACK: a month and a half ago, as a headline at Democrat house organ The Hill noted, Obama trumpeted that “Mass shootings are ‘something we should politicize.’”

Newsflash! B-man is addicted to propaganda! Lol what a fool



American soldiers who say a prayer don't kill in the name of God or Jesus. They pray for the strength to do their duty. For forgiveness for taking lives. For God to look out for them and their fellow soldiers.

A true follower of the teachings of Jesus wouldn't even be fighting these wars in the first place. Jesus preached patience, forgiveness, he said not to cast judgement, he preached to turn the other cheek.


If all Muslims and Christians followed the true teachings we wouldn't be in this mess.

The jtsp gatorman justice triumvirate is here. The truth shall not be contained!

Hey I challenged you guys to produce evidence from the Koran that supports these deplorable and evil actions and I'm still waiting.


Instead of using blind hate and bigotry try using the truth.




You are implying that her concern about moral equivalency was unfounded, but in reality many critics of The United States implied moral equivalence between The United States on one side and socialist/communist countries on the other. Kirkpatrick's Myth of Moral Equivalence is a compelling critique of those implying this criticism.







It's equally as compelling an argument today. We are not on a level with the Arab world, not even close.


Stupid argument. If Jews were anywhere near as populous as the Islamics and as poor and spread out in dictatorships they would be just as bad. Like when Europe was underdeveloped and started the slave trade. It's about poverty, oppression and misery not religion

You have to know history before you cite it.


There are more examples than can be listed from the past. Fransico Pizzaro handed a bible to the king of the Incas and when he threw it on the ground the Spanish launched an attack that slaughter thousands and enslaved millions. Same Christianity

Well then we're cool. Nothing to see here folks because Christianity had many bad players 600 years ago.


See how dumb that comparison is?


A true follower of the teachings of Jesus wouldn't even be fighting these wars in the first place. Jesus preached patience, forgiveness, he said not to cast judgement, he preached to turn the other cheek.

If all Muslims and Christians followed the true teachings we wouldn't be in this mess.


Hey I challenged you guys to produce evidence from the Koran that supports these deplorable and evil actions and I'm still waiting.

Instead of using blind hate and bigotry try using the truth.

I'm an evil Jew I don't read Korans. I also desecrate monasteries like the story in jtsp's home video

Well then we're cool. Nothing to see here folks because Christianity had many bad players 600 years ago.

See how dumb that comparison is?

Wonder if the Lannisters and Starks hold some of the blame as well.


Well then we're cool. Nothing to see here folks because Christianity had many bad players 600 years ago.

See how dumb that comparison is?

Gator trying to use history to prove a point is always a bad idea since he's ignorant of the subject.


It just proves my point that it's not the religion really, it's the social, economic and political situation. They are more religious because they are poor, oppressed and miserable. That part of the world is underdeveloped and it creates unreasonable hatreds and violence. The religion is just the font that reflects it. Blaming Islam is stupid. Hell, even Bush realized that and invaded Iraq to create prosperity to try and stop this sort of thing, but the military is too blunt an instrument for this stuff


So OBL was poor and oppressed?


So OBL was poor and oppressed?


Apparently Jihadi John came from a very well off UK family IIRC.


But he probably felt poor and oppressed.


I never should have gotten back on facebook. A girl I'm trying to hook up with posts, "Every wonder why ISIS doesn't attack Israel".




Stupid argument. If Jews were anywhere near as populous as the Islamics and as poor and spread out in dictatorships they would be just as bad. Like when Europe was underdeveloped and started the slave trade. It's about poverty, oppression and misery not religion


Slavery predates Christianity (and any European nation state) by over two milennia. But you know, facts are hard when they get in the way of talking points.


So OBL was poor and oppressed?

OBL came from one of Saudis wealthiest families. Al Zawahiri was a successful doctor. Atta came from a well to do family and was an engineer.


The impoverished sand farmers are not the backbone of Queda or ISIS.


Gator trying to use history to prove a point is always a bad idea since he's ignorant of the subject.


Greg, not unlike his claiming that quoting President Obama directly is "propaganda".........................hilarious :lol:







Chilling similarity between photos of French President Hollande and George W. Bush on 9/11 hearing about attacks:








Yes, in case you were wondering, people are already blaming the Jews for the Paris attacks:




Well then we're cool. Nothing to see here folks because Christianity had many bad players 600 years ago.


See how dumb that comparison is?

No, you are missing the point, as usual. No, I won't tell you the point yet again

So OBL was poor and oppressed?

No, but his movement went forward on the idea that his area of the world would be great once again, unlike it was in 2001, poor, oppressed and miserable

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