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Terrorism in Paris


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I've made the distinction all along between govt policy and innocent civilians paying the price in blowback. It's not an argument you want to respond to because you have no interest in those policies changing.


No, you didn't. You blamed "the French." In part, you blamed the French for striking a $12B deal with Saudi Arabia to provide them weapons to kill Yemenis...which is demonstrably untrue. You blamed these attacks on France's support of the Free Syrian Army, somehow managing to argue that France's anti-Assad policies in support of anti-Assad forces are responsible for anti-Assad forces attacking France????


Really, you are one of the most malinformed, ignorant people I have ever had the misfortune to be acquainted with. You should do yourself a favor and shut the !@#$ up, and stop proving what a fool you are.

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Bingo. First things first though. Stop indirectly or even in some cases directly creating these groups.


Attacking Iraq was a grave mistake. Some might saying leaving Iraq was, but let's face it, Iraq was far better off with Saddam and so was the rest of the world.

Just for its and giggles, does ISIS exist if saddam is still in place?

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From the Spectator (http://blogs.new.spectator.co.uk/2015/11/the-first-of-the-storm-translation-of-islamic-state-statement-after-paris-attacks/) comes a translation of the statement from ISIS claiming responsibility for the ‘blessed attack’ on Paris, a statement that promises more to come. Its revolting mix of religious and sexual hysteria (the rock concert attacked by the terrorists was apparently “a profligate prostitution party”…attended by “hundreds of apostates”) makes for profoundly depressing reading.
An extract:
“Youths who divorced the world and went to their enemy seeking to be killed in the cause of Allah, in support of His religion and His Prophet (Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and his charges, and to put the nose of His enemies in the ground.”
Nothing to do with Islam, of course.
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From the Spectator (http://blogs.new.spectator.co.uk/2015/11/the-first-of-the-storm-translation-of-islamic-state-statement-after-paris-attacks/) comes a translation of the statement from ISIS claiming responsibility for the blessed attack on Paris, a statement that promises more to come. Its revolting mix of religious and sexual hysteria (the rock concert attacked by the terrorists was apparently a profligate prostitution partyattended by hundreds of apostates) makes for profoundly depressing reading.


An extract:


Youths who divorced the world and went to their enemy seeking to be killed in the cause of Allah, in support of His religion and His Prophet (Allahs peace and blessings be upon him) and his charges, and to put the nose of His enemies in the ground.



Nothing to do with Islam, of course.





Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner


So if/when these barbaric animals attack los Angeles or las Vegas (since they are the most extreme examples of western and American society, are apologists going to say we were asking for it and it's our fault for provoking the Islamic extremists with our freedom and immorality?

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Currently, ISIS is being fought by the entire Arab League, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan (even the Taliban is fighting against ISIS). About the only Islamic country that isn't fighting ISIS is Indonesia...but that should change relatively soon. As far as non-governmental or international Islamic organizations go, virtually every one has denounced ISIS.


What do they have to do to be more convincing? Convert to Christianity?

No snideness intended but do you believe the Arab and Persian Islamic world can ever live in a peaceful, pluralistic and civilized manner? If so, how?

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No, you didn't. You blamed "the French."




In part, you blamed the French for striking a $12B deal with Saudi Arabia to provide them weapons to kill Yemenis...which is demonstrably untrue.





You blamed these attacks on France's support of the Free Syrian Army, somehow managing to argue that France's anti-Assad policies in support of anti-Assad forces are responsible for anti-Assad forces attacking France????




Really, you are one of the most malinformed, ignorant people I have ever had the misfortune to be acquainted with. You should do yourself a favor and shut the !@#$ up, and stop proving what a fool you are.



Edited by JTSP
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From the Spectator (http://blogs.new.spectator.co.uk/2015/11/the-first-of-the-storm-translation-of-islamic-state-statement-after-paris-attacks/) comes a translation of the statement from ISIS claiming responsibility for the blessed attack on Paris, a statement that promises more to come. Its revolting mix of religious and sexual hysteria (the rock concert attacked by the terrorists was apparently a profligate prostitution partyattended by hundreds of apostates) makes for profoundly depressing reading.


An extract:


Youths who divorced the world and went to their enemy seeking to be killed in the cause of Allah, in support of His religion and His Prophet (Allahs peace and blessings be upon him) and his charges, and to put the nose of His enemies in the ground.



Nothing to do with Islam, of course.





Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

Well since they said it then it must be true, right? Smh.


How about you go find a scripture in the Koran that supports the killing of innocent people then you might be on to something. And don't just take one line because you could be taking it out of context.


Those savages are no more Muslim than you are. You might be more so, actually. Facts are facts. Taking one life is like killing all of humanity-"the holy Koran. Suicide is forbidden too, but go ahead and blame this on the Koran.


My religion is being hijacked by these disgusting people.

Edited by Justice
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Well since they said it then it must be true, right? Smh.


How about you go find a scripture in the Koran that supports the killing of innocent people then you might be on to something. And don't just take one line because you could be taking it out of context.

I mean this seriously if that is true why do so many imams promote jihad and hatred of infidels? Where does it come from? Why do the vast majority of extremist Muslims yell out God is great before killing innocent people? How is it possible such extreme views are shared by so many people all too willing to exercise extreme fanatical violence in the name of religon? Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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Just for its and giggles, does ISIS exist if saddam is still in place?

I don't think so. Our actions in that region gave birth to ISIS. They're driving around in US made tanks and shooting US made weapons. Weapons we left behind. It may not have been on purpose, but it is what it is.

I mean this seriously if that is true why do so many imams promote jihad and hatred of infidels? Where does it come from? Why do the vast majority of extremist Muslims yell out God is great before killing innocent people? How is it possible such extreme views are shared by so many people all too willing to exercise extreme fanatical violence in the name of religon?

Like I said before. Show me where this behavior is permitted in the Koran. Edited by Justice
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Ask the wahabbist and radical Shia imams that question. If it's not part of Islam, how do these preachers still have their positions?

It doesn't matter what religion you're talking about, you'll find an extremist leading and people willing to follow him. Every religion. The odds favor it too. Out of billions of people you're bound to find a few maniacs.

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It doesn't matter what religion you're talking about, you'll find an extremist leading and people willing to follow him. Every religion. The odds favor it too. Out of billions of people you're bound to find a few maniacs.

My contention is that Islamic extremism isn't the disease, it's merely a symptom of problems within the Islamic community, specifically the Arab and Persian Islamic community. I don't know how it can be fixed but it's definitely there. The Jew hating. The America hating. We can't have a dialog with people who operate under a premise that we don't have the right to exist.

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It doesn't matter what religion you're talking about, you'll find an extremist leading and people willing to follow him. Every religion. The odds favor it too. Out of billions of people you're bound to find a few maniacs.

where are the any Christians, jews and Buddhists killing random innocent people in gruesome fashion in the name of their religion?


What about the jihad in Indonesia right now where all the Christian churches are being burned down?

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Look no further than the 10 rules of war laid out by the prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Read it and then tell me if these people truly follow his teachings.

where are the any Christians, jews and Buddhists killing random innocent people in gruesome fashion in the name of their religion?


What about the jihad in Indonesia right now where all the Christian churches are being burned down?

That's only because you haven't looked. Here. I'll help you:
Edited by Justice
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where are the any Christians, jews and Buddhists killing random innocent people in gruesome fashion in the name of their religion?

What about the jihad in Indonesia right now where all the Christian churches are being burned down?


There are more examples than can be listed from the past. Fransico Pizzaro handed a bible to the king of the Incas and when he threw it on the ground the Spanish launched an attack that slaughter thousands and enslaved millions. Same Christianity

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