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Terrorism in Paris


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There is the logical first step to acknowledge that there is a large number of fanatical islamists whose aim is to stop the spread of Western influence and the means to do that is to invite war against the west. No more equivocation on any topics involving radicals by dismissing the Islamic foundation or to bring up Christian evils from 500 years ago.


Call a spade a spade. Not all Muslims are fanatics, but it doesn't do anyone any favors by ignoring the Muslim fanatics.

I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment, and considered it myself; however in today's domestic climate of PC rhetoric, charges of Zionism as crime, demonization of Western Christian values, equivocation of the US civil rights movement and the legitimization of Sharia sub-legal systems; and all of this not only given intellectual merit, but also pushed as actual policy initiatives?


I think the ship has sailed there.


In Europe, however, with their strong history of cultural hegemony, I think it's a possibility.

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Dear Lord do I miss Pauls contributions to these topics. F'N bastard for offing himself.


Yeah, particularly with these sorts of events, I find myself wishing I could talk to him.


I think, though, we've been seeing a subtle but fundamental shift in the tactics of Islamic extremists. Al Qaeda's ultimate goal was always the creation of a unified Greater Islamic State under a reestablished Caliphate, but attacking the West (specifically, us) was with the specific intent of weakening us, since we were the biggest impediment to their goals. But it always seemed that they believed the Ummah was unified enough, philosophically, that establishing a state was a foregone conclusion, and reestablishing the Caliphate was the key point.


Lately, while the ultimate goal is still the same, Islamic extremists seem to have come to the conclusion that the Islamic world is not unified enough for a reestablished Caliphate, and the Ummah must be "solidified" (for lack of a better word), and the most effective way to achieve this is to encourage the West to oppress the entire Islamic world to the greatest degree possible.

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There is the logical first step to acknowledge that there is a large number of fanatical islamists whose aim is to stop the spread of Western influence and the means to do that is to invite war against the west. No more equivocation on any topics involving radicals by dismissing the Islamic foundation or to bring up Christian evils from 500 years ago.


The flip side of that is Christian extremists (and Jewish ones, as far as I know) demanding that the fundamental problem is Islam, and the fundamental solution is the destruction and oppression of everything Muslim.


Which is to say that in "Islamic extremism," as in "Christian extremism," the operative word isn't "Islamic" or "Christian." It's "extremism." Can we just put all the extremists on an island and let them fight it out themselves?

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The flip side of that is Christian extremists (and Jewish ones, as far as I know) demanding that the fundamental problem is Islam, and the fundamental solution is the destruction and oppression of everything Muslim.


Which is to say that in "Islamic extremism," as in "Christian extremism," the operative word isn't "Islamic" or "Christian." It's "extremism." Can we just put all the extremists on an island and let them fight it out themselves?

That would work.


Hey Trump, about those buses you're ordering up....

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Bad timing department.



He said this this morning to George Snuffalupagus.

Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

"I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama responded. "What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave, but you don't see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain."








migrants_3482985b.jpgRefugees ?

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I am born in France, live in France.

Unfortunately, governements in Europe and espescially in France are way too soft, they just don't get the point. And won't act accordinately.

There are a lot things WRONG here that people in america don't know. Just not only attacks,

I can't explain the whole thing now.


This is a sad day, and more tragedies to come, sadly.

Edited by Repulsif
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I am born in France, live in France.

Unfortunately, governements in Europe and espescially in France are way too soft, they just don't get the point. And won't act accordinately.

There are a lot things WRONG here that people in america don't know. Just not only attacks,

I can't explain the whole thing now.


This is a sad day, and more tragedies to come, sadly.

do you live in Paris?

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Estimated 118 dead at concert, plus 40 in other attacks.

Eagles of Death Metal, a Californian band playing at the venue, is unaccounted for.

From the band's FB page.


We are still currently trying to determine the safety and whereabouts of all our band and crew. Our thoughts are with all of the people involved in this tragic situation.



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I am born in France, live in France.

Unfortunately, governements in Europe and espescially in France are way too soft, they just don't get the point. And won't act accordinately.

There are a lot things WRONG here that people in america don't know. Just not only attacks,

I can't explain the whole thing now.


This is a sad day, and more tragedies to come, sadly.

I am sorry for the pain your country is suffering right now. Know the civilized world stands with you. God bless

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Not atm, but i lived in Paris 10 years ago.

My sister lives there. Can't reach her but I think and hope she's fine.


Thx for the prayers guys

I hope so too. I have many colleagues and friends who are in Montreal that moves from Paris. I'm hoping their families are all ok.

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Why did the French:


- lead the charge ousting Ghadafi in lybia setting the stage for militants to take over that country ?


- act as key protagonist in Syria claiming "Assad must go" and taking the unprecedented step of claiming a head of state as the root cause of terrorism?


- in June, ink a $12 billion weapons deal with Saudi arabia, the wahabi extremist monarchy who the US state department concluded "remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."?

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