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31 of McCoy's 119...


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Exactly......like Chip actually adjusting his gameplan to his opponent vs the Giants and thrashing them.


Rex.....not so much.


You want to play the what if game?


If this D played at the 2014 level....and all else was the same at QB and RB, as it has been, even with Shady out when he was out........this would be a 9-0 or 8-1 team.


And if this D played like it has this season.....mediocre....... and McCoy played every game and Tyrod played none.....this would be a 1-8 to 0-9 team.




Ok, even if we assume that your what ifs are correct ( that is a stretch) what exactly is your point? That you like the Eagles and don't like the Bills? Why so many posts on a Bills board?

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Why don't you just follow Kelly and the Eagles then if you like them so much? Do you want the Bills to do well or would it be more satisfying for them to fail so you can be right about how they acquired their players and what they are paying them? Not sure what the point of all your posts are on a Bills board. They look like they belong on a Chip Kelly board or whatever .



I'm not always going to address your ill-conceived posts..........but what I do is provide perspective.


I get that some people don't like that but it's laughable that people always think Kelly is an idiot and he just keeps winning.


He has his team rolling......they've won 3 of last 4.....only loss was in Carolina, who has beaten everyone......and they have 5 of their final 8 at home.


It is what it is.......the guy knows what he is doing.

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I'm not always going to address your ill-conceived posts..........but what I do is provide perspective.


I get that some people don't like that but it's laughable that people always think Kelly is an idiot and he just keeps winning.


He has his team rolling......they've won 3 of last 4.....only loss was in Carolina, who has beaten everyone......and they have 5 of their final 8 at home.


It is what it is.......the guy knows what he is doing.

Perspective on what? The particulars of other teams in the league? Kelly doesn't coach the Bills so I don't know why he should be so interesting to Bills fans. The Bills interviewed Marvin Lewis before hiring Greggo. Should Bills fans have a keen interest in the fortunes of the Bengals now, just for a dose of perspective? Most fans are aware there are other teams in the league. Why the obsession with Philadelphia?

For the record , I don't think Kelly is an idiot. I'm sure I'd find him interesting if he coached the Bills. He doesn't , so I don't care too much what he does with the Eagles.

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If Kelly had ended up in Buffalo, he'd be holding ownership and the fanbase hostage right now, constantly leaking interest in other opportunities and leveraging every part of his success for his next adventure. Chip Kelly is a good coach but he's also an opportunist and a bit of a snake, and I'm glad he didn't come here - he'd be gone already just like Marrone is. And he would've left the roster such that it would be unsuitable for any other offensive scheme. No thanks.


As for the RB situation - really hard to support the argument that the Bills could've landed Shady for less than Alonso. I didn't love the trade, either, but I have a hard time believing that a top-3 RB could've been had for a 2nd or a 3rd. I just doubt it. That said, they should've kept Freddy, along with Karlos and Shady. Pretty clear.


I keep hearing this top 3 RB thing like it is an accepted fact on TSW. What's this list look like? Two of the last 3 seasons McCoy put up average ypc numbers and declining ypr numbers.

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I keep hearing this top 3 RB thing like it is an accepted fact on TSW. What's this list look like? Two of the last 3 seasons McCoy put up average ypc numbers and declining ypr numbers.


I guarantee if you survey GMs around the league, a substantial majority of the non-Chip Kelly GMs would rank Shady in their top 3 or 4 or maybe 5 running backs, along with AP, Gurley, Bell, Charles and Lynch. Guarantee it. And with AP's and Charles' injury histories and Lynch's wear-and-tear, many would prefer Shady.

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I guarantee if you survey GMs around the league, a substantial majority of the non-Chip Kelly GMs would rank Shady in their top 3 or 4 or maybe 5 running backs, along with AP, Gurley, Bell, Charles and Lynch. Guarantee it. And with AP's and Charles' injury histories and Lynch's wear-and-tear, many would prefer Shady.


And, I mean, he did finish third in the league in rushing just last year -- this despite the slow start.


BADOL just doesn't like Shady. He's got an endless list of excuses as to why. But even BADOL would admit he played like an elite back the past two games.

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And, I mean, he did finish third in the league in rushing just last year -- this despite the slow start.


BADOL just doesn't like Shady. He's got an endless list of excuses as to why. But even BADOL would admit he played like an elite back the past two games.

McCoy is starting to look like the back I wanted to see before he injured the hammy. That's good to see. Question to ponder : why be a fan of a team if you don't like the players or the coach of said team? Seems like a rather pointless exercise. You don't need an excuse to not like a player, just find a team with players and coaches you do like and follow them .

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I guarantee if you survey GMs around the league, a substantial majority of the non-Chip Kelly GMs would rank Shady in their top 3 or 4 or maybe 5 running backs, along with AP, Gurley, Bell, Charles and Lynch. Guarantee it. And with AP's and Charles' injury histories and Lynch's wear-and-tear, many would prefer Shady.



Meh I think maybe more in the Matt Forte category than those guys.


Maybe behind Forte and a bit ahead of Frank Gore?


Those other guys are workhorses and chain movers....mostly punishing backs too....... and the knock on Lesean is that he kills drives running horizontally looking for big plays.


That's why he got traded.

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Meh I think maybe more in the Matt Forte category than those guys.


Maybe behind Forte and a bit ahead of Frank Gore?


Those other guys are workhorses and chain movers....mostly punishing backs too....... and the knock on Lesean is that he kills drives running horizontally looking for big plays.


That's why he got traded.


Charles has the same knock on him. Forte is 30 and has bad knees and isn't the elite talent that AP is. Frankly if you ask me, factoring in age it's Bell then Shady or possibly Gurley if you're running more of a power offense.

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...came on the final drive. The winning drive.


He's starting to round into shape as he recovers from his hammy.


This team is capable of doing some things. We wont face a D that good for a while.


Let's see what happens with a smart, safe QB; a perfect 1-2 running punch, and a stud wideout.



We face the Pats D, that is better than the Jets D, next week.


Tyrod's shortcomings are clearly starting to show. He was not very effective running vs Jets, way too many QB dive plays, easily sacked, can't stand in and beat the blitz. Heck, Fitz looked more elusive.


Defense still vulnerable to an above average QB. No one on our D has run stuffing ability.


Clearly miss Kyle. Mario has only played hard in one game this year.


Darby still the best player on the defense.


LBs are below average.



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Meh I think maybe more in the Matt Forte category than those guys.


Maybe behind Forte and a bit ahead of Frank Gore?


Those other guys are workhorses and chain movers....mostly punishing backs too....... and the knock on Lesean is that he kills drives running horizontally looking for big plays.


That's why he got traded.

And he got traded for a LB coming off a major knee injury that he had injured previously. That LB also didn't play a snap for a D that was pretty good in his absence. Sounds about right compensation wise, if McCoy is as overrated as you say. Why be so concerned about the fortunes of former Bills, anyway? Player movement is a given in the NFL.

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Charles has the same knock on him. Forte is 30 and has bad knees and isn't the elite talent that AP is. Frankly if you ask me, factoring in age it's Bell then Shady or possibly Gurley if you're running more of a power offense.


Any list that AP isn't the top RB on is not legit.


Charles has never averaged less than 5 ypc.


Like I said.....this "McCoy is a top 3" narrative is shaky.


Particularly because he isn't great as a pass catcher or great at producing TD's.


I think he's doing a lot better following his blocks in this offense and it's paying off but even he says he still dances too much and needs to get downhill.

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Any list that AP isn't the top RB on is not legit.


Charles has never averaged less than 5 ypc.


Like I said.....this "McCoy is a top 3" narrative is shaky.


Particularly because he isn't great as a pass catcher or great at producing TD's.


I think he's doing a lot better following his blocks in this offense and it's paying off but even he says he still dances too much and needs to get downhill.


AP is 30, has an injury history and some off-field issues. Again, we're talking about value - trade value, draft value, whatever - value. McCoy's youth and relative health rank him higher than AP in trade value, in my opinion.


Also, Charles' YPC is inflated by his long runs - his speed makes him special and he's good for a few 80-yard TDs per season.

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AP is 30, has an injury history and some off-field issues. Again, we're talking about value - trade value, draft value, whatever - value. McCoy's youth and relative health rank him higher than AP in trade value, in my opinion.



AP tore a knee ligament and came back in record time and nearly broke the rushing record......he is leading the NFL in rushing again......McCoy has more nagging injuries than AP and got traded for an injury prone LB who only played 4 good games(from what I am told on TSW).


I think you are alone on the limb on this one.


Any takers on the McCoy has more trade value than AP bandwagon? B-)

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AP is 30, has an injury history and some off-field issues. Again, we're talking about value - trade value, draft value, whatever - value. McCoy's youth and relative health rank him higher than AP in trade value, in my opinion.

I for one do not think that McCoy is as good as Adrian Peterson. I'm not talking about, nor do I care about trade value. AP is better than McCoy.

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AP tore a knee ligament and came back in record time and nearly broke the rushing record......he is leading the NFL in rushing again......McCoy has more nagging injuries than AP and got traded for an injury prone LB who only played 4 good games(from what I am told on TSW).


I think you are alone on the limb on this one.


Any takers on the McCoy has more trade value than AP bandwagon? B-)



Based on age, you're just wrong about it. No one is giving up high picks for 30 year-old running backs.

I for one do not think that McCoy is as good as Adrian Peterson. I'm not talking about, nor do I care about trade value. AP is better than McCoy.


I agree with you.

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Although AP was not going to be traded, and definitely not to Buffalo. So why is this an issue? Yes there are other backs in the league. McCoy plays for the Bills now.


It's an issue because Badol has been saying that the Bills could've gotten a much better deal for McCoy than what they gave up. And my point is, no, in terms of value, McCoy is one of the highest-valued RBs in the league.


And also, there were numerous reports that AP was available this past offseason, but there were no serious takers.

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Based on age, you're just wrong about it.




Considering the list of people following this thread that will go outside their knowledge zone to challenge anything I say........and the fact that nobody is stepping up to support your position.......I don't think that branch will hold your weight. B-)


AP is a CONSIDERABLY better and more valuable RB than Shady. No doubt about it.


In fact they are probably pissed that you are tossing me that softball. :lol:

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