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Refugee Crisis in Europe

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Angela #Merkel will push Turkey to control migrant flow at Berlin talks on Friday #refugees http://www.thelocal.de/20160122/merkel-pushes-turkey-to-stem-flow-of-migrants





Nordic asylum numbers drop after borders tightened http://bit.ly/1RCPxao







Police union warns: we're close to exhaustion keeping up #Austria border controls http://www.thelocal.de/20160122/police-cant-keep-up-border-controls-union

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Angela #Merkel will push Turkey to control migrant flow at Berlin talks on Friday #refugees http://www.thelocal.de/20160122/merkel-pushes-turkey-to-stem-flow-of-migrants





Nordic asylum numbers drop after borders tightened http://bit.ly/1RCPxao







Police union warns: we're close to exhaustion keeping up #Austria border controls http://www.thelocal.de/20160122/police-cant-keep-up-border-controls-union

I read a super interesting article more than a decade or 2 ago that at the time I didn't pay much attention to.


I believe it was written by a muslim scholar outling their strategy for spreading Islam. It was interesting their strategy thought in terms of generations (not months years or election cycles).


To summarize their strategy was they needed devout Muslim pioneers to go off into the wilderness of western Europe and North America to slowly at first begin colonizing. Their strategy was to have the first groups start setting up Muslim enclaves in the "non Muslim wilderness" and slowly but surely over a few generations out breed their rivals and begin attracting converts and welcoming in additional Muslims from the middle East as future transplants to augment their populations. Over a few generations they would continue to use our political correctness and openess against us and continue to demand more power, protections and privlidges until they become the dominant religuon at which point they can begin transforming our political system.


If executed properly, if they are patient enough and if the West is nieve enough, they can pull off a relatively blood less revolution and transformation.


What is happening now to Europe has sped this process up exponentially. We need to be careful and learn from their mistakes.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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VIDEO: Harrowing footage of screaming women in Cologne main square emerges THE harrowing screams of a woman piercing the New Years Eve night in Cologne’s city square have emerged in a chilling video released in the wake of the sickening sex attacks in the Germany city.
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Bye, Refugees: Sweden Plans to Deport 60,000-80,000 Refugees the Next Couple Years http://buff.ly/1Sn34ll #tcot




Migrants lying about their age is newest scandal growing amid Europe's asylum crisis http://dailym.ai/1KK8cJT





40% of Germans demand Merkel's resignation over #refugee policy, says @focusonline poll http://dw.com/p/1HldG

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I read a super interesting article more than a decade or 2 ago that at the time I didn't pay much attention to.


I believe it was written by a muslim scholar outling their strategy for spreading Islam. It was interesting their strategy thought in terms of generations (not months years or election cycles).


To summarize their strategy was they needed devout Muslim pioneers to go off into the wilderness of western Europe and North America to slowly at first begin colonizing. Their strategy was to have the first groups start setting up Muslim enclaves in the "non Muslim wilderness" and slowly but surely over a few generations out breed their rivals and begin attracting converts and welcoming in additional Muslims from the middle East as future transplants to augment their populations. Over a few generations they would continue to use our political correctness and openess against us and continue to demand more power, protections and privlidges until they become the dominant religuon at which point they can begin transforming our political system.


If executed properly, if they are patient enough and if the West is nieve enough, they can pull off a relatively blood less revolution and transformation.


What is happening now to Europe has sped this process up exponentially. We need to be careful and learn from their mistakes.

I don't believe any of this is a mistake. It's more like a controlled demolition to bring down nation states. Merkel is just operative carrying out a mission.




VIDEO: Harrowing footage of screaming women in Cologne main square emerges THE harrowing screams of a woman piercing the New Years Eve night in Cologne’s city square have emerged in a chilling video released in the wake of the sickening sex attacks in the Germany city.


That's strange the page is gone.

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I'm guessing Russia Times is blaming everyone but Russia, just like they do for Berlin in '45, and don't see the irony?

The commenters to the video certainly were. Death to the West is what they're saying. Of course, it was the Syrians and Russians that did this, not the West.

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As the New York Times reported: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/05/world/europe/germany-raids-isis.html?_r=0


An Algerian man suspected of training with Islamic State terrorists in Syria and of planning an attack in Germany was taken into custody at a refugee shelter in North Rhine-Westphalia early Thursday as hundreds of police officers carried out raids in three German states, the police said….


All four men are suspected of links to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and are believed to have been “planning a violent act intended to seriously damage the state…”



The arrests were front page news in Germany, of course, but didn’t garner much attention internationally.






This is where they are headed...............


When Starbucks meets Sharia:

A person attempting to be a Starbucks customer was waylaid by the 6th century. Thinking she would get her java at the Riyadh Starbucks, instead she received some tall extra-fat Sharia and encountered a sign which she promptly tweeted. Outside the coffee shop was a notice that read in English and Arabic, “
Please no entry for ladies only send your driver to order thank you.”



Read the whole thing — and file it away for the next time Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz dares to hector his customers on race and diversity.

Edited by B-Man
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Closure of Balkan route divides Europe http://bit.ly/1YBd23W




In Austria, Over Half Of All ‘Asylum Seekers’ Commit Crimes http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/03/10/in-austria-migrants-commit-55-crimes-for-every-100-asylum-applications/




Denmark: #Germany's Merkel underestimated refugee crisis http://bit.ly/1SBvJUQ




Refugee status should be determined by a proper asylum process, not arbitrarily at border crossings. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/refugee-crisis-migrants-trapped-at-greek-macedonian-border-escaped-hell-and-are-now-stuck-in-a6915831.html




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