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Refugee Crisis in Europe

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This story probably goes in here...


So I was stuck in rush hour traffic today, and I look over to the car next to me and see a Muslim couple (the woman was wearing one of those head things... anyway) I couldn't help but think: They could really cause a lot damage if they blow themselves up right now. We're surrounded by a see of slow moving gas cans. -probably a mist of diesel vapors in the air too.


For about an hour, we leapfrogged each other in traffic, and I played a game of how badly I would get hurt based on how far I am from the Muslim SUV...



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This story probably goes in here...So I was stuck in rush hour traffic today, and I look over to the car next to me and see a Muslim couple (the woman was wearing one of those head things... anyway) I couldn't help but think: They could really cause a lot damage if they blow themselves up right now. We're surrounded by a see of slow moving gas cans. -probably a mist of diesel vapors in the air too.For about an hour, we leapfrogged each other in traffic, and I played a game of how badly I would get hurt based on how far I am from the Muslim SUV...

More or less this was the original plan for the San bernadino asshats.


Throw pipe bombs into rush hour traffic on the freeway and when everyone stops and gets out of cars open fire on them.

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This story probably goes in here... So I was stuck in rush hour traffic today, and I look over to the car next to me and see a Muslim couple (the woman was wearing one of those head things... anyway) I couldn't help but think: They could really cause a lot damage if they blow themselves up right now. We're surrounded by a see of slow moving gas cans. -probably a mist of diesel vapors in the air too. For about an hour, we leapfrogged each other in traffic, and I played a game of how badly I would get hurt based on how far I am from the Muslim SUV...


I do that all the time, but from the opposite perspective. "If I were going to set off a car bomb, would I do it here? Or ten yards further, under the overpass? Or should I be on the overpass?"


It was more fun when Paul was around. Because then I could discuss it with him and call it "threat analysis," rather than just wonder if I'm nuts...

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I do that all the time, but from the opposite perspective. "If I were going to set off a car bomb, would I do it here? Or ten yards further, under the overpass? Or should I be on the overpass?"


It was more fun when Paul was around. Because then I could discuss it with him and call it "threat analysis," rather than just wonder if I'm nuts...

stop wondering it's called syphilitic dementia

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Those undocumented workers are just trying to make undocumented purchases... that woman needs to check her privilege; not everyone wants to work for stuff. Soda is a right!


Trigger Warning®!


Your Micro-Aggression© offends me!


As an ethnic Great Lakes / Rust Belt / Western Pennsylvanian, your cultural theft of carbonated beverages into "Soda" has violated the Safe Space in which my fellow Yinzers and I drink Pop.


And no, before you even think about it you cannot refer to me as a a Yinzer. Only Yinzers can use that term to refer to other Yinzers

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"Repratriation centers"? Is that what they're calling them now?


I think it's more of a place where they can go overnight and think really hard about particular things that they've done. If only there were a shorter, more roll-off-the-tongue way of saying it. Hmm.

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One can almost picture some Roman patrician saying the same thing about the Huns and Goths, or an Assyrian king about the Medes.


Peoples sometimes migrate. When they do, it usually gets messy. And the migrants usually win, because they have little to lose.

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