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  On 8/30/2017 at 4:59 AM, Azalin said:


This is a school that has fashioned it's legacy, at least in part, as a champion of free speech. Forget for a moment how ridiculous it is to consider the core concepts and mechanics of American freedom (like for example, free speech itself) as being an incendiary or controversial topic, and consider for a moment why there is a necessity to post a fifteen thousand dollar fee for security just to have such notions discussed in a public forum.


You may feel differently, TYTT may feel differently, but I believe that is complete bullcrap. Sure, the school can charge Shapiro whatever they deem necessary to maintain security, order, and civility. But guess what - no amount of money will keep the fascist left from rioting, burning, and attacking people who support Shapiro. There will be no civility, there will be no security.


They are a joke. They are not about equality, they are not about diversity, and they don't give a flying crap about constitutional liberties or freedom of speech.


To be honest, as far as I'm concerned, they can all go $#%@ themselves.

Currently, the alternative is the US Military taking action against US citizens on US soil.


I have huge issues with that, as should anyone with a libertarian bent.


So just to be clear, white supremacists can shut down any liberal's attempt to speak at Berkeley just by threatening enough violence to drive the cost of security out of reach?


I'd like to see the neo-Nazis try that, just to see if Berkeley's policy is that fair and even-handed.


Can we bottle up all this free time to hang around and energy to scream at strangers all weekend long?


I get out of the ratrace and want peace and quiet and sometimes I understand why some in the family tree took it out with booze.

  On 8/30/2017 at 2:18 PM, TakeYouToTasker said:

Currently, the alternative is the US Military taking action against US citizens on US soil.


I have huge issues with that, as should anyone with a libertarian bent.


I would have issues with that as well, but that's not what I'm advocating. Every guest speaker should be required to pay $15,000 for security, if that's what it costs to ensure peace.


  On 8/30/2017 at 2:22 PM, DC Tom said:

So just to be clear, white supremacists can shut down any liberal's attempt to speak at Berkeley just by threatening enough violence to drive the cost of security out of reach?


I'd like to see the neo-Nazis try that, just to see if Berkeley's policy is that fair and even-handed.



  On 8/30/2017 at 6:54 PM, Azalin said:


I would have issues with that as well, but that's not what I'm advocating. Every guest speaker should be required to pay $15,000 for security, if that's what it costs to ensure peace.

I agree. The problem is an issue with local government/law enforcement.


Local government and law enforcement is abrogating their responsibility to the tax payers.


An escalation means drawing on forces outside of the jurisdiction of Berkley, and likely leads to the National Guard battling violent protesters in the streets. So that's where we stand.

Posted (edited)

Governor Reagan showed who was in charge for Cali riots, won him the Presidency

Edited by row_33
Who’s ready for another hot take on why free speech isn’t such a good thing right now?



Back in May, the ACLU of Oregon blasted the mayor of Portland, who had asked the feds to bar free-speech and anti-sharia rallies after a Bernie Bro fatally stabbed two men on a commuter train.

That’s sort of what you’d expect the ACLU to do, but in an opinion piece in Wednesday’s L.A. Times, the University of Chicago Law School’s Laura Weinrib argues that the ACLU should view free speech “as a tool of social justice, suited to particular purposes under particular conditions.”

No, seriously.


Prof. Laura Weinrib: "The ACLU's free speech stance should be about social justice, not 'timeless' principles" http://lat.ms/2iHuObt


Yes, a woman was killed protesting a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., but let’s not forget that hooded mobs were out in Portland the night Hillary conceded the election, clashing with police, vandalizing property, and so on. Presidential terms are far from timeless, but the First Amendment had damn well better be.

  On 8/31/2017 at 2:52 AM, B-Man said:

Who’s ready for another hot take on why free speech isn’t such a good thing right now?



Back in May, the ACLU of Oregon blasted the mayor of Portland, who had asked the feds to bar free-speech and anti-sharia rallies after a Bernie Bro fatally stabbed two men on a commuter train.

That’s sort of what you’d expect the ACLU to do, but in an opinion piece in Wednesday’s L.A. Times, the University of Chicago Law School’s Laura Weinrib argues that the ACLU should view free speech “as a tool of social justice, suited to particular purposes under particular conditions.”

No, seriously.

Yes, a woman was killed protesting a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., but let’s not forget that hooded mobs were out in Portland the night Hillary conceded the election, clashing with police, vandalizing property, and so on. Presidential terms are far from timeless, but the First Amendment had damn well better be.



Every time they say something like that, I can't help reflecting on dekulakization.

  On 8/31/2017 at 3:03 AM, DC Tom said:


Every time they say something like that, I can't help reflecting on dekulakization.



This sucks but how it connects to the Sabres crappy defensemen I'm not sure. Did Murray bring him in as part of the neck tattoo trade?

  On 9/2/2017 at 2:48 PM, B-Man said:


"The legislation will aim to prohibit “universities and administrators from taking action, including communicating in an official capacity, that limits or chills the expression of any member of the campus community or their invited guests based on the content of the expression”



It should give everybody pause to think that we've come to the point where local legislation is being considered to enforce something that's a pillar of our constitutional freedoms.

  On 9/2/2017 at 7:53 PM, Azalin said:


"The legislation will aim to prohibit “universities and administrators from taking action, including communicating in an official capacity, that limits or chills the expression of any member of the campus community or their invited guests based on the content of the expression”



It should give everybody pause to think that we've come to the point where local legislation is being considered to enforce something that's a pillar of our constitutional freedoms.


"But the Constitution only says the government can't silence you! It doesn't apply to college administrators!" - dumbass liberals who unironically force bakers to bake cakes for gays.


'FREE' Speech..............


Leftist Editor: You Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Even Think Men Are Men And Women Are Women.



On Wednesday, The Federalist's Bethany Mandel penned a piece about the totalitarian-like Thought Police tactics of the Left when it comes to social issues like gay marriage and transgenderism. In the piece, aptly titled "How The Transgender Crusade Made Me Rethink My Support For Gay Marriage," Mandel explains that witnessing the Left's bullying tactics used against anyone who dares to suggest men are men and women are women or audaciously uses an "incorrect" pronoun, has made her reevaluate her support for gay marriage and reaffirmed her stance on transgenderism.


"My answer for those on the Left who ask me 'Why do you care what transgender individuals call themselves?' is simply this: because you have made me," concludes Mandel.

Unsurprisingly, LGBTQ Editor for Think Progress Zach Ford had a serious problem with all this free expression.

Perfectly illustrating Mandel's point about the bully tactics of the Left, Ford went after Mandel on Twitter, complaining that the conservative even had the nerve to think such "odious" things as the biological reality that men are men and women and women.

In fact, Ford thinks such thought dissent shouldn't even be allowed.

"What [Mandel] argues that she should be ALLOWED to believe what she believes, even though those odious beliefs harm others," wrote the gay activist.

Mirroring the ideology of violent Antifa losers, Ford suggests that there should be no tolerance for the intolerant; the intolerant of course being conservatives like Mandel, not leftists like him trying to police his opponents' thoughts.

Much more at the link:



  On 9/7/2017 at 4:17 PM, B-Man said:

'FREE' Speech..............


Leftist Editor: You Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Even Think Men Are Men And Women Are Women.



On Wednesday, The Federalist's Bethany Mandel penned a piece about the totalitarian-like Thought Police tactics of the Left when it comes to social issues like gay marriage and transgenderism. In the piece, aptly titled "How The Transgender Crusade Made Me Rethink My Support For Gay Marriage," Mandel explains that witnessing the Left's bullying tactics used against anyone who dares to suggest men are men and women are women or audaciously uses an "incorrect" pronoun, has made her reevaluate her support for gay marriage and reaffirmed her stance on transgenderism.


"My answer for those on the Left who ask me 'Why do you care what transgender individuals call themselves?' is simply this: because you have made me," concludes Mandel.

Unsurprisingly, LGBTQ Editor for Think Progress Zach Ford had a serious problem with all this free expression.

Perfectly illustrating Mandel's point about the bully tactics of the Left, Ford went after Mandel on Twitter, complaining that the conservative even had the nerve to think such "odious" things as the biological reality that men are men and women and women.

In fact, Ford thinks such thought dissent shouldn't even be allowed.

"What [Mandel] argues that she should be ALLOWED to believe what she believes, even though those odious beliefs harm others," wrote the gay activist.

Mirroring the ideology of violent Antifa losers, Ford suggests that there should be no tolerance for the intolerant; the intolerant of course being conservatives like Mandel, not leftists like him trying to police his opponents' thoughts.

Much more at the link:




Zach Ford can !@#$ himself. "Have a Y, you're a guy."


Without getting us all banned, what kind of behaviour that a white person thinks is normal is worthy of physical and verbal derision?

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