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There is psychological research indicating that people are actually born racist. I'm not sure how good the evidence is...but good enough to get published.


I'm guessing they've expanded the definition to include being able to identify a person's face from a potato.

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There is psychological research indicating that people are actually born racist. I'm not sure how good the evidence is...but good enough to get published.


I would die laughing if it was to turn out that racism is part of someone when they're born. Just imagine - they would become a protected class, yet still be the antithesis of everything the loony fringe progressives hold dear.


Oh, please, please let it be so.



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#BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade

SJWs turn on each other. Enjoy the monster you created, liberals!




The group released a list of demands to the Toronto Gay Pride organizers.

They want more cash and no more police floats.


demands-blm-575x170.jpg Click to enlarge

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#BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade

SJWs turn on each other. Enjoy the monster you created, liberals!




The group released a list of demands to the Toronto Gay Pride organizers.

They want more cash and no more police floats.


demands-blm-575x170.jpg Click to enlarge



The special interest groups get more and more specific and specialized. When do we get a list of demands from the black Scandinavian left-handed bi-curious nearsighted lumber mill operators?

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The special interest groups get more and more specific and specialized. When do we get a list of demands from the black Scandinavian left-handed bi-curious nearsighted lumber mill operators?

didn't know you were left handed
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The special interest groups get more and more specific and specialized. When do we get a list of demands from the black Scandinavian left-handed bi-curious nearsighted lumber mill operators?

God I thought I heard the last about them when Beerboy got Sven killed. They were always after that poor kid for hush money.

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Dear Iowa Christians, Use the Right Pronouns in Church . . . Or Else

by David French


I’m old enough to remember when Christians who expressed concern that LGBT activists would attempt to regulate church services were dismissed as paranoid nutjobs. Well, welcome to our new paranoid future. My friends and colleagues at the Alliance Defending Freedom announced today that they were filing suit against the Iowa Civil Rights Commission to block enforcement of gender identity guidelines that purport to regulate “a church service open to the public.” News flash — virtually every church service is open to the public.


The guidelines, published in a “public accommodations providers guide to Iowa law” contain the usual nondiscrimination catch-all phrases, noting that a “public accommodation” commits an act of gender identity discrimination when it, to take a few examples, intentionally uses names and pronouns inconsistent with the person’s “presented gender” (whatever that means), refuses access to preferred bathrooms, or even “indirectly” advertises that a transgender person is “unwelcome” or “not acceptable.”


Incredibly, the document contains an FAQ specifically directed at churches. Here it is:




Sometimes. Iowa law provides that these protections do not apply to religious institutions with respect to any religion-based qualifications when such qualifications are related to a bona fide religious purpose. Where qualifications are not related to a bona fide religious purpose, churches are still subject to the law’s provisions. (e.g. a child care facility operated at a church or a church service open to the public).


It’s unclear to me how a branch of the Iowa state government has determined that a “church service open to the public” does not have a “bona fide religious purpose,” but there it is. Under current guidance, churches in Iowa must become “members only” to exercise their religious liberty. It’s tough to imagine this guidance surviving even liberal judicial review, but even if struck down it shows where some on the Left want to take the law.


Not even the sanctuary is safe.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner

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Dear Iowa Christians, Use the Right Pronouns in Church . . . Or Else

by David French


I’m old enough to remember when Christians who expressed concern that LGBT activists would attempt to regulate church services were dismissed as paranoid nutjobs. Well, welcome to our new paranoid future. My friends and colleagues at the Alliance Defending Freedom announced today that they were filing suit against the Iowa Civil Rights Commission to block enforcement of gender identity guidelines that purport to regulate “a church service open to the public.” News flash — virtually every church service is open to the public.


The guidelines, published in a “public accommodations providers guide to Iowa law” contain the usual nondiscrimination catch-all phrases, noting that a “public accommodation” commits an act of gender identity discrimination when it, to take a few examples, intentionally uses names and pronouns inconsistent with the person’s “presented gender” (whatever that means), refuses access to preferred bathrooms, or even “indirectly” advertises that a transgender person is “unwelcome” or “not acceptable.”


Incredibly, the document contains an FAQ specifically directed at churches. Here it is:


It’s unclear to me how a branch of the Iowa state government has determined that a “church service open to the public” does not have a “bona fide religious purpose,” but there it is. Under current guidance, churches in Iowa must become “members only” to exercise their religious liberty. It’s tough to imagine this guidance surviving even liberal judicial review, but even if struck down it shows where some on the Left want to take the law.


Not even the sanctuary is safe.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner




I give it two years before some lunatic fringe wants to change the prayers to be more "accommodating." "Our Gender-Nonspecific Parental Unit, who art in Heaven..."

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HIGHER EDUCATION IMPLOSION UPDATE: Colorado ‘Bias Response Team’ Threatened Prof To Change His Lessons.


The University of Northern Colorado administrator had no idea he was being recorded last fall as he sat down with an English professor, asking him to change his lessons after a student complained to the school’s controversial “Bias Response Team.”

Heat Street has exclusively obtained this recording, provided by the adjunct professor, who does not have tenure and asked to remain unnamed to avoid retaliation. The conversation’s tone was warm and informal—but its basic message, far less so: Avoid talking about transgender issues or face possible investigation or legal repercussions.

The professor’s transgression? He’d asked his class to discuss controversial social issues, including transgender rights. A student complained to the University’s Bias Response Team. “I would just like the professor to be educated about what trans is and how what he said is not okay because as someone who truly identifies as a transwomen I was very offended and hurt by this,” the student wrote.





Offended, hurt, and privileged is no way to go through life, son.

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SEDRO-WOOLLEY, Wash. – A sheriff says he was "speechless" after learning that the owner of a teriyaki restaurant asked his deputies not to return because "other customers didn't like law enforcement there."

Skagit County Sheriff Will Reichardt said his chief deputyspoke to the owner of Lucky Teriyaki in Sedo-Woolley, Washington, to confirm what he had heard, according to KCPQ.

when they get robbed i suggest the police not go in there, either.

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