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The Mizzou/Yale/PC/Free Speech Topic


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The massive positive that is happening here should be obvious: the far-left ideology of far too many professors, and their willingness to enforce, not teach, that ideology, at our college campuses has been exposed on a grand scale.


For years people have bitched about this, but now, when it's been mainstreamed? There's only 1 possible outcome: backlash. (Once again if you want something done, put the far left in charge of doing the opposite). It's impossible to ignore this story because of its pervasiveness.


When you have sports radio guys offering opinions on this, and most of them stumbling and bumbling their way to the Constitutionally Correct answer: Free Speech is a right? There's going to be backlash.


That's is because even when the biggest idiots in the country get their chance to look down on those who are otherwise always looking down on them, they take it.


This is not over, for the simple reason that it so easily translates into: college debt, college effectiveness, etc. All of these translate to a comprehensive review of college as a concept. In the end, I believe the far left will be responsible for destroying yet another of its "safe

zones". In the end, the college professors responsible for what happened at Missou...aren't going to get what they intended.

You haven't lived through enough of these things to realize the media will just let this wither away and wait for another moment to spring an unrelated "atrocity" that coincidentally gas the same remedies?

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Some of these student activists called for Faz to be expelled and the school president, Jean Bartels, issued a statement on the matter and acknowledged the numerous calls for disciplinary action to be taken against the offending co-ed. Bartels appeared to conclude Faz’s post was protected by the First Amendment and could not result in punishment. However, the young student appears to have lost her job at the local Wild Wing Cafe franchise over the controversy, according to Everything Georgia. Some activists had urged supporters to call the restaurant about Faz prior to her dismissal.

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I don't think that these students understand what "Free Speech" means



Smith students demand in-article public statement of support from journalists covering them. http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2015/11/traditional_media_not_welcome.html



Fantastic case for the end of all public funding for Smith.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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More..............What Portland Police Should Have Said

by Charles C W Cooke


On Tuesday November 17, 215, at 4:39 p.m., Central Precinct officers responded to Lewis and Clark College, located at 615 Southwest Palatine Hill Road, on the report of an online threat.
Officers spoke with Lewis and Clark Public Safety who shared with police a report from some concerned students about some anonymous posts on the social media site “Yik Yak.”
The posts documented in the report were general in nature and contained racially insensitive terminology and hashtags. Nothing in the posts represented an immediate threat to students or staff at the college.
Central Precinct officers consulted with the Detective Division and the case remains under investigation. Based on the initial information provided to police, there does not appear to be a violation of Oregon law based on these social media posts.
The Portland Police Bureau is sensitive to the fact that anonymous and offensive language used on social media can be upsetting and create a general concern about safety. As such, the Bureau encourages the reporting to law enforcement incidents such as this so that they can be reviewed for possible criminal violations and actionable information.
If there is a threat that is direct and specific, people should call 9-1-1. For more non-specific incidents, please call the Police Non-Emergency Line at 53-823-3333.
This was certainly one way of responding to this. Another would have been:
On Tuesday November 17, 215, at 4:39 p.m., Central Precinct officers wasted their time responding to a damn fool at Lewis and Clark College, located at 615 Southwest Palatine Hill Road.
The damn fool reported an “online threat,” but was actually just upset because someone had written something mean on the social media site “Yik Yak.”
The posts documented in the report were general in nature and contained racially insensitive terminology and hashtags. Nothing in the posts represented an immediate threat to students or staff at the college.
Central Precinct officers consulted with the Detective Division and agreed that it was a travesty how little the individual who registered the complaint understood about the First Amendment. Based on the initial information provided to police, there does not appear to be a violation of Oregon law based on these social media posts. As such, we have arrested the caller for wasting police time.
The Portland Police Bureau does not care what people write on “Yik Yak.” Indeed it would be wholly improper for police of any kind to care about this, or anything similar. We are here to prevent violence, not to superintend the Internet. The Bureau advises those who believe that the police exist to protect their feelings to do some reading, or, if possible, to autodefenestrate.
If there is a threat that is direct and specific, people should call 9-1-1. For more non-specific incidents, please use Salon.com.
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Credit due here.............




Obama right again on P.C. campus speech: As the president said, students shouldn’t try to silence other side but listen, engage and persuade.


“And if you’re looking back at the 1960s Civil Rights Era as a model for your social justice crusade, here’s a reminder: The angry mobs trying to shut out speech they didn’t like? They weren’t the good guys there.”

Edited by B-Man
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Anonymous Yik Yak threat to “shoot every black person I can on campus” was made by . . . wait for it . . . a black student.


His name is Emmanuel Bowden and he’s been arrested on a single charge of making a false report of a threat of terrorism.



This kind of thing is happening a lot these days. So much so, that there is a website dedicated to documenting all of these false accusations of “hate crimes,” and it contains 213 cases in just the last few years.

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Anonymous Yik Yak threat to “shoot every black person I can on campus” was made by . . . wait for it . . . a black student.


His name is Emmanuel Bowden and he’s been arrested on a single charge of making a false report of a threat of terrorism.



This kind of thing is happening a lot these days. So much so, that there is a website dedicated to documenting all of these false accusations of “hate crimes,” and it contains 213 cases in just the last few years.



Wow - that's pathetic.

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Credit due here.............




Obama right again on P.C. campus speech: As the president said, students shouldn’t try to silence other side but listen, engage and persuade.


“And if you’re looking back at the 1960s Civil Rights Era as a model for your social justice crusade, here’s a reminder: The angry mobs trying to shut out speech they didn’t like? They weren’t the good guys there.”

Yes. He has had a good stance on this crap. He deserves credit.

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Anonymous Yik Yak threat to shoot every black person I can on campus was made by . . . wait for it . . . a black student.


His name is Emmanuel Bowden and hes been arrested on a single charge of making a false report of a threat of terrorism.



This kind of thing is happening a lot these days. So much so, that there is a website dedicated to documenting all of these false accusations of hate crimes, and it contains 213 cases in just the last few years.

I called it earlier that a lot of these so called racist "threats" against blacks, were fabricated by blacks so they can claim racism and victim status and fabricate a controversy. But in reality how could you blame the students they have all come of age under an Obama presidency. This is the legacy the first so called black president has left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought this was refreshing - the president of Wesleyan University in Oklahoma responds to a student who complained about feeling 'offended' and 'victimized ' by what he heard while attending a sermon on love.


"At OKWU we teach you to be selfless rather than self-centered. We are more interested in you practicing personal forgiveness than political revenge. We want you to model interpersonal reconciliation rather than foment personal conflict. We believe the content of your character is more important than the color of your skin. We don’t believe that you have been victimized every time you feel guilty and we don’t issue “trigger warnings” before altar calls."



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I thought this was refreshing - the president of Wesleyan University in Oklahoma responds to a student who complained about feeling 'offended' and 'victimized ' by what he heard while attending a sermon on love.


"At OKWU we teach you to be selfless rather than self-centered. We are more interested in you practicing personal forgiveness than political revenge. We want you to model interpersonal reconciliation rather than foment personal conflict. We believe the content of your character is more important than the color of your skin. We don’t believe that you have been victimized every time you feel guilty and we don’t issue “trigger warnings” before altar calls."




How long until he gets investigated for a hate crime?


Trick question. No one takes OKWU seriously.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Students offended because dining options are "culturally insensitive".


"Overcooked rice is an insult to my cultural heritage!"


No, it's just badly prepared food. Jesus... :wallbash:

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Students offended because dining options are "culturally insensitive".

how do you not know how to make that a link, birddog?


i knew some chicks from oberlin, had a date with one. she and any other woman i met from there were rather fat.

Edited by Boyst62
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