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Christian evangelists mad at Starbucks coffee cups


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That's the problem with the Internet, some idiot somewhere is upset about something and now the rest of us have to hear about it.

Exactly, if Christians have to rely on Starbucks to promote the Christian message and meaning of Christmas than organized religion has some serious things to worry about. Starbucks is a business, not a religious institution.

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Meanwhile the preacher in the polyester suit who has been married three times and probably had shrimp cocktail for lunch is howling about homosexuals being an abomination. <_<


Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that they are.


So what? What business is it of his anyway? Christian doctrine, as specified in the Bible, is one of forgiveness and salvation of one's self. Not condemnation of others.


I'm very respectful of people like millbank (wherever he is) who understand that, even if I don't share their beliefs. Sadly, he's in the minority.

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Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that they are.


So what? What business is it of his anyway? Christian doctrine, as specified in the Bible, is one of forgiveness and salvation of one's self. Not condemnation of others.


I'm very respectful of people like millbank (wherever he is) who understand that, even if I don't share their beliefs. Sadly, he's in the minority.

My comment refers specifically to this paragon of mercy: Kevin Swanson, who advocates killing gay people.



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I figured you were referencing a concrete example, not an abstraction.


He's entitled to his opinion. Freedom of expression and all. And we're entitled to not take his raving lunacy seriously.

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You know, I'm seeing a lot of stuff talking about all these offended Christians that apparently exist, but I've yet to actually encounter one besides one tard in the southwest. Hmm...


Standard operating procedure these days. A small handful of idiots says something dumb and we have two weeks of endless facebook outrage, morning/night time talk show ridicule, commentary from our divider in chief, etc., etc.

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I like Starbucks... I have never even had more than a teaspoon of coffee in my 47 years on this planet. (Some say I am not from this planet... :D )


Starbucks allows me to dump my hipster family: 48 year old wannabee hip wife, 17 year old son, & 13 year old daughter, at their front door while I wait in the car and have peace and quiet!


Well done Starbucks! :lol:


And my wife is a coffee snob. People say it is bitter coffee, but she lives w/me, I guess Starbucks is really that bad. Anyway, if you were to drink coffee, why drink somoething that is pussified... Stronger the better right! That's why I can't drink ANY coffee... I am too weak and can't act pretentious to drink any coffee! I am simply NOT part of the coffee generation. I never understood the power of the coffee crutch?


Standard operating procedure these days. A small handful of idiots says something dumb and we have two weeks of endless facebook outrage, morning/night time talk show ridicule, commentary from our divider in chief, etc., etc.


King George said the same thing. Goes way back to that party in Boston Harbor 240 years ago... :nana::nana:

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I like Starbucks... I have never even had more than a teaspoon of coffee in my 47 years on this planet. (Some say I am not from this planet... :D )


Starbucks allows me to dump my hipster family: 48 year old wannabee hip wife, 17 year old son, & 13 year old daughter, at their front door while I wait in the car and have peace and quiet!


Well done Starbucks! :lol:


And my wife is a coffee snob. People say it is bitter coffee, but she lives w/me, I guess Starbucks is really that bad. Anyway, if you were to drink coffee, why drink somoething that is pussified... Stronger the better right! That's why I can't drink ANY coffee... I am too weak and can't act pretentious to drink any coffee! I am simply NOT part of the coffee generation. I never understood the power of the coffee crutch?


King George said the same thing. Goes way back to that party in Boston Harbor 240 years ago... :nana::nana:

Yeah but imagine if there was Facebook & Twitter 240 years ago


Patrick Henry has updated his Facebook status: Give me Liberty or give me death!


Paul Revere's ride never happens with a Twitter account. #BritsRComing

Retweeted by @WilliamDawes


LexingtonArmory Tweets @PaulRevere @WilliamDawes kk thx


Thomas Jefferson posts Declaration of Independence on his board

-John Hancock likes this

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Yeah but imagine if there was Facebook & Twitter 240 years ago


Patrick Henry has updated his Facebook status: Give me Liberty or give me death!


Paul Revere's ride never happens with a Twitter account. #BritsRComing

Retweeted by @WilliamDawes


LexingtonArmory Tweets @PaulRevere @WilliamDawes kk thx


Thomas Jefferson posts Declaration of Independence on his board

-John Hancock likes this


@GeorgeWashington - Benedict Arnold has friended you.

@GeorgeWashington - Benedict Arnold has unfriended you.

@CharlesEarlCornWallis - Benedict Arnold has friended you.

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