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Hey phat ass, wanna lose some weight?


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Yes. You can estimate how much you burn by dependent on what your weight is. Your body has to keep your vital organs going, that burns calories. GOOD SLEEP IS CRITICAL. Now that I lost weight, I Do not snore anymore and have apnea. It all snowballs!!


A poster here helped me w/my swing shift troubles. I now fast for 24 hours @ the start of my midnights shift and @ The end of that swing. An 18-24 hour fast will reset one's circadian clock.



Heck, I can sit on a couch all day and burn 2100 calories for my age. Take in 1800 and you will lose.



"On average, a person burns between 0.4 and 0.5 calories per pound, per hour. For example, a 100 lb. person burns 40-50 calories per hour. In eight hours of sleep, this person will burn approximately 360 calories."


Timely article I just saw today about the NFL really taking sleep seriously:




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I just cut out all sugar and made sure I ate many small snacks over the course of a day. Lost about 40lbs from it over the course of 5 months.

This too... BUT soda goes SO nicely w/junk food... :-(


Timely article I just saw today about the NFL really taking sleep seriously:






@ work we actually got all (& management) to move away from our weekly swing... Next year we are going to 3 12 hour days a week and 1 8 hour day every two weeks to pick up the 80 hours every two week pay period. It will enabled us to be home more than half the time! 0600-1800 & 1800-0600 only! There will be a time every 5 weeks or so where you will be off for almost a week. Leave has been earned and built up that I can basically take all 26 8 hour days off a year AND still carry over 240 hours on the books!!!


Also... Fuel and the commute will be a savings!!!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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