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Hey phat ass, wanna lose some weight?


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For the most part I agree. It is portion control. I lost almost a 100 pounds, my exercise and diet is NOT drastically better.


"Eliminating the junk food that gets so much bad attention won’t make a difference unless it is paired with a generally improved diet and exercise."


Huh... Of course eliminating the junk food is automatically going to improve your diet. No? One has to eat to live... Yes?


YET... There is a thread in Health & Fitness about the teacher who ate nothing but McD's and lost 39 pounds.


People are simply consuming way too many calories and thinking they can over compensate with more exercise. There is simply too many calories out there in the food distribution system. You can sit on a couch and lose weight. Well, most can... Bodies are all different. The key I found is fasting. It works, but to many here and thier dismay, my brain is still scambled. :lol::lol:



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Yup, it's simply calories ingested versus calories expended. The hard part is modifying behavior.



Exactly! What should be easier is for people to figure out their exact Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)... I know this isn't really easy, so we have age estimates, etc... Now that would be a gr8 aid and would surely help w/the number game. Most food is labeled, that helps big time! But the big mystery is in the BMR, IMO and the accounting from day to day.


For some weightloss can be like launching missiles from a bottle... If that is a good analogy. Better if they actually knew their BMR accurately. Heck, I don't really know mine, I never seen a doctor to actually figure the real number out. I did start the thread in Health & Fitness about cutting 300-500 calories a day out. That worked as a pretty good ballpark figure for me. My BMR must have been in joint with the 2,000 calorie guideline set. I think my age, gender, and height has me around 2,100 or so.


Also... People grosslly underestimate how many calories they eat... They underestimate how much exercise is needed. IMO, it is better to play the numebers small and just put down the fork! One can 600 calories in 6 minutes, obviously you can't work that off in 6 minutes! OUCH!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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What about all the talk about glycemic load, hormones/insulin, etc.?



Lentils and chick peas... Very low glycemic load... He he... Had to get that in there. During my dramatic weight loss of 100 pounds, those foods are "my comforts" along with whole wheat, flax seed, etc... food like pita. Basically, I simply adore a mediterranean and Indian diet! those two diets are healthy and I don't have to skimp all that much.


Again... lentils/chick peas are the cornerstone... So much you can do w/them... Was there a thread about living on lentils... ??? :lol:


Big thing... Cut out meat (but not that much) AND SUGAR! Cut stuff like potatoes (OP's article mentioned fat azzes and the link to stuff like french fries) AND ESPECIALLY God awful white bread. Watch calories in and anybody should be able to lose weight!!!! Even if you are sitting on the couch all day. Stick to the good foods like I mentioned above and your blood sugar won't crash... You can go longer between eating.


I was 296 last year... I am now a svelte 200. I don't starve myself by any mean... I eat everything, I even have a full sugar soda a day (only 12 oz.)... Again, watch your portions!

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Eat til you are full, then stop


Its really simple



Huh? That's what got me in trouble!


I read somewhere years ago, that people's eating habits are established (even 2 years old) when they are a very young child... Eating to your are full gets FUBAR'ed by parents that make their children eat the portions that they (parents) doled out. Probably my biggest problem. "Eat everything, children are starving in China." We took a totally different approach w/our children and they never have had a diet and weight issue. Yet, there was always the dirty look we got from other family memembers that took the classic "eat everything on your plate" approach.


During my weightloss I have learned to adopt what my children have been taught... Its hard, because I could eat and simply don't feel full... Even now...

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“Parental pressure to eat can be detrimental to children because it takes away from a child's ability to respond naturally to their own hunger," said Loth. “Instead, (it) encourages them to respond to cues in their environment which can lead to unhealthy weight gain over time.”

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Lentils and chick peas... Very low glycemic load... He he... Had to get that in there. During my dramatic weight loss of 100 pounds, those foods are "my comforts" along with whole wheat, flax seed, etc... food like pita. Basically, I simply adore a mediterranean and Indian diet! those two diets are healthy and I don't have to skimp all that much.


Again... lentils/chick peas are the cornerstone... So much you can do w/them... Was there a thread about living on lentils... ??? :lol:


Big thing... Cut out meat (but not that much) AND SUGAR! Cut stuff like potatoes (OP's article mentioned fat azzes and the link to stuff like french fries) AND ESPECIALLY God awful white bread. Watch calories in and anybody should be able to lose weight!!!! Even if you are sitting on the couch all day. Stick to the good foods like I mentioned above and your blood sugar won't crash... You can go longer between eating.


I was 296 last year... I am now a svelte 200. I don't starve myself by any mean... I eat everything, I even have a full sugar soda a day (only 12 oz.)... Again, watch your portions!


Wow, good job. I do like chick peas, and don't mind lentils. Good info.

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I think body type does play into it somewhat. I have a friend who is a human garbage disposal and never gains an ounce. Some people have a predisposition.



You are totally right PTR! BUT, what is speeding your friend's metabolism? Maybe what is making their thyroid go hyper?


Stuff like iodine... Yes, even the salt it is in is very good! Stuff like salads, especially kale will make the thyroid hypO. Think, eating salads you will lose weight... ??? Not if it is slowing down an alrady slow metabo.


My problem was the excessive soda and the subsequent sugar I was ingesting... It ballooned me. I am not predisposed to be heavy, that helps... I am almost 6'3"... That height helps too!


Think portions, portions, portions for many of us (your friend is lucky... BUT you are not with them 24/7 and see what they consume (or not consume) @ other times). Just like I said about parents doling out huge portions to their children, the same applies to adults! It is easier to under-estimate the calories getting shoveled in and over-estimate what you think you burn.


Sleep, GOOD sleep is critical. You will burn when you sleep!


No alcohol helps. Drink and then eat... Your body will burn the alcohol first and store the food! Deadly for weight gain!


IMO... People have to discover what puts their body into fat bruning mode... AND IMO again... They won't find out until they do a 24 hour fast. Fasting is what opened my eyes. Sounds crazy and unhealthy yet cultures have been doing it for 1,000's of years. Go overfeed an aquarium full of fish on a VERY regular schedule and see how long they live.


Of course back to your point, some bodies simply have to watch what they put in. Like Doc said. Again, myself I prefer to keep the "game" small and control the feeding side of the equation rather then the exercise size of that equation.


Another thing that a board member (BirdDog) said that has stuck w/me... That there is 4,000 calories a day waiting for every man, woman, and child in this country on supermarket shelves! 4,000! Holy smokes! I never looked that up, but if true....That is a very huge problem. Simply too much choice to over-consume!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Sleeping is a calorie burner?

Yes. You can estimate how much you burn by dependent on what your weight is. Your body has to keep your vital organs going, that burns calories. GOOD SLEEP IS CRITICAL. Now that I lost weight, I Do not snore anymore and have apnea. It all snowballs!!


A poster here helped me w/my swing shift troubles. I now fast for 24 hours @ the start of my midnights shift and @ The end of that swing. An 18-24 hour fast will reset one's circadian clock.



Heck, I can sit on a couch all day and burn 2100 calories for my age. Take in 1800 and you will lose.



"On average, a person burns between 0.4 and 0.5 calories per pound, per hour. For example, a 100 lb. person burns 40-50 calories per hour. In eight hours of sleep, this person will burn approximately 360 calories."

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