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Senator Ben Sasse's First Senate Speech Kicks Azz


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Was the speech about Republican obstructionism?

So what substance was it about?

Had you not asked the question about obstructionism I would have given you an answer to the other question. While we all come here to some extent for entertainment, Many people (myself included) are very concerned about the really big issues that we face as a nation some of which are spending and debt, oversubscribed entitlements, jobs, illegal immigration and terrorist threats. Senator Sasse's speech addresses the poor performance of the Senate in a serious way. Seriously if you haven't already you should watch all 29 minutes and not through a partisan prism. We need more like him in both parties.

Edited by keepthefaith
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That was refreshing and certainly addressed Senate function, and Senators, as a whole. I look forward to his forthcoming series re: executive powers and suspect it will contain clear examples of both parties (Presidents) overreaching etc. An honest conversation (in this case, the beginning of one)....shouldn't be viewed a bad thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, guess I wasn't amazed enough for you.


So you actually think shaming the Senators is going to fix the campaign finance problem? If so, you are more naive than Senator Sasse. Let's see what changes.


Hmm, not a real big change in the Senate yet. Maybe that speech will take some more time. Let's see how it goes



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Senator Ben Sasse: We should tell the truth about the enemy we face


“This neighborhood should not be part of war zone. This neighborhood should not be a battle ground, so why is it?” asked Sen. Ben Sasse standing outside of the site where the San Bernardino terrorist attacks took place.


“Because we’re an open society. We’re a free society and our enemies hate freedom.” Sen. Sasse explained.


“We owe it to those who died this week to tell the truth about the nature of this conflict. We owe it to these fourteen, we owe it to their families, we owe it to the service men and women in uniform who are abroad right now fighting for our freedom, some of whom will come home in caskets. And frankly, we owe it to those who are still yet to die in the future.

All adults know that the jihadi attacks we face on our homeland are not over. These will not be the last people to bleed and die because we are a free society, but we should tell the truth about the enemy we face. We should tell the truth about them, but we should also be honest about who we are. We should reaffirm our core values.


We are not at war with terrorism — which is just a tactic. We are not at war with some empty sociological label called “extremism.”


We are not even just at war with ISIS, though we’re obviously at war with ISIS.


This is not about workplace violence. This is not about global warming or gun shows. This is not about income inequality. This is not about kids from broken homes, as tragic as that is. This is not about anything that we have done wrong. This is about who we are. This is about the nature of freedom.


So who are we? We’re people who unite around the Constitution.


…We are most certainly though, at war with militant Islam. We are at war with violent Islam. We are at war with jihadi Islam. We are not at war with all Muslims. We are not at war with Muslim families in Dearborn, Michigan who want the American dream for their kids. But we are at war with those who believe that they will kill in the name of religion.


President Obama said tonight he’s worried about a backlash against American Muslims. I am too, and you know what the best way to combat that is? With the truth. By being clear about who we are and what we stand for and by being clear about those who would try to kill us because we believe in freedom.”




(Video at link)

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I never believed it when other politicians said it and I don't buy it now. Do you really think these jihadists hate us because we have freedoms in our country? That is just not sensible. It must be something that has had a greater impact on their lives or their history.


It makes for a better speech perhaps but I don't think that is the reason. Does anyone? If suddenly our government did away with the entire constitution and we lost all of our freedoms, does anyone think the jihadists would be satisfied and stop attacking the US?


Sasse says :

“We owe it to those who died this week to tell the truth about the nature of this conflict. We owe it to these fourteen, we owe it to their families, we owe it to the service men and women in uniform who are abroad right now fighting for our freedom, some of whom will come home in caskets. And frankly, we owe it to those who are still yet to die in the future. ...

This is not about anything that we have done wrong. This is about who we are. This is about the nature of freedom."



I don't really buy this either. I agree we owe it to our soldiers to be truthful, but clearly Sasse is not being truthful. The US has done quite a bit to help these folks hate us.



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I never believed it when other politicians said it and I don't buy it now. Do you really think these jihadists hate us because we have freedoms in our country? That is just not sensible. It must be something that has had a greater impact on their lives or their history.


It makes for a better speech perhaps but I don't think that is the reason. Does anyone? If suddenly our government did away with the entire constitution and we lost all of our freedoms, does anyone think the jihadists would be satisfied and stop attacking the US?


Sasse says :

“We owe it to those who died this week to tell the truth about the nature of this conflict. We owe it to these fourteen, we owe it to their families, we owe it to the service men and women in uniform who are abroad right now fighting for our freedom, some of whom will come home in caskets. And frankly, we owe it to those who are still yet to die in the future. ...

This is not about anything that we have done wrong. This is about who we are. This is about the nature of freedom."



I don't really buy this either. I agree we owe it to our soldiers to be truthful, but clearly Sasse is not being truthful. The US has done quite a bit to help these folks hate us.



These are people who want Sharia law imposed on the world. In their minds we are infidels and deserve to die. Sasse is being nothing but truthful but your liberal pot-infected mind seeks to make excuses for murderers.

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These are people who want Sharia law imposed on the world. In their minds we are infidels and deserve to die. Sasse is being nothing but truthful but your liberal pot-infected mind seeks to make excuses for murderers.


I have read enough of your posts to know that my mind can hold up quite well against yours.


So, you don't feel the US policies have done anything to create this hatred? Even you cannot be that blind. No one is making excuses for murder but I am saying that for people to be willing to end their lives in a suicide attacks, they must have pretty strong bad feelings.


Why do you think this hatred has taken hold?

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I have read enough of your posts to know that my mind can hold up quite well against yours.


So, you don't feel the US policies have done anything to create this hatred? Even you cannot be that blind. No one is making excuses for murder but I am saying that for people to be willing to end their lives in a suicide attacks, they must have pretty strong bad feelings.


Why do you think this hatred has taken hold?

No, you idiot. This hatred has taken hold against anyone who isn't in lock step with them.

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No, you idiot. This hatred has taken hold against anyone who isn't in lock step with them.


So there isn't a component that arose from our support of repressive autocratic regimes for decades? Or from our liberation and life improvement mission for the Iraqis? No impact from the military actions that resulted in deaths to non combatants? Nothing to do with our favoring Israel over the Palestinians?

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So there isn't a component that arose from our support of repressive autocratic regimes for decades? Or from our liberation and life improvement mission for the Iraqis? No impact from the military actions that resulted in deaths to non combatants? Nothing to do with our favoring Israel over the Palestinians?

Not sure what you're getting at with the bolded but have you noticed that they are attacking most anyone?

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