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Paul Brown: A Football Life - Tonight at 9 PM ET on NFLN

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This is a must see if you're a true fan of football.



Really looking forward to the Paul Brown doc tonite. Built powerhouses at HS, college and pro levels. Unique legacy. http://bit.ly/1kbzK4x


"They're not call the Green Bay Lombardis." Just set the DVR ... thanks for the heads up!


EDIT: things I never knew, learned from the Paul Brown wiki page:


Brown also invented the "taxi squad", a group of promising players who did not make the roster but were kept on reserve. Team owner Mickey McBride put them on the payroll of his taxi company, although they did not drive cabs.


I used to like that term "taxi squad", but I never knew the origins. Let's bring it back ... so much more colorful than "practice squad."

Edited by The Frankish Reich
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just finished watching the back to back Paul Brown and Cleveland '95 pieces.

both were outstanding..

never would have recognized this young gopher on Belichick's staff


i watched the Browns episode as well. Amazing what the team and fans went through when they moved and all the coaches/GMs that were in Cleveland and players they ended up drafting in Baltimore. Poor Cleveland. They got their team back, but still haven't recovered. Edited by YoloinOhio
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If you're an older Browns fan these two shows will give you more then enough reasons to really hate Art Modell. First hour, he was the one who forced Paul Brown out, the Browns have never won a championship since. Hour two, he is that city's Darth Vader and takes away their football team.......hate to speak ill of the dead, but it's hard to like the guy.

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If you're an older Browns fan these two shows will give you more then enough reasons to really hate Art Modell. First hour, he was the one who forced Paul Brown out, the Browns have never won a championship since. Hour two, he is that city's Darth Vader and takes away their football team.......hate to speak ill of the dead, but it's hard to like the guy.

makes me appreciate the Pegulas even more. Though we have had a rough go as bills fans over the last 15, at least there really is a future to look forward to.
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i watched the Browns episode as well. Amazing what the team and fans went through when they moved and all the coaches/GMs that were in Cleveland and players they ended up drafting in Baltimore. Poor Cleveland. They got their team back, but still haven't recovered.

Art Modell's moving the team for financial reasons resulted in him being ostracized from a city he was long associated with. When he sealed the deal to move his franchise he must have known in advance that he could never go back to Ohio. I'm not overly sympathetic toward him but the issue wasn't as simple as many people believe it to be.


I was never a fan of Ralph Wilson as an owner. But to his credit this Detroit product was loyal to western NY and made arrangements that led to keeping the franchise in the region. Ralph Wilson has a statue at the stadium and will be fondly remembered. After he died their was a memorial at the practice facility. The well wishers packed the cavernous facility. Art Modell is going to be remembered as someone who moved the beloved team for greener pastures. His business decision will never be forgotten and forgiven in Ohio.



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What's also buried in all that is the role of Randy Lerner. He helped grease the skids to get the Browns out of Cleveland. To be fair he did bring them back, but really did nothing as an owner to help that team get back on top and then sold them to a possible crook in Haslam. I hope terry and Kim can guide the Bills back, but it may take a while.

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What's also buried in all that is the role of Randy Lerner. He helped grease the skids to get the Browns out of Cleveland. To be fair he did bring them back, but really did nothing as an owner to help that team get back on top and then sold them to a possible crook in Haslam. I hope terry and Kim can guide the Bills back, but it may take a while.


Lerner is hated over here as well for taking a once storied soccer team and running them into the ground. I didn't know he was involved in getting the Browns out of Cleveland in the first place.... just that he was the owner when they returned and I think when he sold then he was struggling financially.

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