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Aurora borealis creeping south tonight


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Will it ever hit the SE?

If it does, you might want to get your affairs in order.

For tonight, I think No. Virginia is about as far south as it could get.

Nothing showing yet in the hills of Western Pennsyltucky......

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I definitely want to see it and from what I was reading our window to see it is closing for about a decade.

Chances are probably dropping overall as diminishing sunspots seem to indicate a decline in the solar activity cycle.

But the sun is a fairly unpredictable burning ball of hydrogen so we're still going to get bursts, even in a decreasing cycle of activity

I guess we just need to hope that we still get some big CME's pointing towards the Earth and that they'll be timed with clear weather to see the results.

Or just take a nice long vacation in Norway....

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Chances are probably dropping overall as diminishing sunspots seem to indicate a decline in the solar activity cycle.

But the sun is a fairly unpredictable burning ball of hydrogen so we're still going to get bursts, even in a decreasing cycle of activity

I guess we just need to hope that we still get some big CME's pointing towards the Earth and that they'll be timed with clear weather to see the results.

Or just take a nice long vacation in Norway....

Do you think we are closing in on the Maunder minimum? Is a mini ice age in our future?

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