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What caused the Russian plane crash?

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My vote for the cause.


The Saudis.


Decades long low intensity war with the Russians going back to Afghanistan, Chechnya, oil prices and now ISIS.


I think the new leadership in Saudi Arabia is dangerously aggressive.


ISIS will be held up as the patsy but I think the Saudis and the Egyptian intelligence services brought that plane down.

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My vote for the cause.


The Saudis.


Decades long low intensity war with the Russians going back to Afghanistan, Chechnya, oil prices and now ISIS.


I think the new leadership in Saudi Arabia is dangerously aggressive.


ISIS will be held up as the patsy but I think the Saudis and the Egyptian intelligence services brought that plane down.

That's an interesting take. I don't agree or disagree yet. I want to think that over for a little.


Depending how this incident evolves and the direction it takes I can see it having a major impact on muliple middle east parties depending on response and escalation.


Of it is ISIS it would perhaps signal the beginning of new high profile terrorist attacks against civilians outside their directly controlled territory.

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That's an interesting take. I don't agree or disagree yet. I want to think that over for a little.


Depending how this incident evolves and the direction it takes I can see it having a major impact on muliple middle east parties depending on response and escalation.


Of it is ISIS it would perhaps signal the beginning of new high profile terrorist attacks against civilians outside their directly controlled territory.


I think the Saudi leadership feels it's position as the oil kings of the 2015 world greatly threatened by the Russians. Wheras previous Saudi leadership was more pragmatic, the current leadership is determined to push back Persian influence and increase its influence inside the Russian territory. I think the Saudis called in old markers on the West for Libya and that's been nothing short of a grenade going off in an enclosed space. They created ISIS to be their proxy anti-Persian army since state-sanctioned action would ignite a regional war that the Saudis want to avoid but everything has been a disaster with their plan.


I think the West is weak on foreign affairs and the Saudis are calling in old markers again or threatening to go nuclear themselves - and we're getting roped into a burgeoning world war over freaking Syria of all countries in the world. They did not anticipate the meltdown of Libya, the refugee crisis or the Russians caring enough to intervene in Syria. They've rang a bell that can't be un-rung.


The Saudis have done our dirty work for decades. And now they want something in return. It's inconvenient for the administration and the media because the Saudis are considered "allies".


However, I see them as the wolf in sheep's clothing.

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I think the Saudi leadership feels it's position as the oil kings of the 2015 world greatly threatened by the Russians. Wheras previous Saudi leadership was more pragmatic, the current leadership is determined to push back Persian influence and increase its influence inside the Russian territory. I think the Saudis called in old markers on the West for Libya and that's been nothing short of a grenade going off in an enclosed space. They created ISIS to be their proxy anti-Persian army since state-sanctioned action would ignite a regional war that the Saudis want to avoid but everything has been a disaster with their plan.


I think the West is weak on foreign affairs and the Saudis are calling in old markers again or threatening to go nuclear themselves - and we're getting roped into a burgeoning world war over freaking Syria of all countries in the world. They did not anticipate the meltdown of Libya, the refugee crisis or the Russians caring enough to intervene in Syria. They've rang a bell that can't be un-rung.


The Saudis have done our dirty work for decades. And now they want something in return. It's inconvenient for the administration and the media because the Saudis are considered "allies".


However, I see them as the wolf in sheep's clothing.


And, to add some credence to your theory with an example of the bad blood between Moscow and Riyadh, the Russian national PR machine/"media" has been pumping this story of late: "Saudi Arabia could be bankrupt by 2020 -- IMF"



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Guess it's easy to point fingers after the fact, but just acting in their own self interests one would think Egypt would have been more diligent. Baggage handlers didn't go thru background checks and airport personnel don't go thru security. Could be a tragic double win for ISiS striking back at Russia and the Egyptian govt


70% tourism loss for Egypt if Russian, British visitors leave in aftermath of plane crash minister



Edited by JTSP
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