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Derek Carr

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Not the same pattern. We chose to bench EJ instead of develop.

Developing is one thing. I'm now convinced that EJ lacks that unquantifiable " it" . That feel for the game. His " touch" on short throws, well it's an insult to touch to call it that. The guy is a mechanical robot QB. He has no feel or sense of timing. I've never seen a QB hold the ball so long after a guy comes open that he runs out of bounds. Then he throws it to him ! What the heck was that. There's a difference between sticking with a guy through growing pains and realizing a guy just has no feel. It's a shame because he has some arm talent . Carr has it all over EJ. Yet another guys he Bills should have taken.

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I'm not sure he's demonstrated he can make every throw...consistently. He was 10-17 in the Tennessee game for 109 yards, which is a stat line QB's who can "make all the throws" rarely if ever have, especially against a low ranked defense. What is telling about a QB, and there are glimpses with Taylor, is that he's improving reading defenses and therefore being able to throw receivers open. I like that.


That said, I feel more comfortable with him now than I did with EJ after the latter self-destructed in London. If EJ plays that way against arguably the worst team in the NFL, Buffalo has no shot against better teams.

Tyrod has only a small sample size, with some good results. But one part of the small sample is that he has missed 28% of his starts. That isn't good enough over the long hall.

Edited by PlayoffsPlease
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I think most teams outside those with absolutely unquestioned franchise QBs would swap straight up for Carr right now. He is jus playing better and better and better. He wasn't perfect yesterday, and made some poor throws late in the game, but he was pretty darn good. He has that proper accuracy.... that ability to put a ball not just on his guy, but right where his guy needs it to be to maximise the YAC.

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