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The Bills were horrible for about 3 minutes today. They gave up 20 points on offense and they should be faulted for that. But they still deserved to win.


What they cannot be faulted for is the incredibly inadequate job that is being done by the refs. My feeling is that NFL refs are historically bad. But the influence on games this year has been astounding. The NFL is a multi-billion dollar operation but they continue to use refs who are not full time refs, but who otherwise have jobs in sales, marketing, etc. The league could obviously rectify this problem. They could hire real refs who are trained and committed to performing beyond reproach.


Each week, the NFL as an operation becomes more disliked by the people who are fans. This is for good reason. The NFL is a profit driven corporation that has exploited tax and antitrust laws on the theory that it exists for the common good. I'd be fine with that if they actually cared about the common good. They don't. If they did we wouldn't have bogus refs deciding games; we wouldn't have games being played in London, we wouldnt be subjected to hours of Viagra, Fan Duel, law and order-SVU commercials so our kids can't watch the games. The NFL is not a nonprofit that does good for the community. It is a business that takes advantage of our loyalty to our hometown and exploits it with little incentive to being fair or responsible to the people that keep it afloat.


So what do we do folks? I'm sick of being screwed by the beast (my brother and I have season tickets + the DTV ticket), but I've been a hardcore Bills fan for 40 years. I'll keep watching, but I feel like a sad sack for that. Anyway, thanks for the letting me vent and I like hearing the views of the people on this board, who like me, love Buffalonians and love the Bills.

Edited by buffalonian
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