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Will we ever see another event in our lifetimes that wipes out over 150,000 people instantly?!? It's impossible to comprehend this human disaster. Then you see these NHL idiots over here whining about a $40M salary cap and it all seems so silly.

Will we ever see another event in our lifetimes that wipes out over 150,000 people instantly?!?  It's impossible to comprehend this human disaster. Then you see these NHL idiots over here whining about a $40M salary cap and it all seems so silly.


Gotta love humanity.

Will we ever see another event in our lifetimes that wipes out over 150,000 people instantly?!?  It's impossible to comprehend this human disaster. Then you see these NHL idiots over here whining about a $40M salary cap and it all seems so silly.



What do you want? The world to just stop? I mean, yes, the Tsunami was horrific, but imagine if your boss came in and said "You're taking a 15% paycut today. Why? Well, think about it - could be worse, you could be in Sri Lanka". I mean, I think the players are 100% at fault, but I never did like the "this puts things into perspective" idea.


If you need 150,000 people to die to put the game of hockey back into perspective, it was way too important to you to begin with.


(and I mean the universal "you", not "you, zow2".. :devil: )


I love this site. You can't say anything without someone getting all argumentative.


My statement stands. I like perspective. It keeps people grounded.

The picture in todays print edition of USA Today is much bigger, but nothing is left but this one building in an area of Banda Aceh....







To be fair, though, they were almost on top of the earthquake there. I'd bet a lot of that damage is from the quake itself rather than the tsunami.


Either way...it killed the equivalent to the population of Buffalo in about eight hours.

You can't say anything without someone getting all argumentative. 



Yes you can, you idiot! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:




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