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Rams Relocate to LA; Chargers Have 1st Option to Also Move

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Anyone else think that the NFL is going to have to realign the divisions again?





If they do, I hope they kick Miami out of the AFCE. Not that I mind kicking their butt twice a year, but seriously, they don't belong there. They should be with Jax, Houston, and The Flaming Thumbtacks. Bal'more should replace Miami in the AFCE.


Pegula didn't commit an act of charity when buying the Bills. He voted yes on the move because he believes in his and his colleagues' right to run their businesses as they please---and he sees his share of a billion plus in relocation fees coming his way.

Ooooh yeah! I bet he's really coveting that $31 million. Kim's probably already in Europe picking out a new Van Gogh to put above the fireplace.

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This is why the Pegulas went along:




In other words, it was a deposit in the karma bank. As one of the the league's newest owners, they weren't about start life being avatars of Ralph Wilson, who let's face it, probably wasn't the most popular owner by the end.


And if the folks deriding Kim & Terry for their decision think about it for more than a second, they made that vote to help solidify the Bills. How? By helping the NFL offset the loss of value having a franchise in Buffalo creates.


You know for a fact that if it were up to Jerry Jones and Bob Kraft the Bills would be in Toronto or London by now. The only saving grace about the Bills staying in Buffalo as far as they are concerned is the 50% jump in value all NFL franchises received when Terry Warbucks overpaid for the Bills by half a billion.




Whatever Kim & Terry think of franchises moving, their vote buys them some goodwill for Buffalo down the road, which by the way, Ralph had none of by the end.




I get it but it doesn't have to make us happy as fans. I also see the reasoning a little differently than you do.


Our location was saved by the tandem of Ralph and the Pegulas. From everything I have seen, Ralph basically had to fool the other owners by setting a few things in motion and keeping quiet about it. It made things hard but not impossible to move the Bills. Pegula came along and had the money to keep the Bills here at a price that someone would have paid for a franchise in a much larger city. It could not have been done without both Ralph and the Pegulas. We are very lucky. People that have the honor of Ralph Wilson simply are not very common any more.


The difference this time around is that the current owners want to move, albeit for different reasons than each other. If Ralph had wanted to move he would have received approval in a nanosecond, because the NFL, particularly Jerry and fat drunk Bob, DO NOT CARE one iota for their customer base, much less the customer base of other teams. They are either too stupid, too drunk or too greedy to understand the root system a real fan base has and the impact of pulling that up. There will always be blowhards like this and I don't think the Pegulas are in that group. Kroenke is in that group for sure. Spano and Davis? I don't know. To me their cities and the NFL have clashing philosophies and they are caught in the middle.


I doubt the Pegulas did this to buy a favor. Regardless of what they think should happen, they probably saw the writing on the wall. If they did a favor for anyone, it was the owners of the moving teams. I doubt the Pegulas are naive enough to not know that Bobby Boozer and Jones had the knives out for them and wanted Bon Jersey. They just made an offer that couldn't be refused.


As a fan of the Bills I do feel badly for fans in all three locations. This is especially true for parents with young children whose team is moving or adults who talked with their dad every Sunday about the Chargers and it made it easier for them to converse. The NFL wants money, not loyalty, but IMO they misunderstand the value of loyalty. I know there are a lot of complexities, but any business that wants to succeed needs to look through their best customers' glasses 100% of the time. Some of the owners think their best customers are the ones that shell out the most $$$$ per seat or luxury box or whatever. I think if they could figure out a way to really measure impact, they'd realize that their best customers are actually the dads bringing the kids to a game, watching or TV and buying a t-shirt. They haven't figured out a way to measure this so the bulls in a china shop are running the show right now.

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Have you driven on the San Diego Freeway recently, even when it's not rush hour?

Yes, Lived out there. Had no problem taking the 125 anytime.


They couldn't keep the Clippers after the franchise left Buffalo as the Braves.

How many years ago was that. The fans are good fans not crazy like Buffalo


They couldn't keep the Clippers after the franchise left Buffalo as the Braves.

And Buffalo couldn't keep the Braves with Snyder who John Y Brown bought the team

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Yes, Lived out there. Had no problem taking the 125 anytime.

How many years ago was that. The fans are good fans not crazy like Buffalo

And Buffalo couldn't keep the Braves with Snyder who John Y Brown bought the team


The team was gutted on purpose to make it easier to move out of town.

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If they do, I hope they kick Miami out of the AFCE. Not that I mind kicking their butt twice a year, but seriously, they don't belong there. They should be with Jax, Houston, and The Flaming Thumbtacks. Bal'more should replace Miami in the AFCE.

Ooooh yeah! I bet he's really coveting that $31 million. Kim's probably already in Europe picking out a new Van Gogh to put above the fireplace.


She can buy Ralph's Monets (I mean Rob Johnsons).


Guys who have that kind of money don't turn their noses at 30 million. They are the guys in the room looking for someone to drop a dollar on the floor.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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so rivalries mean nothing?



Rivalries matter, but new rivalries can always be born. There are college graduates who don't remember a Bills - Dolphins game that actually mattered.



Baltimore to the AFC East - Miami to the AFC South - Indy to the AFC North is a pretty logical rotation geographically.

Edited by Chuck Wagon
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The NFL is delusional about LA! The Rams left, the Raiders left, and now 30 years later they somehow think there's a great demand for a team, despite the huge demographic changes that have occurred there.


The Hollywood types mostly don't care, the shrinking middle class can't afford it, and the rest would rather watch bull fighting and soccer.

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He voted yes on the move because he believes in his and his colleagues' right to run their businesses as they please---and he sees his share of a billion plus in relocation fees coming his way.






Just because you're a Pats fan does not mean everyone does everything in lock step with their fat drunk owner who bought the team once saved by Ralph with mostly his wife's money.


If you can't tell by what you have seen that the Pegulas and the Jones'/Krafts of the world look at things differently from each other then you're lost in space. It doesn't mean they disagree on everything but they absolutely appear to have different base motivations. Bon Jersey and crew were definitely more like Jones/Kraft. He didn't even own the team and he was already lying about what he was going to do.

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She can buy Ralph's Monets (I mean Rob Johnsons).


Guys who have that kind of money don't turn their noses at 30 million. They are the guys in the room looking for someone to drop a dollar on the floor.

Exactly...no matter how much you have $30M is a lot of money....especially when it's just handed to you

Adrian Dantley for Billy Knight too

damn... forgot that one

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