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Count the votes and announce the winners. Everyone had equal opportunity to run ...correct?


Yes, but the woman of white privilege needs to exert her power over the children to ensure that social justice is served.


Looks to me like the kids were pretty color blind in the election and didn't vote on race. Isn't that a noble result? One to be celebrated?


Of course not. If the white devil is disproportionately represented in the results, it's a sign of voter oppression. Because you simply can't trust minorities to vote in their own self-interest, or resist any undue influence or intimidation. They lack the education and strength of will.


The minority voters were disenfranchised because the school required that they attend class to cast their vote. For a more "fair" result, they need to provide booths throughout the district, at more convenient times.


They need to hold separate elections for each race. Each representative can then properly choose the correct food to serve their people in the cafeteria. The students then present the cooking staff with a colored card so they know what to serve each student. Equality!

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