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Freddie crashes car in drag race with Marshawn


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No story here. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often with the kinds of cars these guys drive. That's a Z06 and unless you have professional training it's VERY easy for it to get away from you especially if road conditions aren't perfect. And even then it's a handful. Supercharged V8 with 650hp and 0-60 in 3 seconds flat, and that's if it's stock. You guys must drive Camry's to not understand how a car that fast can get away from someone. He probably tried to show off and peeled out and the car got sideways. At that point it feels like you are on ice and he probably over corrected and bit it. Happens more than you think. Rich dummies in cars that are meant for a race track. Get some training Freddy or until then stick with a normal C7

Of course! You sound like a fellow gear head.


If you are into cars and do performance driving schools on road tracks, you 100% understand how Freddy gave it a little too much Welly and got into trouble in that machine.


If you drive a slush box and have never studied vehicle dynamics, you really aren't going to get this.


I'll post a video if I can find it to demonstrate what we are talking bout here.

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Of course! You sound like a fellow gear head.


If you are into cars and do performance driving schools on road tracks, you 100% understand how Freddy gave it a little too much Welly and got into trouble in that machine.


If you drive a slush box and have never studied vehicle dynamics, you really aren't going to get this.


I'll post a video if I can find it to demonstrate what we are talking bout here.


One doesn't need to be into cars or classically trained in performance driving/vehicle dynamics to understand that driving too fast make it more likely to get into a car accident.


He has a really fast car; he drove it irresponsibly; he got into a wreck. It's really that simple, isn't it?

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Not what I was looking for but this video demonstrates how quickly you can get into trouble (From nearly a dead stop) in a car with a lot of power. This is just classic power oversteer caused from jumping on the throttle too aggressively.


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One doesn't need to be into cars or classically trained in performance driving/vehicle dynamics to understand that driving too fast make it more likely to get into a car accident.


He has a really fast car; he drove it irresponsibly; he got into a wreck. It's really that simple, isn't it?

Could you imagine if Sammy was driving this Corvette...on our defective turf at RWS...he'd slide a mile.

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I lived in Renton/Newcastle WA. 1992-2003 and I can tell you that there are a lot of curves and elevation changes in that area. I can't recall very many "flat" roads to race on. All the flat roads are near Lake Washington, but anything west of that can rise 200-400' in spots. Nearly all the roads have their share of double yellow lines. Not a good place to race!

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One doesn't need to be into cars or classically trained in performance driving/vehicle dynamics to understand that driving too fast make it more likely to get into a car accident.


He has a really fast car; he drove it irresponsibly; he got into a wreck. It's really that simple, isn't it?



My point entirely is that you can lose control very quickly even at relatively slow speeds in a powerful car if you are not used to that power and don't have decent car control learned on a race track.


The damage to the vehicle and street light may have occurred at something as little as 30 mph...

I would guess Fred pulled out of a parking lot with some buddies around and jumped on the throttle while going around a corner.


That lightens the loading on the rear of the car and when you combine that with 650 bhp and rear drive, you can lose control very, very easily.


There's nothing necessarily "Wrong" going on here, other than a dude who can't drive a fancy car.

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His true colors are showing.


He's also a garbage running back. Says something that they value Rawls way more than him.


Good riddance.




Yes, his true colors:


"As of this time, there is no indication that Jackson was racing another vehicle," Renton police said in a statement. "He remained on scene until officers could speak to him. He was polite and cooperative."


What a jerk!!! Doesn't he know he's an NFL player?


I'd say continue on with your crusade, but it would probably just confuse you since you have so many going on...

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Am I the only one that doesn't care if he was racing or not? If you wreck that hard by yourself, either your car broke, or you were driving dangerously for the conditions of the road. If it's the latter, then Fred is still a jackass.

The damage in the photo wouldn't require big speeds.

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He got in to a car accident...no one was hurt and no one did anything illegal....why the big story? Those looking to hate Freddie will always find something


He was nothing but trouble in Buffalo. Seattle's problem now.

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The damage in the photo wouldn't require big speeds.

this is correct. it's more about throttle position than speed in a car like that. too much throttle going into a turn for example and you will get wheel spin and lose control and end up in a ditch (or a stop sign). something like that could happen going 10mph. we don't know what happened. he could have lost traction for a lot of reasons and unless you have the proper training to harness a beast like that then you could very easily lose control

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Well it's definitely not strange to paint someone as a jackass for accidentally losing control of their car once.

All it takes is losing control once, and you end someone's life, or injure them permanently.


I've always respected Fred's leadership here, but trying to 'show off' and wrecking, is just dumb. Take it to the track.

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All it takes is losing control once, and you end someone's life, or injure them permanently.


I've always respected Fred's leadership here, but trying to 'show off' and wrecking, is just dumb. Take it to the track.

Have you ever gotten in a car accident, or know someone who has?

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All it takes is losing control once, and you end someone's life, or injure them permanently.


I've always respected Fred's leadership here, but trying to 'show off' and wrecking, is just dumb. Take it to the track.


Better to consider the responsibilities of being a husband and father.

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the c7 is a verified supercar competing with Lamborghini and Ferrari and winning.

and i drive a German wagen for winter and a built in Japan car in summer.

The Vette aint no lie.

They May be competing in straightaway. there are not competing in the corners. A drag race? Yes? A road course and a vette will get smoked. Run against a mid engine and again the vette faster with more HP, not competitive on the turns. Edited by Best Player Available
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