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Donnie and Murph


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I tried a search , but nothing came up.

I just listened to this tonight.

To be honest, Donnie is my Bills hero in the Coaching. Just love this Guy.


I believe we have one of the strongest secondaries in The League when the starters are in.

Which would be :

Gilmore A. Williams Graham Robey Darby

The drop off is sudden if you have Rambo on the field (young in mind )

Duke Williams has been really good and really not so good. But he is getting better each week mentally.

The reason I mention the two back up safeties is because of the crucial mistakes they have made. Game changing perhaps. yes?


so here is the link to Donnies radio Interview. Nice listen!!


I just like this guy. I really do. ever since he fixed Leodis i noticed he was fixing a bunch of players.

G O Bills !!



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I noticed that JM asked him about Leo to Safety and he didn't seem too into that idea.

Noticed that too. Not much at all.

isay we trust Donnie on that one

I linked the interview in the game prep thread last night. The point I liked the most is that he just lines up Gilmore and Darby and lets them play. This is exactly what Rex should do with the D-line.

Yep agreed. Trust them to make plays. actually i think just them help Rex help themselves and have the LBs react accordingly. I think someone mentioned Spikes made Jim's D work i the 4-3 base. There might be some validity to that! Imagine this secondary with a great run sniffing Mlb and to edge defenders funneling everyone run back to the middle. Sounds like fun doesn't it? Brown can be that guy , no doubt in my mind.

He really needs to focus on the safeties, if they can be helped. Duke and Rambo have been a liability. I know they are backups, but injuries happen, next man up, good coaching should help narrow the gap until AW returns.

agreed. The safety situation hurts, but Bills were struggling abit with communication even with Graham and A Williams. I might suggest this defense takes time to learn. but sacrificing potential wins is not worth the waiting to ramp up to full speed mentally.

I linked the interview in the game prep thread last night. The point I liked the most is that he just lines up Gilmore and Darby and lets them play. This is exactly what Rex should do with the D-line.

I apologise for re posting, But i did want to focus on my man crush on Henderson.

You cover everything , which gets me to take a longer look at some subjects :thumbsup:

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I also like Henderson's point about how hard they worked with Darby to improve his ball location skills as evidenced by the number of PBUs and INTs he's had this season.

Did any notice he loves Gilmore?

i think thats an important note for those who over critique Stephon.

IMO this is easily his strongest season. He improves each game. He and Darby are quickly become one hell of a lot of fun to watch.

Does any one recall when we used to close out collective eyes when Leo was one on one deep? or just wait for the Flag on Gilmore?


Sometimes it hard to fins positives on our Bills. But Donnie and his special Kids are really a highlight for me.


Go Bills!

ps sorry i could not follow up with you guys.. i cannot post at work. Just read.

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I noticed that JM asked him about Leo to Safety and he didn't seem too into that idea.

I took it a different way. It seemed like Henderson was shocked that JM brought it up. Almost as if he were revealing classified info. JM said he didn't "hear" it anywhere, just was specualting as were some fans. Henderson said something about keeping that talk low key. Maybe he was messing with Murphy.

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I linked the interview in the game prep thread last night. The point I liked the most is that he just lines up Gilmore and Darby and lets them play. This is exactly what Rex should do with the D-line.


A novel idea!! Contrast that to an interview I was listening to about Mike Zimmer's approach to his DBs in Minny. Zim was the DB Coach for the Cowboys when they had Deon. The reporter remarked how difficult it is for young DBs to impress him because he overloads them with schematic details and then compares them to perhaps the greatest corner ever.

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I took it a different way. It seemed like Henderson was shocked that JM brought it up. Almost as if he were revealing classified info. JM said he didn't "hear" it anywhere, just was specualting as were some fans. Henderson said something about keeping that talk low key. Maybe he was messing with Murphy.


we should keep an eye upon this matter.

Leo seems best fit as man coverage using the sideline as leverage, in my opinion

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I took it a different way. It seemed like Henderson was shocked that JM brought it up. Almost as if he were revealing classified info. JM said he didn't "hear" it anywhere, just was specualting as were some fans. Henderson said something about keeping that talk low key. Maybe he was messing with Murphy.

hmmmm I see your point
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Well, Leodis is getting some paractice time at safety so maybe there was some meat to the to that conversation Henderson had with John Murphy back then. I think Leodis has always had a hard time tracking the ball when looking over his shoulder, his left one in particular. This would tend to happen more when in chase mode along the defensive left sideline. He might be a real ball hawk in the middle of the field where he can see the ball come out and run to a point. He made a great pick in that spot against the Texans last year.



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Well, Leodis is getting some practice time at safety so maybe there was some meat to the to that conversation Henderson had with John Murphy back then. I think Leodis has always had a hard time tracking the ball when looking over his shoulder, his left one in particular. This would tend to happen more when in chase mode along the defensive left sideline. He might be a real ball hawk in the middle of the field where he can see the ball come out and run to a point. He made a great pick in that spot against the Texans last year.



I might guess he really is press cover guy as mentioned. could always tackle and used to make Gimore look bad in comparison I thought. Gilmore has improved in that aspect.

When Darby was in preseason , i was freaking out that Brooks or Butler might be starting. Yikes !

Then Ronald just blew the roof off it !! ( BTW this is a featured early round high profile pick for Whaley).

so my thinking was Gilmore A Williams Graham Leo Robey Darby could easily be the best secondary in the NFL. In Rex Ryans defense.

hell they could all play man and win that matchup scenario if needed. Six very high quality corners on the field, and two of them happen to be high quality starting Safeties too !!

I mean WOW in theory! If the LBs could do their job ?


Best front four best back four five six.


Everyone be prepared that he will struggle for awhile. But please lets not trade him after the Miami game already.

The man has not been on the field for a long asessd time. and he might have lost speed due to the ankle injury.

beat that asee Leo. do it Son!

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