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Unforced errors.. bad throws/ How did the O Line do?/ What mistakes are on the O-Line.. what ones are not?

I watched the NFL rewind all 22 and here is my unofficial count of how the O-Line did /
How the QB did on every pass play ( I may have missed a snap or two here.. there also may be a few extra pass attempts that were cancelled due to penalites..but this should be 95% accurate)

DISCLAIMER ( I am not a coach, I don't know the hot reads or route combinations called.. this is just my educated perception of what happened on each pass play)

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TOTAL PASS PLAYS44 snaps – way too many …( last week was 38). The winning formula for this team is 30 or less pass attempts per game.

LINE BREAKDOWNS6/ 44 snaps -or 14% ( improvement from last week10/ 38 snaps or 26% )

SUFFICIENT PROTECTION 38 / 44 snaps or 86% ( last week 28/38 snaps or 74%)

UNFORCED QB ERRORS: - 10/44 snaps or 23% - which is worse than last week ( 4/38 snaps or 11% ) or in other words EJ had time to throw but missed his target or made wrong decision on 23% of these opportunities

Bottom Line:
Overall the O Line pass blocking was very stout against the Bengals. Out of the 6 line breakdowns.. 4 of them came at the end of the game where we were in obvious passing situations. EJ generally had time to hit the back of his drop and look to his 1st or 2nd read.

KOUANDJIOU FILLS IN NICELY - CK did a generally solid job filling in for the injured Henderson. If you recall… Henderson had really poor outing against the Titans last week.. so it may have been a blessing in disguise for him to get injured early in this game and have CK come in. He certainly wasn’t dominant.. however.. he was stout enough in pass protect up until the 4th quarter where he slipped and was beaten a few times. Overall.. he was an improvement from Henderson and I hope he sticks in the starting lineup even if Henderson heals quickly.

EJ BEING EJ: Up and Down. The O Line generally gave him time to throw. On the positive side.. EJ showed progress by generally stepping up into the pocket to avoid the rush rather than frequently doing the old spin move and turning his back on the play to avoid the rush( which he still did once or twice.. but in general he stepped up in the pocket to avoid the rush). He also looked much more confident running the ball and made some good decisions to tuck and run. One series EJ would look competent.. the next series he would be out of rhythm and off target. For example.. he looked fantastic on the last drive of the 1st half.. displaying good timing and footwork in taking 3 step drops and hitting Watkins and Woods in rhythm on hitch routes. Then .. on the first series of Q3 he comes in and has 3 unforced errors on one drive ( throwing behind Clay, unnecessarily checking down to McCoy when he has a wide open Hogan, and overthrowing Hogan on a deep route). His decision making was generally sound.. however.. the BIG DIFFERENCE between EJ and Taylor is accuracy. Tyrod generally does a nice job of leading his receivers and putting touch on the ball. EJ generally does a poor job of leading his receivers and quite often puts too much zip on dump down passes.


Q1;14:24 – UNFORCED ERROR - low throw to Clay on crossing route..
Q1: 6:27- Good coverage by CB on awkward looking deep out miss to Watkins… really no one else open on this play
Q1:- UNFORCED ERROR - has time.. throws fly route to Woods out of bounds
Q1:2:38 – UNFORCED ERROR - Interception to Hogan… good protection… bad underthrow
Q2:12:47 – UNFORCED ERROR – Intentional Grounding – good initial protection.. EJ could have hit Goodwin on an out route but he doesn’t see him.. instead he does spin escape move and tries to throw it away
Q2:9:43 – Glenn beaten to the outside – EJ pressured and underthrows Clay
Q2:7:06- UNFORCED ERROR – High throw to Clay on rollout – no pressure.. just an unforced inaccurate throw
Q2: 5:19 - Nice 3 step drop out route completion to Watkins in rhythm
Q2:2:38- Another nice 3 step drop hitch route completion to Woods
Q2: 2:00- 3rd straight nice hitch route completion to Watkins
Q2: 1:02 – Coverage sack.. good decision on EJ’s part
Q2: - TD Throw to Watkins - wasn’t as bad of a throw as it seemed on live TV
Q3: 1:11 – UNFORCED ERROR – off target throw behind Clay
Q4: 9:09 – UNFORCED ERROR – unnecessary dump to McCoy.. had an open Hogan on hitch route
Q4:7:47 – UNFORCED ERROR - overthrows Hogan deep, has time to throw
Q4: 7:19 – Kouandjio pushed back into EJ’s face.. EJ has to scramble
Q4:2:16 – Both Glenn and Miller beaten.. EJ takes a hit but makes a good throw to Gragg
Q4: 2:07 – Kouandjio beaten on inside move… gives up sack on EJ
Q4: 2:00 – UNFORCED ERROR – EJ throws dump off pass too hard to Clay who drops it.. not enough touch on the throw
Q4:1:00- Holding on John Miller – too late picking up a stunt to the inside… holds to prevent lineman from hitting EJ
Q4: 51 – Glenn beaten around the outside forcing EJ off of his spot

SUMMARY – The o-line was not the problem in the passing game today. It was a mix of the up and downs of EJ and a generally good job of Bengal DBs being tight in coverage. Taking a second look at the All 22 Coaches Film.. the Bengals dbs had pretty tight coverage most of the game .. with the Bills receivers generally having a tough time getting separation. If Tyrod is healthy and can get this type of protection from the O Line against the Jags the Bills should be in good shape ( assuming he has healthy receivers to throw to).

O Line Pass block grades


Edited by Bocephuz
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Nice job as usual.


With regard to EJ, they simply have to let him play under center. He's much better when he doesn't have to take his eyes off the defense to look down for a snap.

Good point... his timing and footwork is much better when he is under center. I would say I noticed the same goes for Tyrod as well.


It seems to be really hard to sync up footwork/ timing when out of the shotgun or pistol.

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EJ was mixed. That was obvious from a first view. What worried me most on a 2nd view was the lack of separation. News just in - Hogan is the only receiver running his routes consistently on time.


No surprise to me, especially in the 2nd half with Hogan, Woods, and Moore at WR. That trio is scaring no defense.

Nice job as usual.


With regard to EJ, they simply have to let him play under center. He's much better when he doesn't have to take his eyes off the defense to look down for a snap.


The dropback with the necessary steps helps him stay in rhythm and on balance.

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The part about WRs not getting separation is a problem. Hopefully with the jags secondary won't be as stout.

Nice job as usual.


With regard to EJ, they simply have to let him play under center. He's much better when he doesn't have to take his eyes off the defense to look down for a snap.

Interesting thought, also helps the play action and the running game. Shotgun read option sweep never works for this team.

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The part about WRs not getting separation is a problem. Hopefully with the jags secondary won't be as stout.


Interesting thought, also helps the play action and the running game. Shotgun read option sweep never works for this team.

Especially when Percy Harvin is out ...


Now. that being said... the pistol could be effective.. but only if they do enough read/option stuff for it to have an effect.. and only if the QB occasionally keeps it to keep the D honest.

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What happened to Woods this year? I certainly hope Harvin is back and after the bye, they are all back. Lastly, K. Williams is still out with a concussion. I do hope he is ok, but that is significant with three weeks out and still can't play. I certainly hope he can make it after the bye as we need him to compliment Shady. McCoy looked great last week, and just praying he doesn't get hurt after London. Two weeks off will help him get completely healthy.


With all of our WR, all of our RB's, time for Miller to get completely healthy should reall help with TT back. On defense I think we'll get McKelvin will be back after the bye along with I hope Kyle Wiliams. It stinks in Aaron williams, but most importantly Rex better change his scheme and not continue with his stuborness with his complicated scheme.


Lastly, thank you so much to the OP as a new guy, that was fantastic! It was appreciated by a bunch of us.

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What happened to Woods this year? I certainly hope Harvin is back and after the bye, they are all back. Lastly, K. Williams is still out with a concussion. I do hope he is ok, but that is significant with three weeks out and still can't play. I certainly hope he can make it after the bye as we need him to compliment Shady. McCoy looked great last week, and just praying he doesn't get hurt after London. Two weeks off will help him get completely healthy.


With all of our WR, all of our RB's, time for Miller to get completely healthy should reall help with TT back. On defense I think we'll get McKelvin will be back after the bye along with I hope Kyle Wiliams. It stinks in Aaron williams, but most importantly Rex better change his scheme and not continue with his stuborness with his complicated scheme.


Lastly, thank you so much to the OP as a new guy, that was fantastic! It was appreciated by a bunch of us.

Thank you..I'm glad this sort of analysis seems to be of interest to some here

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