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Sounds like no Percy Harvin again (update: Personal reason)


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Maybe one day we can get football players on this team. Im growing tired of the weak minded.


I am with you. It's really the times we live in, soft and PC to a fault. When I was a kid, if it was not broken you were playing. My grandpa made all of my games, and I would fight through anything to not disappoint him. 30 year Navy vet, fought in WWII and Korea. Toughest SOB I have ever known.

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Mental toughness has nothing to do with not giving up on things COMPLETELY beyond your control. :doh:


It's about enduring in instances where you can potentially influence the outcome.


You might be confusing faith with mental toughness......in many ways they are actually the opposite of each other........as we find out with so many of the posters on here who shout down any negative take on TSW all offseason.....but then fall to pieces, questioning their existence by mid-season when they realize that their faith still doesn't matter on the field. :lol:


To me, expecting a negative outcome before the game is over (let alone the first quarter) is the definition of weak minded -- in fan and player alike. In any situation we face in life, being negative is a choice, and it's the easier choice. It doesn't matter if you're talking about things out of your control or things within it. The NFL is a week-to-week league, and games are usually won or lost on a handful of plays, most people realize that truth. Expecting things to always break the other way (even though there is a long historical record of just that) is weak and easy. To some, it's comforting -- you can never get too disappointed if you never truly believed the team had a chance. I get that. It's just not for me.


Criticizing the team, its moves, its coaches, its ownership -- all that is fair game and should be batted back and forth by fans. That's what I think most people come here for, good conversation about the team they root for. I'm not against that, positive or negative or indifferent. I learn a lot from hearing contrary opinions to my own -- even from the crazy opinions of which there are many. So I'm not talking about any of that. I'm strictly talking about in the moment of the game, watching something that is completely out of your control yet you're completely invested in the outcome. Expecting a negative in those moments is kind of missing the point of being a fan.

Edited by GreggyT
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To me, expecting a negative outcome before the game is over (let alone the first quarter) is the definition of weak minded -- in fan and player alike. In any situation we face in life, being negative is a choice, and it's the easier choice. It doesn't matter if you're talking about things out of your control or things within it. The NFL is a week-to-week league, and games are usually won or lost on a handful of plays, most people realize that truth. Expecting things to always break the other way (even though there is a long historical record of just that) is weak and easy. To some, it's comforting -- you can never get too disappointed if you never truly believed the team had a chance. I get that. It's just not for me.


Criticizing the team, its moves, its coaches, its ownership -- all that is fair game and should be batted back and forth by fans. That's what I think most people come here for, good conversation about the team they root for. I'm not against that, positive or negative or indifferent. I learn a lot from hearing contrary opinions to my own -- even from the crazy opinions of which there are many. So I'm not talking about any of that. I'm strictly talking about in the moment of the game, watching something that is completely out of your control yet you're completely invested in the outcome. Expecting a negative in those moments is kind of missing the point of being a fan.



You are still talking about faith.


I know it's become a bit of a dirty word and you probably don't like it but that is exactly what you are talking about.


There are many different reasons to not believe in a forthcoming positive result from a football team.......it doesn't mean those people are weak minded.


I've known many people who've fought thru REAL adversity in life....people with real mental toughness.......who were Bills fans but expected poor results from the team more often than not.


And they were usually right and their rationale usually was based on a distrust of their management which was based on a poor track record.....which is a practical reason.


But again......these things are ACTUALLY out of your control.


Being a fan is dealing with both the ups and downs......in whatever manner you feel necessary......and still choosing that team over any other.


That's all it is.


Contrary to your belief......when they win you don't get a gold star for believing in them more than someone else......not anymore than I get a gold star for being dead on in my assessments versus those less observant. B-)

That idea of being more invested because they were more positive is an illusion some fans create in their mind.......a carrot to dangle themselves so that they can keep the faith....errrr, be mentally tough. :oops:

And btw, being positive, negative or even just plain being realistic are ALL choices.......the "being negative is a choice" take is straight out of the self-help...."be like the boy".....easy answers handbook.


If it makes you feel better do that but people will take their HOBBIES as they will. Doesn't mean they are being mentally weak. :lol:

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I am with you. It's really the times we live in, soft and PC to a fault. When I was a kid, if it was not broken you were playing. My grandpa made all of my games, and I would fight through anything to not disappoint him. 30 year Navy vet, fought in WWII and Korea. Toughest SOB I have ever known.

Yup you are so right. Segregation, sicking dogs on people (man i wish it wasn't so pc today so i could really say what you would love to hear...not the word per se, not calling you racist, but the lack of pc that word would symbolize that you so openly cheered in your post), women being forced to be impregnated and having no opportunity to leave the home because that was a man's world, etc etc etc...those were great times, we should all be so proud!


You know what happened to your great tough men? They got the internet and realized that the macho tough act they saw modeled all around them was really just a way of being controlled, and we realized everyone deserved to be treated with the exact same level of respect and dignity we expected to receive.


I genuinely respect you and your grandfather, and only hope that you think a bit about what your words represent. I also ask that you respect the people who are literally killing themselves years before they would die otherwise for your entertainment, and not call those people weak or lacking toughness.

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You are still talking about faith.


I know it's become a bit of a dirty word and you probably don't like it but that is exactly what you are talking about.


There are many different reasons to not believe in a forthcoming positive result from a football team.......it doesn't mean those people are weak minded.


I've known many people who've fought thru REAL adversity in life....people with real mental toughness.......who were Bills fans but expected poor results from the team more often than not.


And they were usually right and their rationale usually was based on a distrust of their management which was based on a poor track record.....which is a practical reason.


But again......these things are ACTUALLY out of your control.


Being a fan is dealing with both the ups and downs......in whatever manner you feel necessary......and still choosing that team over any other.


That's all it is.


Contrary to your belief......when they win you don't get a gold star for believing in them more than someone else......not anymore than I get a gold star for being dead on in my assessments versus those less observant. B-)

That idea of being more invested because they were more positive is an illusion some fans create in their mind.......a carrot to dangle themselves so that they can keep the faith....errrr, be mentally tough. :oops:

And btw, being positive, negative or even just plain being realistic are ALL choices.......the "being negative is a choice" take is straight out of the self-help...."be like the boy".....easy answers handbook.


If it makes you feel better do that but people will take their HOBBIES as they will. Doesn't mean they are being mentally weak. :lol:


Oh boy.


If you can get all of that out of a few sentences about mental and physical toughness, you must fancy yourself Miss Cleo. Allow me to clear something up for you. You don't know me, you don't know what I am about, and you have never walked in my shoes. So do me a favor and stick to your 900 number psychic readings.


Let's start from the top,




Yup you are so right. Segregation, sicking dogs on people (man i wish it wasn't so pc today so i could really say what you would love to hear...not the word per se, not calling you racist, but the lack of pc that word would symbolize that you so openly cheered in your post), women being forced to be impregnated and having no opportunity to leave the home because that was a man's world, etc etc etc...those were great times, we should all be so proud!


Can you please point me to where I mentioned any of this? If you were not such an {insert colorful adjective here} right out of the gate, perhaps you could have asked me to clarify. At which point I would have brought up things like the California govermernment banning all computer devices labelled master and slave (a common occurence in the SCSI world) to the tune of millions of dollars in tax payer money. Kids not being able to wear a shirt with a flag on it to school. A police officer being fired for calling Trayvon Martin a thug. Those types of things. The things you bring up I would not consider being PC to a fault. Nor did I mention them being that. You chose to put words into my mouth, and I resent you attaching me to your warped little view on things.




You know what happened to your great tough men? They got the internet and realized that the macho tough act they saw modeled all around them was really just a way of being controlled, and we realized everyone deserved to be treated with the exact same level of respect and dignity we expected to receive.

I don't even know where to start with this one. Macho tough? Where did you get that Cleo? Respect and Dignity? Again please point me to where I mentioned any of this. Just because you are physically and mentally tough how does that translate into being macho or disrepecting anyone? It doesn't. Again, you are putting words into my mouth.




I genuinely respect you and your grandfather, and only hope that you think a bit about what your words represent. I also ask that you respect the people who are literally killing themselves years before they would die otherwise for your entertainment, and not call those people weak or lacking toughness.

This is laughable, you do not respect me, and you definitely do not respect my grandfather or the sacrifices he and his generation made. Again you know nothing about me, who I respect, or what entertains me. Save your sermon for someone who gives two craps about the drivel coming out of your mouth.

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You are still talking about faith.




If it makes you feel better do that but people will take their HOBBIES as they will. Doesn't mean they are being mentally weak. :lol:


I'm not talking about faith, but it's okay if you want to make that incorrect conclusion.


I'm also not trying to tell anyone how to be a fan or how to cheer their team on. I am calling a guy ridiculous for calling an NFL player mentally weak (which is laughable considering the mental toughness required just to make it in the league) while simultaneously demonstrating a weak minded attitude every Sunday.


It's funny to me. Because of the irony.

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Contemplating retirement with his hip injury that will sideline him ??? Is what I heard on NFLN right?


google bot do your stuff



tough choice. keep playing with the risk of further hip damage and walk in pain for years to come or retire now with relatively good health.

Edited by NOVABillsFan
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Contemplating retirement with his hip injury that will sideline him ??? Is what I heard on NFLN right?


google bot do your stuff


Yes - there is a new thread about the report


mods, can you lock this one?

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