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At Least There I One Sane Government In The World


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Wow, nobody will be able to get through that!




If it didn't hold back a bunch of hippy stoners at Woodstock it's not going to do a damn thing for desperate refugees.

How do they plan on maintaining it?



Edited by Chef Jim
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And the view from the Left...........................?.....Hungary enforcing its borders = The Holocaust.



In dealing with refugees, Hungary's dark past resurfaces






"when I heard the Hungarian prime minister say that his aim is "to keep Europe Christian," I was horrified but not surprised."

So it's like, "your going to take in these illegals. House, feed, educate them. Medical them. At the same time surrender your culture, history and sovereign nation state status. You will not only do this you are going to pay for it. You will do this and do it with a smile. If no smile you are clearly racist"

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And the view from the Left...........................?.....Hungary enforcing its borders = The Holocaust.



In dealing with refugees, Hungary's dark past resurfaces







Hungary has a long history of protecting itself from outside influences. This includes refusing to deport Hungarian Jews to Nazi concentration camps. They deported Polish-Jewish refugees, but Horthy stood up to the Nazi pressure steadfastly refused to deport Hungarians (both, again, protecting Hungarian ethnicity from outside influence). It wasn't until the Nazis occupied Hungary and made it a puppet state in March of 44 that Hungarian Jews were slaughtered in earnest.


So Hungary's "dark past" is resurfacing only in that they continue to resist outside cultural influence. Not because of some facile and incorrect Holocaust analogy.

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And the view from the Left...........................?.....Hungary enforcing its borders = The Holocaust.


In dealing with refugees, Hungary's dark past resurfaces





That is such dishonest journalism. Seriously a country cares about its borders, the very thing that allows it to exist and they have the holocaust brought up for all the idiot unwashed masses to get worked up in a tizzy over? F that and their agenda pushing.

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